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Preparing Yourself for Taking Classes Online

Posted September 13, 2015 6:00 AM by Purdue_MSE_Online
Pathfinder Tags: classes DEGREE engineering Online

There is a lot of advice out there for students taking a course online for the first time, which can seem more overwhelming than taking the course itself. Purdue's Engineering Professional Education is a leading provider of online graduate engineering courses and continuously aims to perfect the model. We asked Jennifer Washington, Director of Student and Client Services, a few questions about the online student experience.

What should students taking their first online course expect?

Transitioning to graduate studies after being away from academics for several years can be challenging. When you add that to balancing a career and a personal life, we understand students may feel very overwhelmed and even apprehensive about starting an online program. Our primary focus is making students feel connected to Purdue and putting them at ease through early onboarding communications that help them through their first online course experience and beyond.

What is the biggest hurdle to taking an online course and how do you recommend students deal with it?

Students should not underestimate the time commitment and discipline necessary to be successful in an online program. Set reasonable expectations, know how to use technologies and navigate Purdue's online environment, and know where to get help when needed.

Any other advice for students in online courses?

You're not alone! Proudly share with your family, friends and co-workers that you're pursuing graduate studies so that they can be supportive and understanding when you're needing to focus on studying. We hope that you will think of Purdue as your extended family - we want you to succeed and are prepared to help you reach your academic and professional goals.

Editor's note: This is a sponsored blog post by Purdue Engineering. Purdue delivers six different graduate engineering degrees entirely online. These online graduate degrees are consistently ranked in the top 10 by U.S. News and World Report. Purdue offers more than 74 online courses each year and is one of the largest providers of distance graduate engineering degrees.


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Re: Preparing Yourself for Taking Classes Online

09/13/2015 8:14 AM

Great article,... Having experienced online courses, I only took general education courses on line, such as culture. And even at this, one have to be very committed, and even then I felt that online one does not pick up as much as being in a classroom environment.

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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