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Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 12:12 PM

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that finding people who are all around incompetent at everything regardless of age and work experience is becoming easier and I am not talking aobut just the internet.

I don't mind sitting down and spending a moment to explain or have explained to me in more detail how something works but dang it's frustrating to have to deal with some clueless pinhead who has zero want or will to know or working knowledge of anything they do for a living or apparently feel passionate about that they have been doing for years and years.

Certified licenced Electricians who don't know the first thing aobut how to use their own tools or work correctly let alone how to do the calculations behind the work they do.

Certified mechanics who don't know a thing about basic physics or working processes related to what they work with day in and day out.

HVAC techs who have no idea of what thermal dynamics or the physics of what they work with everyday are.

Civil and architectural Engineers who couldn't engineer a stack of boxes or make water run downhill.

Managers who can't answer a single question about what it is they actually do while at work let alone answer a question about what it is the people they watch over do.

Teachers who hate kids (and most everyone else) and have zero ability to think for themselves.

Then there is the bewildering hords of people who feel extremely passionate about something yet when questioned about it it becomes very clear they have done absolutely zero research or study of said passion to the point they are largely wrong about what their whole basis of their beliefs is founded on. (not talking about religion or politics either)

How do these people get and keep their jobs? How do you love and believe in something without knowing the first real thing about it?

Oh yea, and every single one of them will give you the most absurdly irrelevant topically unrelated reasons you have ever heard to justify their way is better than everyone else's.

Maybe i'm just tired of people, the internet and these friggin spell and grammar check programs that keep replacing correct words with wrong ones while missing my screwed up stuff this week.

Even my tire fire last night didn't cheer me up like I had hoped.

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Re: Working with people who are bad at..... everything.

09/18/2016 12:15 PM

"People who are bad at..... everything", probably think the same thing about people who think they know everything.

Throw another tire on the fire for me!

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Re: Working with people who are bad at..... everything.

09/18/2016 1:49 PM

I continue to get the strong impression active thought is not on their daily 'to do' list.

Contrary to what you may believe I am considered to be a pretty good listener. The problem is when I go to listen and all I hear is nonsensical drivel I tend to have a hard time keeping interest.

It's much like reading the postings from AP's here. You believe there will be a grain of knowledge in there given the intended purpose but dang more often than not it just makes you regret having not walked away instead.

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Re: Working with people who are bad at..... everything.

09/18/2016 2:06 PM

I don't doubt that you can listen. If the person doing the talking is saying something worth listening to.

Otherwise, your eyes glaze over and your mind wanders off to somewhere else if you're like me.

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Re: Working with people who are bad at..... everything.

09/21/2016 8:43 AM

"Contrary to what you may believe I am considered to be a pretty good listener. The problem is when I go to listen and all I hear is nonsensical drivel I tend to have a hard time keeping interest. "

That's common to ALL good listeners; they can't stand nonsensical drivel because they're actually trying to LISTEN to it and parse it. Poor listeners can but up with nonsense all day long, because to them whatever ANYONE says is just 'background noise,' like that radio somewhere in the back of the garage bay.

"It's much like reading the postings from AP's here. You believe there will be a grain of knowledge in there given the intended purpose but dang more often than not it just makes you regret having not walked away instead. "

Yeah, it's better when the AP's know they're being irrelevant and off topic and use the mask to make a jokelet(1) to lighten the mood.


  1. As in, "Oh, that was like a joke, but smaller."
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Re: Working with people who are bad at..... everything.

09/21/2016 8:43 AM

Hey! I resemble that remark!

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Re: Working with people who are bad at..... everything.

09/21/2016 9:51 AM

The Ex and I hit that wall all the time.

According to her I was a bad listener. According to me she was a bad talker.

I can't follow a thought pattern that plays like both a skipping record and a CD on random shuffle at the same time.

Same stuff over and over but yet never repeated in the same pattern to give it any solid overall context.

Keeping 20 balls in the air while trying to sort random junk mail into 20 x 20 compartment grid is beyond my language and logic centers working capacity.

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Re: Working with people who are bad at..... everything.

09/21/2016 10:31 AM

Mine starts talking to me (usually with the TV volume full up while she has the remote, but it is something I became interested in watching), expects me to hear the subliminal speech at high frequency in my bad ear that is turned facing her, as I am facing the TV.

After I either minimally react to the sound or ignore her altogether, the fuse is lit.

Then she speaks haltingly, only a few words at a time, with long pauses no one dares to interject a word during these pauses. Not even the barking dogs.

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Re: Working with people who are bad at..... everything.

09/21/2016 10:42 AM

I have to be careful as of late... I was watching TV,.. I think its was a football game, some how she thinks this is a great time to talk. I tuned her out and ending up agreeing to do something just to turn her yapper off.

Within a week, she asked if I got it done, my response was "Huh?" Her response was, "You promised".

So now, if I'm not listening, I don't respond or if I don't I just let her know, I'm not listening.

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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Re: Working with people who are bad at..... everything.

09/19/2016 3:52 PM

But Lyn, there is a difference between those that think they know everything, and people who actually do know everything! Just ask my wife, actually don't ask her, please, don't ask her.

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In reply to #39

Re: Working with people who are bad at..... everything.

09/19/2016 4:00 PM

Something like: "If a man alone in the woods speaks, and his wife cannot hear him, is he still wrong?"

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Re: Working with people who are bad at..... everything.

09/19/2016 4:02 PM

In spades.

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Re: Working with people who are bad at..... everything.

09/19/2016 4:19 PM

If not no-trumps.

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Re: Working with people who are bad at..... everything.

09/19/2016 8:41 PM

He is even more wronger. How dare he go the woods without her

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Re: Working with people who are bad at..... everything.

09/19/2016 9:29 PM

Sound like my Ex.

