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Student Finds Success with Online Engineering Program

Posted April 24, 2016 12:00 AM by Penn State

Contributed by Penn State World Campus

As an air force captain, a husband, and the father of a toddler, Neil Barnas realized that the best way he could pursue his goal of a master's degree in systems engineering would be to find a top-notch program online. "Systems engineering is a hot topic in the Air Force," Neil said, "and it's a discipline that has always made a lot of sense to me."

After looking at several programs, Neil chose the Penn State World Campus Master of Engineering in Systems Engineering program because he was impressed by Penn State's reputation for excellence: "I wanted a quality education that would make a difference in my career."

The duration of the program was an added benefit. "Many of my friends and co-workers have spent 3, 4, or 5 years completing their master's degrees," Neil said. "The Penn State World Campus 2-year schedule is more rigorous, but it has helped me to retain the material, allowing me to leverage it more effectively throughout the program."

Neil also had the distinction of being one of the first 27 working professionals from around the United States to complete the Penn State World Campus Master of Engineering in Systems Engineering program, which focuses on a holistic approach to managing complex engineering projects. Having recently taken on an assignment as an acquisition professional, Neil said that his newly acquired knowledge will benefit the air force.

Earning his master's degree was well worth the investment of time and effort, according to Neil: "The Penn State Systems Engineering Master's Program was the perfect avenue to fulfill my own interests and to help the USAF improve its acquisition processes."

Neil's advice for other service members is to continue their education and training, either by choosing an online degree program, as he did, or by selecting an on-campus program. "It's important to keep learning," he said. "I wanted a quality education that would make a difference in my career. And Penn State really sets itself apart in that regard."

Learn more about all of the Master of Engineering Degrees offered online by Penn State World Campus.

Editor's note: This is a sponsored blog post from Penn State.


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Re: Student Finds Success with Online Engineering Program

04/24/2016 9:08 AM

I know a lot of online courses, but all degrees for a number of reason, (all good, such as collaborate team communications and ideas sharing/development) required classroom hours also.

Having myself taking a few only courses, it may have been convenient, but I felt, I may have got more out of the class if it was a class room environment. Fortunate, the class was more/less a general educational courses. Such as 'world culture', 'ethics' and another I fail to recall. Good retention huh?.

All of it was solving word problems in math back in high school.

Very few people have what it takes to accomplish online course especially in engineering. Because of the high degree of disinclined require. Being in the Air Force, That alone may have helped.

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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Re: Student Finds Success with Online Engineering Program

03/25/2020 9:40 PM

Those are very poor traits you’re developing...

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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