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I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/08/2015 10:52 PM

I am going into senior year in high school and I have always known I wanted to be an engineer. Daily ideas some into my head on something I want to create and share with the world, but it seems I have reached a fork in the road. I want to be able to design and build anything I want, much like Tony Stark does in the movie "Iron Man". But there is no specific degree for this! Elon Musk is my role model currently because he achieved what I have been dreaming about and know I will do, but my parents don't understand this, they think I am going to get an engineering degree in lets say computer engineering than work for that company the rest of my life like they did, Absolutely not. I want to do what Elon Musk has done in the sense that he had an idea and he achieved it. It doesn't take a genius to come up with an idea, and I don't care that there are other people smarter than me, whether they have perfect grades and SAT/ACT score I don't care. Steve Jobs wasn't the smartest man of his time, just a man with an idea and yet he is praised as if he is a god. Don't get me wrong he was a great man with great ideas, but whenever someone wants to do what he has done like me they just smash me down. This is why I am not telling my parents this but instead plan on going to a college for an engineering degree, but the real question is what should I go for. I want everything pretty much but it seems I can only pick 1-2 categories, but for what I want to do what do you guys suggest? I know for a fact that I am going to teach myself what I need to know but what is a really good backbone to get started on for what I want to do?

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/08/2015 11:11 PM

"Iron Man" is a movie. It's make believe.

Tony Stark is a FICTIONAL character. He's make believe too.

Musk and Jobs worked for years before they became "instant" celebrities.

So far, we have no idea what you know how to do except dream.

That's fine, but until you make some "down-to-earth" decisions about yourself, your abilities and your talents there are no mind readers here who can tell you how to be successful.

Talk to people who know you and listen to what they say.

Your teachers and parents know you better than anyone here. (We don't know you at all).

You are only 17, or so. Slow down, live and learn about yourself.

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/10/2015 12:37 AM

First talk to engineers in various fields and types of work and select which attracts you,then study it.

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/10/2015 12:51 AM

The easiest is production engineer who always blame suppliers or maintenance dept.

Difficult jobs are maintenance dept and preparing competitive price quotations for tenders.

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/10/2015 11:05 PM

In each field of engineering there are many types of work like design,estimating, installation,commissioning,maintenance etc as well as branches like low voltage,high voltage,we lines,protection,generation etc

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/08/2015 11:21 PM

Don't worry, you will have plenty of time to narrow the field. First 3 things you will need for any engineering discipline is 1. Math 2. Math 3. More Math.

TANSTAAFL (If you don't know what that means, Google it - yourself)
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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/10/2015 3:17 AM

What about Physics and Chemistry?

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/10/2015 4:07 PM

The basis for those is still math. Try to take them without it.

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/13/2015 12:16 PM

It might be better to spell things out so he'll be able to take the best math courses for an Engineering career.

You will need:

  • College Algebra
  • Trigonometry
  • Analytical Geometry
  • Differential Calculus
  • Integral Calculus

Some coursework may me combined, Trig usually includes Anyl(1) Geom. and Diff and Int Calculus are combined into Calc I (Diff and starting Int) and Calc II (more Int than you'll ever want to see in your lifetime)

Will you use all of this when you get out into the Real WorldTM? Of course not, but you might find yourself doing a little of almost anything, the stuff you need and use, you'll remember; the rest, well, you'll remember enough of the rest to be able to look up the formulas or procedures online or in your old college textbook(2) and use them from there.

And for Musk and Jobs, what they have accomplished is due to the Formula of Success: Success is the result of Hard Work, Dedication, and Dumb Luck. Successful people won't tell you about the third part, but all the hard work and sacrifice means nothing unless you run into the Right Person at the Right Time. And Luck alone won't to it, because if you haven't put in the Hard Work and Dedication, when you meet the Right Person at the Right Time, you won't be HIS Right Person. Also, Musk is an Entrepreneur, not an Engineer. He's got the Big Ideas, but it's his team of minions(3) that do all the work to make the dreams into reality. Most Engineers don't become famous, most Engineers are the Roadies of the scientific world:

"A good roadie knows his whole job is to make someone else look good, keep someone else safe, help someone else do what they were put here to do. A good roadie stays out of the spotlight. If he's doing his job right, you don't even know he's there. Once in a while he might step on stage just to fix a problem, to set something right. But then before you even realize he was there or what he did, he's gone." - Eddie Riggs

If you're looking for Fame, you're not likely to find it in Engineering, but if you're looking to change the world for the better, this just might be the place you belong.