The house would burn down around her before she went with me for walk by by god if I went without asking her to come there was hell to be caught when I got back.

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Re: Working with people who are bad at..... everything.

09/20/2016 10:23 AM

True dat.

Especially considering the woods are in Ruidoso, NM, and we are in Lubbock, freaking, Texas.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 12:35 PM

Hey, there's gotta be folks to fill out the left side of the bell curve.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 12:57 PM

"...the LEFT SIDE of the bell curve." = my new societal slogan!

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 3:00 PM

" LEFT SIDE of the bell curve" better known as Trump supporters...? Oops, is that considered political, or just a statement on society in general? There are a lot of people that only care about being part of the crowd, the herd mentality....Ahh to be young and ignorant, no responsibility, no cares.....concerned only with the appearance of being politically correct, and sensational headlines your guiding principal...All lead by some super PAC funded politico working undercover as a brother.....Let them blow off some steam, their effect is becoming less and less...

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 3:59 PM

Given the choice this cycle, I am forced to support Trump, because I cannot endure 4 much 8 more years of having to hear, "Clinton this, and Clinton that".

At least with Trump in office, it will be the most exciting time in American History, or I am reading this all wrong. So much will be happening on a daily basis, we will not even come close to keeping up.

Besides I want to see the engineer for Trump's wall figure out how to put it smack dab in the middle of the Rio Grande (and keep it there), since the river meanders wildly in some places. With a wall like that, only the most intelligent, and elite athletic Mexicans, and Central Americans will get in, so more power to the wall.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 4:38 PM

You have to consider that at his level of wealth there isn't much that he can't have done that for us the practicality and cost would be an impossibility.

Put a foundation under that wall that is 10 feet wide and 100+ feet deep and that wall will stand just fine right in the middle of a river that's only inches to a few feet deep.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 4:48 PM

I think I agree with you, but the contrary argument is that the river is the border and it moves. Does this mean that the border will be fixed by the wall? What about areas where the river is not a river but is a lake, such as Amistad, or Eagle Pass Lake? I understand those waters to be pretty doggone deep.

I believe the wall, may not be entirely a physical wall, and may just include things like enhanced surveillance, balloons, drones, trip sensors, etc. I still want to see the embodiment of this idea take shape. It should be interesting.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 5:07 PM

Trump will commission the army corps of engineers to reroute the river.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 5:27 PM

I cannot believe any rational individual, given the mountains of evidence and the deluge of daily insults and idiocy spewed by Trump could possibly bring themselves to vote for that maniac.

Trump will make the USA the laughing stock of the free world, if he doesn't outright destroy it.

Note to Admin: I did not start this. (one)

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 5:51 PM

The u.s. is already the laughing stock of the free world. You can thank Obama for that.

Eight years ago you almost couldn't find an African American anywhere that didn't think he was the next best thing to sliced bread.

Now they are clamoring all over each other to be on the newest political hack news program.

Of course, we could all vote for the other maniac, ya, the pathological one.

Now that's where you can find mountains of evidence.

Disclaimer: I did not start this one either.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 8:08 PM

Well, Which would you rather have? The maniac that has proven that he can manage money and business, doesn't get bullied around and likes to fire people who don't do what they were hired to do running country or'

have the half wit hack that cant say two words without lying and has proven that she can't run water downhill without failing at it in charge?

Our country is in trouble and we are at the point that just maybe we do need a half crazy nut who has as much distrust of the government as the rest of us running the street sweeper for once

Out of everyone running for president he is obviously the one who scares the pinheads in washington the most and that's who I will put my vote behind.

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In reply to #57

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/21/2016 8:53 AM

"Well, Which would you rather have? The maniac that has proven that he can manage money and business,"

Like all the failed casinos he built? Managing a business is usualy more than just driving it into bankruptcy.

"doesn't get bullied around"

He doesn't get bullied because he *IS* the bully.

"and likes to fire people who don't do what they were hired to do"

You forgot to add 'and likes to wait until a contractor is either finished or asking for payment to tell the contractor "The contract fas for $X, I'm going to pay you a fraction of that, possibly down to nothing. You can sue for what the contract said, but I can drag the legal proceeding on until you run out of money and your business goes under."

(Marked OT for being political)

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/21/2016 9:25 AM

The casino's, I recall and in my opinion, it was bad at the start when he was bidding against Merv Griffon. I believe that was the first public showing of how big his ego is.

There was a saying when I worked at the ship yard, if you don't break anything, your not working.

And that would apply to starting a business.

Donald Trump’s 16 Biggest Business Failures and Successes

If any complains about Trumps failure in business, are the ones that never left the couch to start a business. Its a thing called risk. And the more business you start, the likelihood of failing also increases.

But many armchair business guru's are unaware of that.

And as far as Trump inherited his fortune, there is quite a bit of research done about second and third generation business owners that failed.

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/21/2016 11:14 AM

"The casino's, I recall and in my opinion, it was bad at the start when he was bidding against Merv Griffon. I believe that was the first public showing of how big his ego is."

So he put 'winning a bidding war' above 'making a sound business decision.' Your attempt to counter the statement that Trump is not good at managing money only SUPPORTS the statement.

I'm not going to even go into the fact that all his business contracts worldwide will put him into a near constant conflict of interest should he actually win the election. (And saying he's going to have his kids run his businesses while he's Making America Great Again does not count as 'separating himself from the business interests.)

Of course, that all assumes he's actually intending to WIN the election. From what I've seen, I've got a strong suspicion that he's pulling a 'Bialistock and Bloom' scam on us. Just as in that old Mel Brooks movie, The Producers, the authorities don't go digging that deep into the books of a failed campaign run, so a lot of 'creative accounting' can go on in there. Trump's expenses went way up once he won the primary and got access to the GOP war chest, and much of the increase was in 'management costs.' Why would management costs skyrocket if the personnel cost has stayed roughly stable? He's also been renting out space in his OWN buildings for campaign headquarters, and the rent saw a jump (but not as much as the jump in 'management' costs) after he started spending Someone Else's Money.

