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Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 12:12 PM

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that finding people who are all around incompetent at everything regardless of age and work experience is becoming easier and I am not talking aobut just the internet.

I don't mind sitting down and spending a moment to explain or have explained to me in more detail how something works but dang it's frustrating to have to deal with some clueless pinhead who has zero want or will to know or working knowledge of anything they do for a living or apparently feel passionate about that they have been doing for years and years.

Certified licenced Electricians who don't know the first thing aobut how to use their own tools or work correctly let alone how to do the calculations behind the work they do.

Certified mechanics who don't know a thing about basic physics or working processes related to what they work with day in and day out.

HVAC techs who have no idea of what thermal dynamics or the physics of what they work with everyday are.

Civil and architectural Engineers who couldn't engineer a stack of boxes or make water run downhill.

Managers who can't answer a single question about what it is they actually do while at work let alone answer a question about what it is the people they watch over do.

Teachers who hate kids (and most everyone else) and have zero ability to think for themselves.

Then there is the bewildering hords of people who feel extremely passionate about something yet when questioned about it it becomes very clear they have done absolutely zero research or study of said passion to the point they are largely wrong about what their whole basis of their beliefs is founded on. (not talking about religion or politics either)

How do these people get and keep their jobs? How do you love and believe in something without knowing the first real thing about it?

Oh yea, and every single one of them will give you the most absurdly irrelevant topically unrelated reasons you have ever heard to justify their way is better than everyone else's.

Maybe i'm just tired of people, the internet and these friggin spell and grammar check programs that keep replacing correct words with wrong ones while missing my screwed up stuff this week.

Even my tire fire last night didn't cheer me up like I had hoped.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 6:35 PM

Dear TCMTECH: relax and cool down! Many times I feel the same you do.... but the problem is not them, but US (unfortunately we are starting to get old). At this point we are saying about THEM what our parents and grandparents thought (or said) about US 30 or 40 years ago. It´s just the generational gap!

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 6:47 PM

I agree with that but a large part of 'them' are in or above our age group and many claim to have more life long experience than we do.

I can forgive a fresh out of highschool or college kid for not knowing or thinking they know more than they due but not a mid 40's or older person who has worked in the field for over half to 3/4's of their life.

How do you work for 20 - 40+ years of your life in one area and have near zero capacity to be able to relate to or understand the underlying fundamentals of anything you did that whole time?

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 8:22 PM

In the last 2 decades there has also been a change in education; students get a much narrower (focused) education and also don´t have the need of fixing their vehicles / home appliances as we did (when I was a youngster all I had was chronically under repair). Nowadays there is no way of repairing your own car cause you need a PhD in electronics to understand what is going wrong... and when it comes to home appliances: they are just beyond repair. You now perhaps need to hire 3 guys to do what a single one could do 20 years ago!

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 8:45 PM

Hope they don't get a flat tire...

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 8:55 PM

In "our days" if you didn´t know how to change a tire, or forgot the jack at home.... you probably had to walk 10 miles to get a payphone to call someone for help. Now you just text you insurance company for help... and that´s it! They may be not as handy as we are.... but sometimes I wished to have been born with two left hands!

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 9:03 PM

Triple AAA was available back then. I couldn't afford it, but then again, being on a farm, car trouble with my first car was nothing more then just a inconvenience.

My girlfriend has it on her car, she had AAA since her divorce 10+ years ago, and she's been paying for her daughters now for 4 years... She just passed that off to her daughters responsibility, I think.

and my girlfriend used it for the first time about 2 weeks ago. Car has 165,000 miles on it. Radiator gave out.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 9:06 PM

In the good old days radiators ALWAYS leaked ... I used chewing gum for that and a heavy quince jam (local dessert) for gasoline tank leaks My first car was a 1929 Chevrolet double Phaeton (1929 or so) , and my second (much newer) a Mercedes 180 D (1953)

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 9:25 PM

I'm a little envious

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 9:09 PM

Speaking of tire changers. To be honest the kid who did the tires on my pickup and the other one who did the alignment job were probably the two most intellectually capable people I dealt with in the last month.

Low level mechanic jobs but they had as much humility in their actions as they had brains in their heads and going by what we talked about while they worked they weren't brain dead slouches either.

Sure beat the heck out of the other tire place that charged me $75 for two used trailer tires and didn't even bother to clean the rims or balance them. The kid doing my pickup tires spun them up and balance them for free as part of my near $1000 pickup tire and alignment purchase.

He actually understood the significance of balancing tires on a heavy trailer.

I said they are for a trailer and just said, 'I get it." to which I replied really? the place I got them from didn't. he said," yea I know. A trailer that shakes like a b!tch will drive a guy Effin' nuts.")

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 9:31 PM

Fix my first tire at 12 years of age, a wagon tire, removed the tire from the rim, found the hole in the tube, patched and put the tire back on... Took me over 3-1/2 hours with 2 tire spoons.

After 2-1/2 hours of futility, I gave up and went in for dinner, after lunch it all came together.

my dad was like that.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/24/2016 12:01 AM

After 10 or 15 years of being micro and macro manipulated requiring 3 or 5 individuals input a decision to make?