  1. Pronounced ANN-ill, not the other way.
  2. You did/will remember to hold on to your college textbooks, right? Not only will they have the formulas you forgot, but they'll have whole chapters that your instructor didn't have time to go over. There's a true wealth of knowledge in those (admittedly overpriced) tomes.
  3. Yellow pill-shaped body, blue overalls and goggles optional.
( The opinions espressed in this post may not reflect the true opinions of the poster, and may not reflect commonly accepted versions of reality. ) (If you are wondering: yes, I DO hope to live to be as old as my jokes.)
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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/11/2015 12:00 AM

....and reading and writing too.

Difficulty is not an obstacle it is merely an attribute.
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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/08/2015 11:34 PM

It appears that you might not like this but------ almost all engineers, no matter what area of specialization, will tell you that at this time you should not be declaring what you absolutely want to do in the future. There are so many fields of opportunity in engineering that you might like after you have more exposure to them and know more about some of those that you had no idea existed. There is more to your future than your ideas of what a movie character would do. Your future is yours, not his.

When you go to school take the mandatory courses to get them out of the way and inquire about the engineering opportunities to learn. Then start taking "general" engineering courses that will expose you to more and more of the various disciplines. As you progress and get more exposure to what is offered, what jobs are the most satisfying to you, what are the most needed skills, what are the highest paying, what requires the most travel, what requires the most time away from home, where the jobs are located (my first job offer was to survey for the Alaskan pipeline, despite the opportunities I didn't take it because I didn't want to live in or work in -40o conditions) and many other aspects of the fields.

There are many other needs and opportunities for engineers besides "design and build anything I want". That can become very frustrating if your success rate is low. How about a laser powered triple dynamic full phase vectored splitter-combiner switching assisted accuted rodent molarity adjusted spontaneous transiting extinction adjuster? Could be interesting to make this but the mouse trap has already been designed and engineered.

In short, now is not the time to limit your decision. Get more exposure to what is out there by keeping your eyes wide open to what there is. When you have more of an idea what you really want then narrow the choices down and get more education in those areas. You are certainly not limited to a life of what you decided upon when you graduated from High School. Most engineers and others make 2 career changes within their professional life. This is being written by one of them!

Were you aware that one of the astronauts was a classroom teacher? A famous animal specialist and tv personality was a political science major? A famous senator was an astronaut? Some of the greatest minds didn't finish high school or college? The captain of a war boat became a president of the USA? One of our presidents was an insurance salesman? Now is not the time to limit yourself!

Good Luck, Old Salt

Any day on the green side of the grass is a GREAT DAY!, --- me +++++++++. I believe creativity is an inherent part of everyone. --- Kermit T. Frog
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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/08/2015 11:48 PM

Thank you all for the replies. You are all right and I thank you for the insights. Sorry I kind of went on a rampage because my parents won't stop pecking at me on what type I want to be and right now that is an impossible decision, which you all pretty much said. So thank you for that and I won't start limiting myself just yet!

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/08/2015 11:55 PM

Good for you.

Show these responses to your parents and ask them to help you get a solid foundation on which to build your future.

You do have time, and with help from your family and friends and teachers you will go far.

BTW, my nephew's son is heavily into robotics.

Do what interests YOU!

Good luck.

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/09/2015 9:29 AM

You have a lot of good answers to your question, all worth taking the advice. One thing I would add,,,, it is unlikely you will become an entrepreneur right out of school. You will find out more about all facets of engineering as you complete the earlier general courses and, hopefully, one of them (or more) will peak your interest. If you cannot decide when the time comes to specialize, look for the most general discipline available to you. This will give you a broader background that will, likely, become invaluable to you when you do want to start your own thing.

And,, you would probably be best off working for someone else after you complete your formal education(at least that is my opinion). Don't underestimate what you can learn after you have finished school by working for someone who can actually mentor you in all other aspects of business life or give you opportunities to learn what else there is to having and operating a business.

Good luck(and hard work) for your future endeavors.

Never stop learning
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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/09/2015 12:00 AM

Good for you, the world needs more flying mech suits.

Go for an engineering degree that covers as much as possible. I would recommend a good (broad) electrical degree, with includes elements of software programming, micro programming and mechanical engineering.

Don't just go for a straight computer sciences degree or other degree with seriously limited options. A nice broad general degree will allow you to get the most out of a number of different fields and help you on your way of self learning and discovery.