(Marked OT because politics)

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/21/2016 11:27 AM

I was also wondering about how he was going to handle that.

But looking at it, when a president or a politician in general for that matter comes into political office, their value or general worth (bank account) increases phenomenally.

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/21/2016 12:10 PM

Since his only actual visible asset is the Trump Brand, I guess he's going to be Making America Great Again by opening the political barriers so his kids can go out and license his name worldwide. including in the new Russian province of Crimea.

Oh, he's probably also planning on redecorating the Trump Office(1) in gold, to match the golden throne he's bringing in, and he's probably going to increase the fee for tours of the Trump House(2), or make the tours 'invite only' with the only people getting invites being the ones staying at the new Trump Hotel being built in DC(3).

And after his stint running the country(4), he'll go back to being the same Trump he used to be, hosting reality TV, taking back control of the Trump brand(5), and enjoying his new free-bodyguard-squad-for-life perk.


  1. Formerly the Oval Office.
  2. Formerly the White House.
  3. The hotel being built in the old DC Post Office Building, and being built with Federal grant money.
  4. Into the ground.
  5. As well as collecting all the profits earned by the brand during his time in office promoting Trumperica to the world(6).
  6. Conflict of interest? In Trump's mind, he gets the interest, and says there's no conflict, therefore, there must not be a conflict of interest(7).
  7. In other news, Global Warming, Minorities, and the Democrat party cease to exist, simply because Trump declares them to be 'hoaxes.'

(marked OT because there is no Orange Julius mark)

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/21/2016 1:09 PM

Since his only actual visible asset...

That quite a bit more than the current manager.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/21/2016 1:47 PM

and primary opponent.

I have always been one of those people who just has a feel for what other people are really like and since the first time I ever saw and heard her speak on TV she just sat very high on that feeling that there is something very wrong and untrustworthy about her and should not be allowed to have power or authority over anyone ever.

Obama also gave me that feeling too and look what that fool did in the last 8 years.

There are not many people who trigger that feeling in me but those who have have always went on to or already have done horrible things to good people without remorse, concern or even any thought that they would ever get caught and when caught their only remorse they had was in not having lied, cheated and deceived better than they had.

Trump on the other hand scores low on that feeling for me. He's arrogant, mouthy and pushy but I just don't see him as a terribly bad person to the point of being outrightly soulless.

My gut feeling just doesn't say so. I think he knows where his fame and fortune came from and it wasn't from backstabbing closed door crooked political affiliations.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/21/2016 3:37 PM

"I think he knows where his fame and fortune came from and it wasn't from backstabbing closed door crooked political affiliations."

No, it was from backstabbing contractors and refusing to pay or 'renegotiating' the contract terms after the contractor has finished all the work.

He's already said he wants to 'renegotiate' the National Debt the same way: "Hey China, how about we pay you ten thousand on every hundred thousand we owe you and call it even? If you don't like that we can just pay you zero and you can try and sue us." There is a reason that the U.S. Dollar is accepted globally as the most dominant Reserve Currency, and that is because the U.S. pays all it's debts at 100% without fail. Trump's plan to 'renegotiate' the debt the same way he's renegotiated with contractors (and bankrupted companies, some his own) would destroy the global faith in the U.S. Dollar, trash the U.S. Economy, and disrupt the global economy even worse than the current crisis over the Euro.

(Marked OT because Trump)

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In reply to #116

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/21/2016 4:20 PM

Ok this thread is busted. Hitler, Hitler, Hitler. Now spin around three times and unsubscribe.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/22/2016 7:20 PM

The past tense of 'bust' is 'burst'.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/23/2016 8:47 AM

Nobody says, "Oh snap! I am burst!" Good job Einstein, Jr.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/23/2016 9:00 AM

"Oh Snap, I'm about to burst from that last pitcher of beer"

yep, I agree.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/23/2016 9:10 AM

Truth, James, you're both right, and both wrong.

The confusion comes from the root word 'bust' which can mean either 'explode', 'break,' or 'go broke.'

The past tense of 'explode' bust is burst, the past tense of 'break/broke' bust is busted.

The reason behind the confusion is the shift in the English language, 'burst' used to mean explode, and was tenseless, requiring other words to help it conjugate: "The balloon will burst, the balloon bursts, the balloon has burst." Over time, the r got 'swallowed,' and burst was being said as bust, which lead to bust taking on the burst definitions.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/23/2016 11:35 AM

If anyone were asking for my opinion the whole thing is a bust.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/21/2016 4:42 PM

I've read a number of articles and related things regarding that and from what I got from it they got largely what they deserved for not meeting the contract specs.

I dare say it relates to the very topic of this thread. Contractors world wide are notorious for trying to cheat on their work and way too many get away with it because they are the bigger guy and can bully a customer with legal action threats whether it's warranted or not.

The problem with Trump is he's a bigger better rooted bully than they are so he can slap them right back, and a lot harder if need be, for crappy work that did not meet contract specs.

More than likely some good guys did get shafted but then when you working in a profession that's largely seen to be full of arrogant lying corner cutting crooks people tend to assume you're one too.

It's like the local school project I've referred to. Almost every time any screw up is found the first thing the head company people do is blame the sub contractor.

"Oh it's not our fault. The subcontractor did it wrong. Not us.."

Well aren't you ultimately responsible for making sure the work the people you subcontracted your work out to do did it right and met the contractual specs before you signed off on it being acceptable to present to your customer?

"Um... We want our lawyer."