Short answer your expectations are too high.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 7:56 PM

Anyone got some decent stories of similar trained and experienced people asking or doing things they should have known better?

Managers don't count (for obvious reasons) and nor do previous CR4 poster's questions.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 11:09 PM

Well since I started this thread.

These are things I have noticed to be way too common let alone what should be acceptable in their related professions.

Licenced and certified electricians.

Very few can do basic math. Even less can use let alone understand every function on their multimeter but are so very proud they spent $500+ on a basic model that has auto ranging everything. Also finding a virgin in a mexican whore house would be easier than finding an electrician with a code book (up to date or otherwise) in their possession.

Certified mechanical systems installers.

They went to a single class for one day and got a piece of fancy paper with their name on it at the end and figure that makes them god's gift to wrench spinning despite they couldn't tell you 3 things they learned in said class two weeks after they came back. Most have less tools at home than any non mechanic has as well.


They have devices that can pinpoint their location to within a fraction of an inch in three axis anywhere on the face of the planet yet still drive around for hours lost and then manage to survey the wrong property and put their markers in the wrong locations. Still charge you like they mapped it out on hands and knees with golden thread though.

HVAC techs.

Ugg. I'm just going to skip this. We all know why. We just do.

Carpenters/Construction workers.

1 in 50 is absolutely worth his weight in gold. Unfortunately that one never shows up but charges you as if he had even though one or more of his 49 other minimum wage dimwit drugged up lackeys did the work and did it wrong even after you pointed it out to them multiple times and ran them off site twice.


Brilliant drafts persons but unfortunately none of them have ever been outside let alone seen a real life building and what all goes into the actual construction of it and like the electricians they don't need no stinking code/regulations books to tell them how to do their job.

Civil and mechanical engineers.

they knows everything about what is suposed to go into a building but since the architect didn't draw it in the blueprints they could care less about what gets left out even when they know the codes that say it has to be there and why. Also expects to be paid in gold for doing half assed work they knew they would get called out on and insist that everything they missed, but is required by code that he was in charge of seeing to that it was done, should be billed as above and beyond work. They will also tell you lies so outrageous that even a politician would call them out on it to keep from having to fess up to simple oversights on their part.

These are from accounts of a local public school project that has been an uphill battle over poor craftsmanship and idiotic oversights and who gets the blame for them and who has to pay for the rework to correct the oversights.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 11:37 PM

Ah yes, bad Architects. Two examples here, one that designed a two story building and put windows half above and half below the internal staircase steps (we did not pay their bill).

The other, an Architect here who was trying to design and build a single story cube-shaped house, made entirely of glass outer walls (all 6, I'll get to why in a minute) for unobstructed views and located on the edge of a cliff overlooking the sea.

Why a cube with 6 glass walls? Well the plan was to balance the entire single story glass cube building......on its edge to create a diamond shape.

The building plan was revised when an Engineer was asked how to achieve this and was told that they would need to balance the building on its point while suspending the house from two large cranes either side. I know, you cannot make this stuff up.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 8:20 AM

The not paying the bill is where the new school is at. So far they have 2 - 3 million (~10 - 15% of the contract) that the company is not getting paid until all the stuff is fixed.

The oddest part is the school has both a well liked and very experienced professional contractor and a well experienced civil engineer on their school board now and neither can believe the arrogance and idiocy of the people in charge of the project.

Accounts of their school board meetings with the company are entertaining though.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 11:05 PM

Architects!!! I have no doubt there are great ones around, but right now I'm managing a window replacement job for a school. The window schedule clearly calls out vents (tilt operation opening windows) for specific locations, but the architectural drawings (which indicate the window schedule as having final say on glazing) and hardware schedule show they think they're getting almost 4 times as many as were quoted on. Don't know why they can't get their act together before tendering, but i do know it's going to be interesting when I bring this up on Thursday and they find out what the cost difference is!!

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/21/2016 9:32 AM

Because someone in close proximity to the cookie jar, likes cookies, and has their hand in the jar, that is why.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/18/2016 11:19 PM

Have you thought about that your perception might have changed over the years? You have changed? Is there a slight arrogance in this?

Do we give them kids all the chances to develop or are we keeping things close to our chests?

I have a pleasure to work alongside a young engineer with fantastic attitude and knowledge. It kind of hurts when he seems to have already acquired more knowledge than me in the time we work together. All he is missing is some more experience.
In old age you can judge from the high chair of experience but at some point you will sit lower than them.
I like looking up to see the better people and would not waste my time thinking better of myself and how things look derogated.

There is still and always will be good engineers around. You gotta have to find them or make up for it yourself. (This is when you go shopping and you cant rely on the technical personal to know what you need).

The other thing is keep giving. Nothing comes from nothing. If there is crap people around us then it means we have been giving only crap. Patience and humility go a long way if you place them well.

Starting with our kids and further in our environment.

My fireplace cheered me up in this cold weather we have. Burn a tire for me!