Also get into hobby building of robots, electronic kit sets or similar. Experiment and try out things before you settle into what you actually want to do in the future.

Further specialised education and courses can be taken later if you want to shore up any gaps in your knowledge that you cannot achieve through self learning.

doesn't take a genius to come up with an idea

Ideas are easy, its implementing and selling them that's the hard part.

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/09/2015 1:19 AM

Stop worrying about what you're going to be and start acquiring tools you're going to need to do what you want to do....There's a big difference between building robots and running a company, but the first thing you have to be is successful at something...What's right for one person might not be right for another person...Higher education is not only valuable for the knowledge but also for the contacts you make with like minded individuals...To be successful in life it helps to have good people skills...any successful person will tell you it's the people that they surround themselves with that are perhaps the largest part of what makes them successful, and key is knowing who those people are and how to recognize talent...So you have to know people...Don't be afraid to ask people who are doing what you want to do for advice and take whatever they offer as solid gold...try to work with them in some capacity. assist them in what ever way you can....I've shmoosed more knowledge than you can believe...

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/09/2015 6:07 AM

Relax. Go to an Engineering School. All engineers (at least when I was there) pretty much take the same courses the first two years, so if you decide to change majors early, it isn't a big deal.

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/09/2015 9:17 AM

Smart Jewish parents should quit insisting that their children become doctors, lawyers, and the like. I mean, get real, push your kids to become rap musicians or basketball players. After all, it's only money.

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/09/2015 2:58 PM

I agree with you 100%

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/09/2015 9:24 AM

This sounds like a dumb suggestion but actually it is pretty good. Pull a quarter out of your pocket and flip it in the traditional heads/tails manner. If it is heads sign up for electrical engineering and if it is tails sign up for mechanical engineering. Here are my reasons:

1) For the first two years of college electrical and mechanical are quite similar (but not exactly the same). If you change your mind mid stream you are probably only at risk of taking one or two classes that are in one major but not the other.

2) Both mechanical and electrical will have some computer classes. Most cool stuff requires something mechanical, computers to run it and electrical stuff so the computers can do something with the mechanical stuff. Thus, either way you cover two of the three major skill sets.

3) If you can't make a choice now then don't. After a year or two of school which includes talking to engineers, professors and sons/daughters of engineers you might have a better idea of what you want to do.

4) Since you want to do everything then you might consider a double major.

5) With a little college under your belt you might decide that you want to do something totally different. Then all this worry was for nothing. (Well, not exactly "for nothing" but it does help put it into perspective. Moving forward is what is important. When you graduate the world will be a different place. Your goal is to make you able to participate in the world 5 years from now).

Few things limit our potential as much as knowing answers and setting aside questions.
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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/09/2015 10:51 AM


There are many educational and technology videos available to you right now. The country of India is especially generous in putting many full sets of college courses on YouTube. Look for the video sets of 30 - 60 one hour lectures. You pay thousands of dollars tuition to get the exact same material in college. Take a few hours to test-drive college for free. Maybe this will help you establish a focus.

Few things limit our potential as much as knowing answers and setting aside questions.
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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/10/2015 9:40 AM

MIT has online courses for free too. Khan academy has lots of practice and review stuff for math and science. Learn what you want to learn.

I started out with a specific personal project. I wanted to build my own computer system. Then I learned all the things I needed to learn to do it and discovered physics and electrical engineering, computer science and coding, radio and broadcasting......

Now I'm building flying robots for fun and worked for years as a network engineer and systems integrator.

Most people are mostly good most of the time.
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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/10/2015 11:41 AM

did you have to mention the MIT thing? now I'll be glued to this damn screen for days!

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/09/2015 9:43 AM

I think your snap summations on Jobs and Musk border on shameful. both these guys are far beyond incredible. anyone can dream, they turned their dreams into world class businesses that will be studied and admired for generations. Jobs basically began building small computers in his garage before anyone had one or there was a public internet to use one on. Musk wrote code every night for months and use to sleep in a small shabby office and showered at the Y. Both of these guys learned about writing computer code in order to make a machine do what they wanted from that machine. maybe you should consider how well that served them.