If it was a rare thing yea. But to be honest, I doubt one single person here could say they have never heard or witnessed that example or worse first had though where they work or for themselves or through a direct close associate.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/21/2016 4:44 PM

Also, I absolutely detest it when the company insists on going forward with a big project (new generating unit), and they do not make a turn key project. Last one was balance of plant, and OMG the stuff that was jacked up.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/22/2016 9:58 AM

"but then when you working in a profession that's largely seen to be full of arrogant lying corner cutting crooks people tend to assume you're one too."

Trump has entered politics, a profession that's largely full of politicians, and you're surprised that people are assuming that he's as crooked as the institution he's trying to be part of?

My whole opinion of Trump, pre-political ambition was "Rich blowhard who's too cheap to pay for a decent haircut." That was it, nothing more. During the primaries, my opinion morphed into "Rich blowhard with a bad haircut and cheap spray-on tan who's playing at being a political candidate for a joke."

I was certain he'd lose the primary, and either go off to pout, or else run third party, declaring that 'loyalty oath' to be null and void due to trumped up reasons(1). If he ran third party, then he's split the Republican vote and hand the Oval Office to the Democrats.

After he WON the GOP primary, the joke stopped being funny(2), and his open racism, blatant misogyny, and ignorance of, or utter disdain for, international law made me see hip as He Who Must Be Stopped At All Cost. He's twice called ('indirectly') for the assassination of a fellow candidate, and his idea to kill the families of terrorists(3) is the literal definition of a War Crime: targeting civilian noncombatants for death.

The revelation of his past and current political spending in this election have provided a foundation for an alternate theory about Trump's plans; that he's trying to LOSE the election so that his campaign spending won't be closely scrutinized. He's been using Decision 2016 to funnel GOP money into his personal coffers(4).


  1. Pun unintentional.
  2. "Because it would be hilarious if he won" is one of the WORST reasons to vote for someone.
  3. I'm not sure if he's using the term to mean 'proven terrorists' who have killed people, 'convicted terrorists' who have not succeeded in any terrorist plot, but were declared a terrorist y a court of law, or 'suspected terrorist,' meaning any Muslim, person of Arabic descent, or anyone Trump doesn't like.
  4. I call this scam "Bialistock and Bloom" after the two characters who tried to use the Worst Play Ever to embezzle money from the production unnoticed.
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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/22/2016 8:12 PM

'....He's arrogant, mouthy and pushy but I just don't see him as a terribly bad person to the point of being outrightly soulless.....'


Great....if you are evaluating character traits of a candidate for something like a board position on home owner's association.


Certain characteristics in combination should disquapify a person from weilding too much power. One such combination to avoid is the combination of 'arrogance' and 'pushiness' in a candidate for US President. The real risks of widespread catastrophe means the safety of the masses should overshadow an egomaniac desire to don the king's hat for a while..


Hillary is a crook, a liar, and let's throw 'soul-less' in, for good measure. She is far to contrived and never just speaks her mind...she is far too considered and careful to ever speak her mind.

. lame as a choice as she is, a careful deceitful crook is a far better choice for US President than an a arrogant pushy blowhard. Trump doesn't have the wherewithall, patience to avoid being baited into discussions about the size of his will be far to easy for the likes if Kim Jong Un to goad some regrettable action from sone one as predictably reactionary as trump.


It would be neat to have Trump as president for a very brief prior of time, for the novelty and thrill of danger. A simiar thrill could be obtain if we put an actual untame wolverine in charge of the country in the Whitehouse.


If Trump is elected, what kinds of odds would you give for him abstaining from use of nuclear weapons during the first four years?

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/22/2016 8:23 PM

As far as trump, the biggest reason I favor trump is that he isn't a career politician. If this is what it takes to throw out career politicians. I'll take it.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/22/2016 10:19 PM

If 'not a career politician' is the requirement, there are millions upon millions of better qualified people.

It isn't really even a plus for his campaign if you think about it....He was one of the special interest greasing up those political hogs. Just look at the amount of money and shmoozing he has done with nefarious career politicians....let's see, who would be a good example or two???? Hmmm?

Oh yeah, what about the millions he gave to the Clintons?

He is a dirty and corrupt as the others, he just lacks intelligence, patience, maturity, and adult-sized hands....among other things.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/23/2016 7:15 AM

If you have tunnel vision yes.

If 'not a career politician' is the requirement, there are millions upon millions of better qualified people.

approx. 100 million that are qualified. Unfortunately, the systems is set up to favor career established politicians. If you're still wondering how, it with this $$$$, at first he was using his money and resources.

And that is I favor Trump to bring politics back to have more common citizens (Bakers, Firemen, Farmers, Butchers, Pharmacist, Construction workers ) to run. Do their civic duty for a term maybe 2 and return to their businesses.

Oh yeah, what about the millions he gave to the Clintons?

He is a dirty and corrupt as the others, he just lacks intelligence, patience, maturity, and adult-sized hands....among other things.

Unfortunately yes, but with out sounding like a cliché, 'you fight fire with fire'.

let me explain myself further, I believe with Trump, that's why so many career politicians hate trump, because most of all, he threatens their livelihood.

These career politicians talk so much about experience as their defense, when you look at their performance, experience in politics doesn't means jack.,

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/23/2016 9:07 AM

Maybe we need to change career paths in America, so that everyone who is not disqualified through criminal misconduct must should serve in a government position for one term. Once that term is up, leave it, and join the private sector. After twenty years in the private sector, they can be allowed to run for higher offices, one term only. The only political advertisement they get is a 10 minute spot, so get it right or go home.

Prerequisite for being a lobbyist would be being horsewhipped at 10 paces with a cat o' nine, followed by brief crucifixion as a warning of later punishments for getting out of control.

Debates are possibly the worst form of qualifying candidates, except it does put them in a no safety net position, sink or swim, so that much I can accept.

