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Confessions from a Graduate Program Admissions Team

Posted December 06, 2015 7:00 AM by Purdue_MSE_Online

Applying to a graduate school program - traditional or online - can be stressful. Purdue Engineering Professional Education offers several different graduate programs, certificates, and professional development options. Therefore, we get A LOT of questions about what to include in an application. We sat down with our Graduate Admission and Enrollment Coordinator, Carrie Clark, to get some tips on what the admission committee looks for in an application and how to keep the process from being too demanding.

What advice do you have for students writing their Statement of Purpose?

The main goal of the statement is to detail why you believe you would be a great fit for the program. You are trying to sell yourself to the admission committee. Think of it as an interview. Describe your past/current jobs, skills and any awards you have received.

Regarding gathering letters of recommendations, what advice do you have for students who have been out of school for a bit?

Ask a recommender who can talk about different aspects of your abilities. They must be able to attest to your potential as a graduate student, as well as work performance. Academic references are not a requirement, simply a suggestion.

If an applicant is rushing to meet an application deadline, what advice do you have for them?

Don't rush. If the deadline is vastly approaching, think about starting out as non-degree seeking. If you want to apply to the degree program, contact the department you are applying too and see what they suggest.

Any other advice about the application process?

Do your program research, allow enough time, and be sure to follow the directions.

Editor's Note: This is a sponsored blog post by Purdue Engineering. Purdue delivers six different graduate engineering degrees entirely online. These online graduate degrees are consistently ranked in the top 10 by U.S. News and World Report. Purdue offers more than 74 online courses each year and is one of the largest providers of distance graduate engineering degrees.


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Re: Confessions from a Graduate Program Admissions Team

12/08/2015 3:17 PM

Great tips. This information would also be useful to those applying for undergraduate degrees!

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