I have a general suggestion. Stanford has many direct programs or satellite programs associated with it( like incubators for talent) that you might look into.I suggest you take more than a week to compile information available information from this source. you strike many here as impetuous the road you desire is neither easy or quick. use the composite advice here and pay your dues in school. starting even a small business now can yield lessons and habits that can serve you for a lifetime.

heres a headstart on your assignment. preparing yourself to qualify here can leapfrog your prospects if there's anything tangible behind your dreams.

you wont listen on this one but.....your parents are actually smarter than you realize right now.

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/09/2015 9:53 AM

I went to one year premed then one year in prelaw then decided i really did not like people. Machines i like and understand so ME it was.

If you want to know how well a broom works you do not ask the guy selling the broom or the guy who designed the broom, you ask the guy using the broom.
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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/09/2015 10:02 AM

If I had to do it all over again this is what I would do.

Here is my RULEBOOK:

  • Study... study... STUDY!!
  • Relationship...... absolutely not!!! Keep it in your pants and get an education. Remember.... if you achieve even a small part of your initial posting you will go far and will have more relationship offers than you can shake a stick at!

Here are the studies I would concentrate on:

  1. Electrical engineering
  2. Mechanical engineering
  3. Machine technology (Learn machines like mills and lathes and 3-D printers)
  4. CAD/CAM - learn the most popular package that represents your field of interest! Don't ask us which one because there are many that work! It's the one you feel comfortable working with.
  5. Business management
  6. Financial management

You are young and have the world by the tail.... You have what I call SBS - SPINNY-BRAIN SYNDROME. Take your ideas and put them on paper and hang them on the walls of your room and let them create an aura of thoughts that inspire you. (plus if they are on paper, you won't forget them) I do believe that I hampered my self in my education by refusing to listen to my parents. I was young and impetuous and had the world by the tail too..... Except I failed to follow the RULEBOOK on relationships so instead of going to college and learning, I was working 2 jobs to clothe and feed my wife (now EX-wife) and 2 kids (now 3).

Though it does seem he frequently has a Swiss Army knife or Leatherman and a roll of duct tape with him.
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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/09/2015 3:09 PM

Side story--

#3 My father went 2 years to the "family" liberal arts school. Transferred to MIT for EE. Got his degree with top honors. When he was a freshman all frosh except for naval architects had to take "machine shop," a hands on course. He never regretted taking it and said that it was the course he enjoyed the most and used it until he died. He was his happiest when building things, especially his boat. Most of the fittings were made by him in the shop whether they were available commercially or not.

Also the brains skipped a generation for the siblings and me but the love of the sea and boats didn't.

Good Luck, Old Salt

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/09/2015 9:07 PM

Yes. When I worked at Motorola (Government spy stuff and satellites) I was allowed to take their "Mechanical Arts" course. We learned how to properly use a mill and a lathe, grind tools, knurl, thread, and generally "make stuff". The instructor was a "model maker" the highest classification a machinist could have there.

It was free for me, but priceless for its value to me.

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/09/2015 11:30 AM

I strongly suggest you entertain choosing an Engineering discipline that currently interests you, let your parents know so that they can help you, then intensely search for a local company that offer internship tenures at their facility during the summer months in the discipline you have chosen.

Do not give up easily for there will be many challenges to overcome and it may be necessary for you to take an internship at a location other than in your immediate location.

Doing this will give you valuable on-hands experience in the particular field you have chosen and the exposure will definitely help you decide whether or not you want to continue in the direction you have chosen.

It will also expose you to other engineering field disciplines in "real-time" which may influence you to change your direction or add to it.

It is best to start your internship your first year and no later than your second year so that if you do decide to change your major then you will not have to suffer losing valuable credits and time.

FYI: Most companies hire their interns as soon as they graduate.

Many change their discipline at least once during their education period and some do so more than once so do not let it worry you.

Good luck!

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/09/2015 2:16 PM

If one turns a passion into a career, then one doesn't have to do a day's work for the rest of life.

Good luck.

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/09/2015 3:05 PM

all good engineers can relate to that.

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/09/2015 2:55 PM

reality can be a rude awakening...... its best you start waking up.

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/09/2015 3:04 PM

Jack, I don't know how old you are,.... I'll share with you my experience. The students in the program I was in, dropped out or changed majors....

Interests change after you find out what its all about.

Like your movies,..... I enjoyed reading Science Fiction, but I quite after I started college, just due to the fact, Sci-fi was written by engineers and physicists, that takes basic truths and twists it for entertainment.... and it was hard for my to keep straight, if I got it from a text book or sci-fi literature.