Experience of ten years doing things wrong in politics should be sufficient for removal if only the electorate was homogeneously well informed. We no longer have an informed electorate, unfortunately.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/23/2016 9:36 AM

"so that everyone who is not disqualified through criminal misconduct must should serve in a government position for one term."

Good call on that edit, a government by conscription would be less liked (and less efficient) than a military by conscription.

During my time in the US Army, I was stationed in Italy, and I spoke with the Italian nationals while there. Italy has a conscription army; all able-bodied men over the age of 18 are to serve at least one year before their 22nd birthday. I may have the ages wrong, but that's the gist of it. When you show up at the 'recruitment office,' they ask you if you are planning on making the military a career. If you say yes, you get signed up on a 4-6 year contract and are put through regular basic training and MOS training, and life is much like it is in volunteer militaries. If you say you just want to put in your required year and get out, you are given an abbreviated training and spend your year as a janitor or groundskeeper, picking up trash and cleaning up after the 'real' soldiers are done using the training field.

We don't need that "I'm here only because I'm FORCED to be here" mentality in government, we get enough of that in the DMV offices. I do NOT want to see the entire government reduced to the DMV levels of self-motivation.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/23/2016 11:42 AM

On the other hand, what about the examples of the Swiss Army (and their knives), and the Israeli Defense Force? I am pretty sure every citizen gladly serves those, unless disabled for some reason. In Israel it is truly a matter of national survival when faced against so many cowardly enemies looking for cheap shot on them.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/23/2016 1:49 PM

Both of those treat the military as a case of National Survival. The Israeli Defense Force is in constant 'front line' action, so the need for a strong military is out in the open for everyone to see. The Swiss Army is based on Switzerland's long-standing defense of their neutrality in World Politics. The know they are a small nation, hemmed in on all sides by tall mountains, and they have nowhere to retreat to if an invading force can get over the Alps. Therefore, they insure that every single Swiss man(1) able to hold a rifle is ready and trained to repel invaders.

Italy, on the other hand, relies on treaties to maintain peace with its neighbors, so their military isn't really needed, outside of a token battalion or two to send out as part of the UN Peacekeeping Forces. Italy doesn't NEED a huge standing army(2), they don't even need the manpower that comes from conscription. And since they don't seem to want to change the laws regarding conscription, they avoid spending money and resources training the boys who come in only to complete their year of obligation.

Getting back to Public Service by Conscription, with all the unmotivated people shoved into positions they don't want, and likely more people than positions to fill, we'd have uninterested people being given pointless positions just to 'use up' the conscription manpower. That sounds like the recipe for a vast, useless bureaucracy that would put even Imperial China to shame(3).


  1. And many able-bodies Swiss women, as well. After all, SOMEONE has to defend the home and children while Daddy and the elder brothers are off making the country safe again.
  2. And from what history shows, they're not sure what to DO with a standing army when they have one. Italy holds a record in armed conflicts, they're 0-7 with six wars fought. They surrendered twice in WWII; once to Germany when Hitler turned on Mussolini, and again to the US Liberating Forces as they rolled North through the country on their way to Germany.
  3. And remember, China's bureaucracy didn't stop with the Emperor. He was just the supreme head of the Material World, he had a boss in the Celestial Bureaucracy. which included a position for every Chinese citizen who died. That lead to some pretty specific zones of responsibility, such as "the god of light rain on Thursday," or "the god of the second porcelain cup from the right. Not the saucer, just the cup itself."
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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/23/2016 9:51 AM

I'd rather see it mandatory that you have to serve in the military.

You have bone spurs on your feet, your assigned to a desk job, you support in the from lines.

Debates are possibly the worst form of qualifying candidates, except it does put them in a no safety net position, sink or swim, so that much I can accept.

Instead of debates,... this should have a Real Reality show called "Survivor Island".

All candidates are left on the island for the campaign season which is about 2-1/2 years with no food, no water, no clothes, no contact in or out. And when there is one left, you pick him/her up about a week before election.

Hope I didn't say that out loud.

Of course you still have write ins, but only a week before the elections.

So election campaign season is only a week long instead of 2-1/2 years of media BS.

I'm waiting for our resident ANALyst to complain how absurd that is.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/23/2016 8:21 AM

"If 'not a career politician' is the requirement, there are millions upon millions of better qualified people."

Caligula's horse (who he made a Roman Senator) falls under the 'better qualified' category (aside from not being a natural-born citizen). I'd even take just the back half of Caligula's horse over Trump.

Yes, I consider Trump to be a bigger horse's ass than an ACTUAL horse's ass.

(Marking OT for the crude language.) (Oh, dear, sweet, merciful C'thulu, please let this election cycle be over soon.)

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/22/2016 10:55 PM

I just look at the last number of pinheads that have ran the show and figure it's like with anything else. If the same old same old isn't working try something different.

Trump nails different and scare the crap out of the same old same old goons that arr there now. Until here there and making decisions I won't pass poor judgement on him.

Especially being some of our historically best presidents who did the greatest good for the country started out looking like they might not be fit for the job before they got there.

As far s nuclear weapons I am of the opinion that at this point maybe we do need to flash roast a few mountain ranges in a middle eastern country or two to get things fixed. It may not be nice but it sure did a lot to get Japan's act together!

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/23/2016 8:59 AM

Don't forget to mention Gen. MacArthur's treatment of Japan during the occupation.

Allowing the Emperor to remain in title was a stroke of genius. I helped save the soul of Japan.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/23/2016 9:22 AM

As well as having the surrender documents signed on a US warship instead of the Forbidden Palace. The Empire surrendered, yes, but it surrendered through a minor functionary, and the Forbidden Palace was NOT invaded or defiled by the 'round-eyes.'

And MacArthur treated Japan better than he did his own troops. I don't remember any reports of him walking through Japanese hospitals slapping the patients.

I can understand the need to slap a soldier who is having a nervous breakdown on the front lines, the pain may help them return to the Here and Now where they need to be to stay alive, but in a field hospital, the troops are there to recover from their injuries, both physical and emotional. On the front line, the slap adds more emotional trauma, but the situation is dire; an apt analogy would be running on a broken leg to escape a burning building, you're increasing the long-term damage, but it's the price for short-term survival. In the hospital would be akin to taking a patient's cast off and re-breaking the healing leg just to see the patient writhe in pain.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/23/2016 11:39 AM

That is not entirely true, General Fellers was able to gain access not only to the Emperor's Palace, but indirect contact with the emperor. The Emperor would not allow MacArthur to come visit him, but did agree to (in the nicest way possible) come to General MacArthur's living quarters for a visit, photo op, and confirmation that he was remaining as Emperor.

The alternative would have really been unthinkable for both sides, and as there was no direct implication in war crimes, instigation of war, etc. by the Emperor, it does appear to have worked well for the U.S.A, and for Japan.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/23/2016 12:54 PM

Macarthur knew of the Japanese culture. And to get an unconditional surrender was unheard of.

MacArthur was criticized heavily because of it, but Japan did what MacArthur asked, just out of respect to MacArthur, even against what Japan felt was against their better judgment, enter W. Edwards Deming stage right, to construct a foundation of rebuilding Japans industrial base.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/23/2016 1:52 PM

And it looks like Deming got Japan off to a good start with the rebuilding, to put it mildly.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/23/2016 2:07 PM

It's interesting, there's some good information and mistakes that japan made because they really took it to heart. but maybe on a another thread.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/23/2016 1:23 PM

General Fellers got access to the Emperor, but he was a 'minor adjunct' to MacArthur, who, being the 'Big Boss' of the Pacific theater, was the 'invading warlord.' Even in a war, there needs to be SOME communication between opposing forces.

Access to the Palace may not have meant entry into the Forbidden City. Remember, the Forbidden City was forbidden to EVERYONE except the Emperor, his family, and the trusted retainers and advisors. Therefore the Throne Room where the Emperor held court had to be in an area accessible to 'outside petitioners' seeking the court's ear.

Some details of history get obscured over time, but that just gives future scholars things to debate about.

I do have a tenuous link to the Japanese surrender. My Great-Uncle (my Grandmother's bother) was on the deck when the papers were signed. He was in the mass of sailors and SeaBees(1) they set up like potted plants around the event(2), but he wasn't on the side that got in the photos.


  1. My Uncle(3) was a SeaBee, also known as C.B. or Construction Battalion. It was the Nave equivalent to Army Corps of Engineers. He was out there during the island-hopping campaign; once the Marines had cleared a side of the island, the SeaBees moved in and started building the mini-airport while the Jarheads(4) were 'discussing' official ownership of the island with the remaining opposing force.
  2. The military LOVES to make an occasion feel extra special by making all these lower enlisted stand in formation around it. I guess Generals never got to be in any parades as kids, and they end up overcompensating for it when they're grownups.
  3. We never called him 'Great-Uncle' or 'Grunkle,' it was always just 'Uncle.' the 'Great-' part only came out when we were explaining the family tree.
  4. I'm allowed to use that term, my other Uncle (my mother's brother), who is also my godfather, and a (retired) Marine(5), instructed me on how to use it respectfully.
  5. You never call a retired Marine an 'ex-Marine.' The only ex-Marines are the ones who finish their tour of duty in Ft. Levenworth, and not as guards.
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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/23/2016 8:14 AM

"It would be neat to have Trump as president for a very brief prior of time, for the novelty and thrill of danger."

I've said it before, and I'll probably say it again. "Because it would be funny" is one of the worst reasons to pick a candidate for President.

You want to see the funny side of a Trump presidency, go watch Saturday Night Live, odds are they're doing a 'Trump as president/Trump being Trump on the election trail' skit every other week. (Despite the wealth of material, they don't want to ride that orange horse into the ground by oversaturating the show with Trump jokes.)

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/23/2016 8:30 AM

Considering the joke of politicians we have today and for quite a while... I'm laughing and shaking my head now also... the joke is already upon us and has been for years.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/21/2016 1:20 PM

And so, nobody in the history of politics ever took advantage of the situation before?

Get real.

I would like to see someone in office (for a change) that when their mouth is moving it is not a lie. I expect that might be asking for a bit much.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/21/2016 1:49 PM

That only applies to the deplorables...

there are some new 'Action Hero's' is being release from Marvel Comics.

Oh, look, next month Marvel is already releasing a movie on these action hero's and they are called, "Deplorables".

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In reply to #52

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 10:16 AM

RODFLMFAO, RTFM, and crying all at the same time. My feelers are hurt.

I am so done with politics anyway, and I stopped contributing my hardly earned money to the scoundrels who constantly were nagging me on the phone for more money.

I don't trust women to be rational leaders, but I never worked for one, other than wifey, and she is a lunatic I was looking for. I like and appreciate women, I just don't trust that particular woman, especially given the crook she is married to. I think I should stop there, as this could turn ugly.

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In reply to #76

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 11:00 AM

I worked with one that was my boss, it wasn't that bad.

I just did the work, at times against what she wanted (unknowningly of course). She got promoted twice because of it, she got all the credit, and of course she brought me along.

I didn't mind it, I was paid well, and it shielded me from the office politics. But when I gave my notice, she came close to a nervous break down

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In reply to #81

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 12:24 PM

Well there you go, I expect the joy was just too much for her to take.

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In reply to #82

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 12:59 PM


well,... some days working with her, it was like the pin was pulled on a hand grenade, and your trying to get the pin back in but your hand is shaking too much.

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In reply to #83

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 1:36 PM

I like that analogy. Wifey always has the pin pulled by the time I get home, even with gifts and food. My best option is immediately take the 4 barking, jumping dogs outside, sit down, and smoke.