Now with that being said, Not to say, life can imitate art.

good luck,

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/09/2015 7:32 PM

A lot of awesome replies, but I'd also like to add three points...

First, outside of your over-simplified description of fictional/real genius-entrepreneurs; they are... multi-discipline and cross-functional and have a broad and diverse toolbox. Remember your initial education is the foundation that the future of your learning's will be built upon. The more focused your initial studies are the more limited your understanding of outside, but related, sciences will be. Suggestion - Major in something like Machtronics.

Second, the people you mentioned are more than just great-brains... they are leaders, innovators, motivators, politicians, they have a great business acumen, they're salesmen, etc. Suggestion - Minor in something like Business or the Arts, and join your local Toastmasters.

Third, and final point... learn how to make sparks and chips and sweat. During your summer breaks... pour some concrete, lay some asphalt, frame a wall, sweat some pipes, weld some steel, cut some glass, solder a PCB, machine some keyways, cope an I-Beam, strip some wire, replace a bearing, take apart your lawnmower engine, change your old RC Car into an RC boat, don't let you mom take the car to the shop for a break job... you do it. Summary - the people you admire (real or fiction) aren't just thinkers... they're doers and they've all gotten their hands dirty.

Good Luck.

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/09/2015 10:41 PM

Do you want to drive the train or lay the track. There are all kinds of engineers out there. I started building a model railroad as a teenager. Little did I know I was laying the groundwork for an engineering career.

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/09/2015 11:36 PM

You have received much good advice so far!

But considering your disdain towards computer science I have one word for you: Mechatronics. Google it, but it is very much what it sounds like, the marrying of mechanical engineering and electrical engineering. Also, general engineering is great field.

I have a slightly different perspective because I went Call Poly. One of the best engineering schools in the country, and has been ranked "best in the west" for 20 odd years straight, with the caveat of the ranking being that it is for public schools that don't offer doctorates. Employers love Cal Poly grads because the motto of the school is "learn by doing." Nearly every class had a lab associated with it, and this produces grads that are ready to work immediately.

But there is another caveat, as admission is insanely selective you have to declare your major WHEN YOU APPLY. This is definitely not for everyone because it's rather tough switch majors.

I personally don't know of schools that have an admissions system like this, but there are plenty that offer hands on training.

I suggest you choose a school such as this. There's nothing wrong with super theory heavy schools, but it takes a transition period to apply that theory in real world applications after you graduate, and employers are plenty happy to hire grads from these schools as well.

But if you don't know exactly what you want to do these schools aren't for you, at least not in the beginning. Someone mentioned 2 years of liberal arts then going on to MIT.

Another example from experience at Cal Poly. I declared ME and a first quarter requirement was introduction to mechanical engineering. It covered the basics, and also included a lab which involved taking apart a lawn mower engine and reassembling correctly to get good compression. We were given a spring center punch and were told to figure out how it works. Another lab included a water cannon, which we had to design to shoot water a specific distance using very basic equations. Another was a thermocouple lab combined with a bomb calorimeter to find the energy contained within diesel fuel. Another was reading a high precision barometer.

If you're not exactly sure what you want to do courses/labs such as this are invaluable. Whether you take them at satellite locations or the college you choose intend to attend doesn't matter, as long as they are available.

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/09/2015 11:40 PM

I am hard pressed to offer any advice that has not been posted already. But, I do remember when I went into the Navy, they had an aptitude test that helped to determine where my interests would best serve the Navy. If you can find one of these tests, It might help you to discover fields that may have escaped you so far. Good luck. Don't get anyone pregnant. Work hard. Study hard. Play hard. Now go and make us proud. Our social security checks for the future depend on it.

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/09/2015 11:41 PM

Is this the fork you meant?

Then this type.

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In reply to #28

Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/10/2015 12:07 AM

The picture of the switch has a really nice FROG in it. Now that's one an engineer can really appreciate. Main track is submerged arc but the siding is pieced together. Great use of 4' 8.5" for the engineer to work with.

Good Luck, Old Salt

Any day on the green side of the grass is a GREAT DAY!, --- me +++++++++. I believe creativity is an inherent part of everyone. --- Kermit T. Frog
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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/10/2015 12:06 AM

Take a time out for yourself. Analyse what field is of interest to you. Be honest to yourself....there will be point in blaming yourself every single day for the rest of your life. At this point of time, your dreaming is good, building castles in the air is wonderful, but you need to realise that a foundation is necessary for the castle to stay in the air.