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In reply to #83

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 1:54 PM

My Ex was from the middle east region and very much of their mentality of 'Detonate before negotiate.' on any topic she felt could be taken to be confrontational and many that were clearly not.

"Im hungry. Lets go out and eat."

Okay. Where do you want to go?

"I don't know."

Well what do you feel like having?

"I don't know. why don't you decide."

Well, it was your idea plus I have stuff to finish in the shop tonight and the leftovers in the fridge are good enough for me so since you want to go to town you need to decide where you want to go and what you want to eat. I'll go and I will pay but you have to decide.


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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 2:08 PM

hey, my girlfriend its goes like this, "remember, we're going out to eat tonight so don't ruin your appetite."

So, I'd get busy, miss lunch, 2:30 roles around and I am starving, blood sugar is all kiddywompus but I am starving and can't wait.

She gets on her ipad or goes to bed and I ask, aren't we going out tonight?

Her response,: "ohhh, I'm too tired. "

From now on, when I'm hungry, I eat.

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In reply to #86

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 3:18 PM

Played that game with the Ex to darn near starvation too.

Top of my list was calling me at work in the winter on her day off because she is stuck in the ditch.

Why are you in the ditch?

"Well you see I was on my way to town to buy something, Cant recall now but it was damn important, and there was this guy driving real slow so I had to pass him and that's when the car spun out and went in the ditch. Totally not my fault."

What was the guy in front of you driving?

"Oh. A big 4WD pickup just like yours!"

Isn't this the same story you had for the last three times I had to take off from work and come and get you? When big 4WD pickups are driving slow doesn't it seem reasonable that maybe the roads are slippery and maybe you should drive as slow as them too?


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In reply to #87

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 3:22 PM

I drive the car, girlfriend drives the $WD in the winter.

She a pretty good, alright, acceptable. Her only issue for her is flat tires, She called me twice for that, onetime at 1:30 in the morning (when she was working the grave yard shift at the post office hub)

Then I find out she had AAA that she used for the first time about 2 weeks ago.

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In reply to #87

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 3:34 PM

Does she say: "I keel U", then go boom (figuratively).

My all time favorite, well, "Bill" didn't do it that way...Bill being the pervert preacher she married first, and was cheating on her from essentially day one. All the time (when not scouring my soul), it's "Bill did this, Bill did that", and "I am writing down all these memories about Bill." I know more about that guy than I do my own self, it ain't pretty, and I want to choke the life living sh*@ out of him if he ever shows up on my doorstep.

Speaking of being bad at everything, I think I am really, really bad at being married.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 6:00 PM

There was always the smell of explosives in the air and faint clicking of a detonator button. I jest never knew when when was going to connect the wires and it's not like me to ever leave loose wires dangling.

There was no ther to compare me to but there was always the opinions of others who confirmed her beliefs even though she could never put a single name, place or association to any of them. I was pretty sure they were just the voices in her head but that didn't make them or their opinions and agreements less real to her.

I was bad at being married. I tried to use logic and rational thinking.

It created many irreconcilable communication problems.

I didn't know what she was talking about and neither did she but since she started the discussion that made her opinion more right than mine. I disagreed.

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In reply to #86

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 3:28 PM

After 2-3 rounds of OK, dammit, I will open a freaking can of beans, I go out and get Fuddrucker's or something.

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In reply to #85

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 3:27 PM

Been there, still wearing the bloody T-shirt (mine, not hers).

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In reply to #89

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 3:28 PM

yah, well you shouldn't have been asking for it, she said

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 12:40 PM

I have always said, it really doesn't matter that you are towards the end of the Bell curve. What really matters is which end! :-P

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 1:51 PM

I'm thinking it's not a bell curve but an exponential decay function?

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/21/2016 2:46 PM

I blame it all on television...

Human intelligence before (black) and after (red) the invention of television.

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In reply to #114

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/21/2016 2:49 PM

I'd blame it on the internet...

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In reply to #115

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/21/2016 10:07 PM

I blame it on natural variation!

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In reply to #120

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/22/2016 5:58 AM

I guess management did fundamentally changed America. We've become a country of citizens of 'its someone else's fault'. All in less then 8 years. What a shame.

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In reply to #121

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/22/2016 8:55 AM

The thing I am referring to happened in 1998-1999. We are still correcting the mistakes that were made now in 2016. And our generating capacity for our system has done nothing but decrease in this time, while the system capacity (due to tie-lines) has trended upward steadily with a growing urban population here.

Several times this summer, during the 100+ degree days of summer, I witnessed the SCADA showing an all-time record load, and 3 of 4 ties in "max load limit" alarm.

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In reply to #121

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/22/2016 10:02 AM

"I guess management did fundamentally changed America. We've become a country of citizens of 'its someone else's fault'. All in less then 8 years. What a shame."

I know you mean 8 years of Obama, but you know someone would make a reply spinning your statement to insinuate the 8 years of Dubya.

(Self-marking as OT because politics)

( The opinions espressed in this post may not reflect the true opinions of the poster, and may not reflect commonly accepted versions of reality. ) (If you are wondering: yes, I DO hope to live to be as old as my jokes.)
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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 3:54 PM

But why are they pretending to belong on the right side?

They should be in advanced elementary basket weaving class right now.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 3:07 PM

I have to believe that there isn't a person that's bad at everything. They're just in the wrong job. Maybe they'd just need to be a bartender or something.

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In reply to #8

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 6:01 PM

WOW! I can relate to that business mentality way too well.

Sounds exactly like too many jobs I have had in my life.

Show the least bit of competence and you and everyone like you is out the door the next day.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 6:07 PM

It was either sacrifice your integrity, conform and get laid off months later, or you address the issue and get let go.

I was pissed, but my integrity was intact. And it turned out for the best.