Once you have chosen what exactly is MOST interesting among various fields of engineering, dedicate yourself to it. Work hardest and show yourself no mercy. Eat, sleep and drink your education, which should become a part of yourself.

Once you have succeeded in your chosen field, work becomes play and you will enjoy it it not what everyone wants in their work / life ?

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/10/2015 12:09 AM

To be and do all that you described as an engineer all you have to be is 3 things

1 Study

2 be old

3 Don't stop studying

Having a paying job helps too.

Difficulty is not an obstacle it is merely an attribute.
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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/10/2015 12:21 AM

Listen to your heart .It directs and guides . Later you need not repent for any decision you take as it is taken by your heart.

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/10/2015 3:15 AM

Firstly let your parents in, and simply say to them courteously "I am sure experience will show me the right way" go down try offering your services to a local general engineering company as a volunteer - and look, listen, ask & learn! experience is the highest prize you can ever gain, all the 'graduates' with high level paper degrees are fine, but they wouldn't know how to change a light bulb as school / college leavers, until they have 'experience' - you may have noticed the word experience has been used in this tract a few times already, so already you are learning from experience - BUILD ON THIS - I am sure you will find your niche in engineering, you have the best basic qualification already "I want to be an engineer" - always remember "IF IN DOUBT ASK" - Good luck!

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/10/2015 6:19 AM

Nice to hear from a young man with ambitious future. You are living in Democratic country U.S, you have all liberties to choose your career. As retired engineer following is my advises to you:-

1.Be Honest & Sincere.

2.Work hard to achieve your objective.

3.Never be afraid of others who block your path.

4.Work for good future of nation and poor people.

5.Never be greedy for money it will come on its own.

Many more advises but few are just basic. My suggestion will be for a person like take up Computer Engineering which includes software and hardware.

"Engineers should not look for jobs but should create jobs for others" by Dr.Radhakrishnan Ex President of India during my college graduation day
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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/10/2015 6:55 AM

Ready, Fire, Aim

Flip a coin, begin a career in Electrical Engineering. If your sense of purpose is not fulfilled, begin another career...Mechanical Engineering. If your sense of purpose is not fulfilled there....and so on and so forth.

I am 50 years old and I do not know what I want to do when I grow up. I cherish the journey.

This moment is as it should be.
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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/10/2015 7:11 AM

Since you have another year of high school, I would check with a local community college if one is available near you and look into dual enrollment. That way you can take some engineering related classes in college while you are still in high school.

See if the college has a class titled "Introduction to Engineering". A class like this will cover most Engineering fields and expose you to a lot of insights you don't currently have.

A class like this will often have guest speakers who are actively working as Professional Engineers in their respective fields.

Take some more or advanced CAD classes. Most Engineers make or use prints of one kind or another.

Hey Isaac, catch! ...oops, that's gonna leave a mark...
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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/10/2015 7:33 AM

From what you said, I suppose that you are going to be an Electronic Engineer (like me). I, also, like to have a pretty wide knowledge in Electronics and I always tried (and still try) to deal with different areas as a Hardware Engineer. And that's because all this different knowledge and experience gives me a great satisfaction. I don't consider myself a real "guru" in a very narrow field but I have knowledge in a wide range in Electronics. This gives advantages (flexibility, hence more jobs) and disadvantages (not much expertise, hence not so high salary). However, the good old times have passed where there were inventors who knew almost everything and they could do almost everything on their own. 20th century was the century of the team work and well organized labs, and that's why there was such a big "boost" for the science and technology. The engineer is not a "lonely wolf" anymore. It's unavoidable to get more special knowledge on a field (at least through your work, if not through your studies). And it is unavoidable to co-operate with other engineers with (also) special knowledge on other "near-by" fields, as a team, in order to design and implement several projects. And this co-operation has its own beauty, as you learn more things and you get more experience.

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/10/2015 10:19 AM

Jackk102, you have some great thinking for a young man. Most other males your age don't have a clue. They still think like little boys. You have a dream, you have somewhat "defined" what you want, you have some skilled and successful business people to emulate. Good job.

As we talk about in the LIFE Leadership business; Define (what you want; what kind of impact you want to make in the world, your lifestyle, your time and money freedom options, be an employee or start/run a business, how much you want to make, etc.), Learn (from someone who has those kind of results, on the job, personal coaching or mentoring, through media, i.e. books, audios), Do (what they do; if they have the results you're looking for they can help others).