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In reply to #8

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 11:10 PM

They shouldn't be a bartender if they are bad at it. You are right, you could always just reframe the situation by re-labeling their shortcomings as skills at the opposite...can't see that really helping a lot.

There really are people whose highest and best use is as the main actor in an ongoing cautionary tale. Unfortunately the job openings and wages available for a 'bad example' deter most from doing what suites them best.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 3:28 PM

All living things seek to control their own destiny....this is the purpose of life
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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 3:36 PM

Then there is the bewildering hords of people who feel extremely passionate about something yet when questioned about it it becomes very clear they have done absolutely zero research or study of said passion to the point they are largely wrong about what their whole basis of their beliefs is founded on.

Hey, HEY. Reading other people's opinions online and then repeating them back to others as your own counts.

I put the blame squarely on a few things. Data availability and Technology advancement exceeding humanities ability to currently cope with it, and the state of the education system.

When there is soooooooooooooooooooooooo much information available now with the internet is it any wonder we have all got a bit lazy. "I don't need to learn that, I'll just use a calculator" has become the all incompasing "I don't need to learn that, I'll just use the internet"

We won't lose our planet to a Skynet Terminator uprising and nuclear war, it will be to AI's taking over and manipulating the internet which we rely on as we do the need for food, clothing, shelter and oxygen.

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In reply to #10

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 6:40 PM

I can understand the not being able to cope with it all but the not being able to even grasp the actual true concept of what it is you so proudly support is what bewilders me.

What bewilders me is when I meet someone who gets on to a subject the feel as strongly about as I do yet when asked what should be simple basic question it becomes immediately clear that they have no clue about what they are talking about.

As an avid and experienced electronics/electrical technician and hobbyist I have a pretty good grasp of the fundamental of my interest so for me trying to have a rational discussion about electronics with someone who's every answer is either '555 timer IC' or 9 volt battery based even when it clear that neither of those things have anything to do with the actual problem or discussion leaves me frustrated and with great difficulty on how to cope with the experience.

Thenif that wasn't bewildering enough when they are asked about an actual 555 timer IC and 9 volt battery related topic they can't even answer that either.


"How do you calculate the RC time constant for a 555 timer IC?"

Well first off you make sure your 9 volt battery is fully charged then I plug the timer into it.

"Okay. I didn't ask about the battery and my timer is powered by a 12 volt DC power pack. I asked about the RC constant calculation."

Well obviously your timer won't work with a dead battery will it?

"Huh? That's not even remotely related to the question I asked and I am not using a battery. I asked about the RC time constant. Nothing else."

Duh, obviously you can't make the timer go without a battery can you and if you're plugging it into a wall outlet it going to explode. It should be obvious to someone like you who knows so much about electronics shouldn't it?.

"WTF? I didn't ask anything about power related issues. Why are you going about that and not answering my question? "

Really? You know so little about 555 timer ICs that you don't know they won't work with a dead battery or AC power. What kind of electrical engineer are you? Are you even one?

"..................... WTF? When/how did this become a question of my credentials and experience? "


It's those types of conversations day in and day out that are wearing me down.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 7:53 PM

It goes without saying that a little knowledge is dangerous in the wrong hands.

Your experience is quite sad, because although calculating the RC time constant of a 555 timer is rather complex (ie- depends and varies on a number of different factors) this information is clearly indicated in the (generally) 555's wonderfully written datasheet (including graphs).

I had a similar experience with an Engineering graduate, my simple question on a practical real-world problem and request for a solution was met with the answer "we first model it", my response was a few simple steps and the job is done. This was more a lack of real-world experience and University teaching focusing on theoretical modelling rather than practical work however. That and I knew what University he came from and set him up with the real-world based question knowing what he would say.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 9:00 PM

It wasn't really about a 555 timer but to be fair I hang out on a few other forums of which two are electronics and to be fair the guys who have the mentality of the 555 timer IC example character some days are a dime a dozen.

More to the point it was about how basic applied statistical analysis works when dealing with complex real life conditions that have huge ranges and variables and the guy having absolutely no clue how to follow what I was asking or how to give me anything but a single data point (average mean value he himself could not answer as to how it was derived, but by god it represented the whole of the world though) he is convinced accurately represents the whole of the complex system being despite the fact that when the data sets are looked at in any other statistical method the data sets show a completely different trends and significance than he proclaims to be based on his one and only single numerical value.

That and having dealt with an unusually high number of trolls this last week (as one was seen here in CR4 in a thread I started just to call him out) as well that claim to be educated and experienced in certain fields I am very familiar with who could not give me or anyone else one shred of evidence that they supposedly had worked in said field for decades let alone had the slightest clue what they were talking about.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 4:53 PM

So this conversation took place at a Radio Shack store, didn't it?

I can't buy anything there, they don't try to sell me a whole blister pack of batteries, then the wifey tells me they don't work, because the remote is not functioning correctly.

I take it from her hand, put the batteries in the right way (if they didn't already discharge from being cross-installed), and then point the IR thingy at the TV and press the button. It generally works.

My 555 timers require multiplication to get the right answer, am I wrong?

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 5:20 PM

"My 555 timers require multiplication to get the right answer, am I wrong?"

Yes your wrong. 555 timers just go on and off. They cant multiply anything. You Need a calculator for that? And, Really? you don't know the difference between a 555 timer and a calculator? Do you even know what electronics is?

That's how that conversation would likely continue and no matter what you ask or how you phase it you're still wrong and stupid and they are not.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 10:13 AM

God have mercy! Good thing I am using PWM on Arduino boards now, if I even knew how that works, but I assume one has to adjust the voltage input that is used to calculate the pulse width in the program. I am a total novice at speaking Arduino, so things are going a bit rough.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 5:37 PM

Welcome to the Brave New World!!! And N,o you aren't alone here.

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