Get some experience in a variety of fields, work for free if you have to. You'll find out what you like as well as becoming more well rounded in your thinking. Read like crazy about people who were successful. Read to develop your success thinking. Listen to business audios as you're in a vehicle (making non-productive time productive). As the saying goes, "what you do 9:00 - 5:00 will make you a living, what you do after that will make you wealthy".

Learn what you need to learn to do what you want and not necessarily what you some college says you need to get a credential. That's what most of the innovative guys have done.

Learn to think like a business owner and not an employee. This is mostly done through a self-directed education, outside of a classroom. That is where the "Learn" from someone else who has done what you want to do comes in.

Understand that this is a process and will take time. As someone else said on a previous Post, "they became overnight successes, after many years of developing their skills."

One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn't do. Ford, Henry
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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/10/2015 10:28 AM

Don't sweat the type yet and remember that 90% of this job is being organized, not how much you learned in school. You will come out of school in whatever field you join and still not really know anything, school is really there to teach you how to think. Then you'll have to find out how to recognize when you don't know what you don't know which takes a few more years. Those guys (the real ones) are famous for their ideas and their drive but there are hundreds of engineers who have solved major problems for those guys that will never be known outside of a handful of colleagues/friends because they are detail-oriented problem solvers rather than the big idea people. Just as valuable as the big idea people though since none of their achievements would be possible without a legion of detail people.

My advice is take chemistry, physics, and circuits in high school. Whichever one interests you the most would be what I would consider (chemical, mechanical, electrical). You can always switch within the first couple years without adding a bunch of time in college. You will probably find that hanging out with a certain person will out-weigh any technical accomplishment in the long run and that most of these highly accomplished people haven't always had the best personal lives.

Money doesn't talk, it screams in your face.
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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/13/2015 12:40 PM

I agree with the observation that "90% of this job is being organized". As an engineer myself, I frequently find a distinct advantage in spending extra time to be a little extra organized. Non-engineering stakeholders who's concept of "that is an easy change" seldom see the domino effect of making design changes. Having all the dominos organized up front helps illustrate the impact of a change.

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/13/2015 9:58 PM

This is so ridiculously true.

I think one course that doesn't exist but should be a part of engineering curriculums is "the art of the engineering change order" which should range from the simple small company one off parts, to the massive company that uses 1 part in several different assemblies.

Also revs vs versions, or in generic terms, backwards compatible parts vs non backwards compatible parts.

Engineers must be detail oriented, both in their discipline and in general. I've seen an entire assembly line shut down due to an engineer changing a part but neglecting to run a check on everywhere that part was used.

Detail is key, and you couldn't correct regarding the fact that you can't just gain this way of thought overnight. This way of thinking is built into engineering courses, which is why an engineering degree in one discipline can get you a job in another. Though there are a couple that kind of lock you in like EE & computer science. Thought process is there, but you don't have the knowledge to transfer over into general engineering.

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

08/13/2015 4:12 PM

Absotively correct, no matter what you name it.

I do, on occasion, get repeat orders even though we are a custom shop, and I often get my marked up drawings to quote from and a lot of times the original drawings I quote from. Someone could not just take the time to correct the original prints even though I gave them all the changes.

One thing I learned early on - documentation, documentation, documentation - you cannot have too much of it. For the time it takes to document when changes occur, well worth the time. And,,, it can save or earn you some $$ in the process.

Never stop learning
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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/10/2015 11:02 AM

Thank you all so much! You all have really helped me sort things out with what to do. I couldn't have asked for a better series of responses if I tried so thank you all so much for your thoughts and insights! I seriously appreciate it!!

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/10/2015 12:42 PM

Best wishes for your great success in all your endeavours.

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/10/2015 2:01 PM

Why don't you give us an update this time next year? You've gotten some great advice and insights from these folks. It's always rewarding to find out down the road whether the advice you've given was helpful. Enjoy your journey!

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/10/2015 1:33 PM

Remember this experience and how much you have told us how much you appreciate the guidance.
There will come a day when you have had a long and full career and a young intern or a new employee comes to you and says:
"I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be"
Tell me, what would your response be?

I have always given the people I work with the respect they deserve by doing the following:

  • When experience speaks, listen to them.
  • Do what is asked and exceed it, go the extra mile!
  • If you don't completely understand something, ask for clarification.
  • If you make a mistake, immediately take responsibility. It shows integrity!
  • Provide help to those who are new in the field and pass on your knowledge that was so freely given to you.
  • Try not to get involved in office politics.

I wish you a long and prosperous career in whatever field you finally choose.
Good luck

Though it does seem he frequently has a Swiss Army knife or Leatherman and a roll of duct tape with him.
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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/11/2015 7:01 PM


  • When experience speaks, listen to them.
  • Do what is asked and exceed it, go the extra mile!
  • If you don't completely understand something, ask for clarification.
  • If you make a mistake, immediately take responsibility. It shows integrity!
  • Provide help to those who are new in the field and pass on your knowledge that was so freely given to you.
  • Try not to get involved in office politics.

These are huge, not just in your professional life, but just life in general.
But definitely apply them to your professional life. A note on providing help to those who are new in the field. This doesn't have apply only to who are new. Make yourself available to answer questions to anyone who has them, even if you don't have an immediate answer. I've gained so much knowledge with this mantra in my career it should be a crime. Basically I let my talents and interests show in my work in such a way that my collegues got the idea that I was an expert, most notably in complex 3D modelling/finite element analysis.

Everyone, whether my equals, 20 years my senior, or a new hire would come to me with questions. If I didn't know straight away I'd just tell them I was busy, but I'd help in a few hours/end of day/etc.
Then I hit the help button and forums. So basically I let others weaknesses be a source for my "curricullum." But I never held back the advice that they should use the help button or give certain resources to them. Yet they still waited for my help. So they got some pointers for the specific question/process they needed, but I gained all the background knowledge to apply to almost every case.

The help button, and contracted service for software, etc, are vastly underused, even when people know they exist. (I would always make it clear again that I gained the knowledge to help them by employing these resources.) But, never fall into the trap of doing other peoples work, unless your boss knows about it and tasks you with it. That way the work is added onto your workload, so everyone knows that some time will be taken away from projects you're already working on.

Lastly, the owning up to a mistake immediately is also very huge. 6 months on the job I crashed 300k horizontal milling machine in the prototype area I was using to modify some parts. Went straight to the big boss and owned it. All he said was no problem, because you came to me and owned it instead of trying to hide it. That one sentence was all I ever heard of the matter.

Good luck man, and heed the awesome wealth of advice you've been given here!

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/10/2015 4:14 PM

I didn't take the time to read all the responses listed. I would use your summers to shadow willing engineers to get a taste for what they do. There must be many in the engineering field willing to help you that way. Good luck, and don't let anyone chide you into something not helping to learn.

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/10/2015 6:37 PM

Me thinks you are trying to be like someone else rather than yourself. I don't think Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison or Elon Musk were trying to emulate someone else.

Mr.Ron from South Ms.
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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/10/2015 6:46 PM

I disagree on Carnegie. as a matter of fact I would highly recommend reading his biography. he was an immigrant from Scotland that was dirt poor. he realized at a young age that being around powerful people and having access to knowledge were critical to success in life. of all the great fortunes made in America his story is easily my favorite. currently there's foolish talk about changing images on our currency to appease some special interest group of whiners. I'd nominate this great man long before any of the current Bozos being considered.

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/10/2015 7:55 PM

"Give the man his 18 cents."

--Andrew Carnegie

I leave it as an exercise for the reader to find the context.

In vino veritas; in cervisia carmen; in aqua E. coli.
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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/13/2015 8:35 AM

As the statement goes, "men and women of integrity expect to be believed, and when they're not, they let time prove them right."

That applies to integrity and character as well as innovation in business and industry.

We don't know the end of the story for some of these innovators like Elon Musk, Steve Jobs (deceased, but his kind of thinking and culture goes on), Jeff Bezos and others like them whose names aren't known yet. Time will tell what their value and contributions will be.

Because of time past we have the ability to look at guys like Benjamin Franklin, Edison, Booker T. Washington, George Washington Carver and others like them and see the results of their vision and work.

One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn't do. Ford, Henry
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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/14/2015 4:03 PM

<...I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be...>

If it's any consolation, no-one else here knows either. Good luck.

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Re: I Don't Know What Type Of Engineer I Need To Be

07/20/2015 11:00 AM

I'm quite sure you'll make up your mind in terms of the kind of engineering you want to specialise in, during the first year of your study (because of several reasons I don't want to )!! In my decent opinion, it doesn't matter what type of engineering you're majoring in,,, Instead, what really matters is how much you'll have liked that type !!

Hope this helps!!


Just live and .. Learn!!
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