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 8:49 AM

I think it every single day.

I cut my teeth in the working world around some pretty tough old cobs and took my lumps along the way. I'm quite far from knowing everything but I do have enough sense to stop and look at the overall problem and try to find the correct context and intent behind what it is I am doing or saying.

The part that gets to me is how so many people manage to get and hold jobs and titles with what is so clearly no working knowledge of said fields or common techniques or principles that go with said fields plus continually show they have no grasp of what should be basic rational sense of anything given their age and working experience.

How does one rationalize that if two building are on the same property and separated by a substantial distance that if the temperature in one building is raised in the middle of the night that it will equally raise the temperature in the other in the daytime because the mean average fuel consumption the property went up over that 24 hour period?

Then to add insult to stupidity when you point out the flaw in their reasoning wants you to point out what law of thermodynamics is being broken because their incorrect mathematical and statistical reasoning adds up perfectly in their reasoning fuel consumption went up.

They insist that since average mean energy of the system went up and average mean temperature went up therefore both buildings have to be equally warmer now and it's you who does not get it and you cannot be an engineer if you can't see how obvious this concept is because their interpretation of the mach say it has to be true.

Their argument and justification is that average mean temperature value went up so the system (two physically unconnected and unrelated buildings separated by some distance) had to get warmer but the time and location of said thermal energy input have no relevance. How do you deal with that and not feel like your dealing with an idiot? I can't

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 10:19 PM

Reminds me of another discussion we so often had and where thermodynamics plays a role and scientists try to be smarter than engineers and defy physics laws to push their global agenda...

Ups said too much!

Yeah I am with you. But partially I blame myself because I cannot make it sound like my physics explanation is bullet proof and partially you will never ever be able to change their believes. And what I say so often: Believe starts where the knowledge ends!
Makes me think you know too much!

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 11:01 PM

The global warming group are the worst. Maximum faith in the least amount of data and numbers and absolutely undeniably anyone who questions them is wrong.

I used to go after them with reckless abandon but what's the point any more?

I'm always told I am wrong and they will show methe the error of my reasoning yet none of them can bring up any degree of data that supports their beliefs for what they claim any part of it to be and any data anyone else brings up is invalid due to the source or the name of some person associated with the source or whatever.

NOAA, NASA, any government agency, college or university study all count in their limited data references unless you post counter data from the same place or show that what they say something represents clearly does not then that source is invalid and you just don't get why.

I just went through this the last few days with a guy over on another forum, and just like the others, his interpretation of the statistical data does not accurately represent what any of the individual data sub set points show and his defence of that is that the individual data points don't mean anything and are largely irrelevant to the discussion. WTF?????

The only thing he is concerned about is that the mean average value went up from last year therefore it was the hottest year ever. No it wasn't.

Above average fall, winter, and spring temperatures pushed the mean average value up yet the actual day to day temperatures were of less range and upper and lower extremes than typical, Especially for the summer season.

Looking at the individual day to day data strongly suggests it was actually a rather mild and favorable year, if it is to be labeled as anything, but that means nothing of course.

A single point average mean numerical value that condenses a whole year made up of millions of individual data points from all around the globe is what counts but not the actual data points or their time frames of collection themselves. They are irrelevant and meaningless and I am just to stupid to understand why that is.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 1:14 AM

The whole secret to this, of course, is that it costs more to pay people who are good at pretty much everything. What does your organization have on offer?

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 4:38 AM

The other side of the coin.
I started working for a Canadian company as an engineer, my mistake was learning the process to well. I got a phone call from the great white chief “the production manager is ill, can you fill in for him for a few days?” Twelve months of sorting out personnel problems, shift rosters, production figures and I was loosing the will to live.

Exit stage right.

The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.
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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 7:07 AM

When the company give you a cell phone, That is a very bad sign.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 6:38 AM

Letting them know my home and cell phone numbers was a monumental blunder on my part.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 9:17 AM

Did that one myself at one of my first jobs.

I was young, outgoing and eager to learn and take on new responsibilities and it worked great!

Well it did until one day my boss called in sick and his boss, the company CEO at the time, asked me to stay over a few more hours and get a few of my bosses daily tasks done and I told him that most were already done and done hours or even days ago. By me no less.

That lead to a somewhat lengthy conversation about when I had started taking on siad tasks and related work and by what authority I had to be doing it. That led to me also revealing a number of scheduling changes that had happened in a number of key facility supply chains that I had no authority to be signing of on let alone handling myself.

Then to top it off when asked how I was getting all that done in my 8 hour night shift position that was from 10 PM to 6 AM I pointed out that for weeks my boss had me coming in 1 - 2 hours early and leaving 1 -2 hour late mosts days to do said work so it wasn't really affecting my normal schedule 8 hours of work.

Yep. I learned a lot that day.

I learned what the term,'Crawl up someone's butt and make a nest.' meant. It meant those above my boss watched him so close they were practically an additional organ to his body and shortly after that I also learned what 'being let go for unrelated reasons' meant.

That was then followed by learning what having 'unrelated reasons redacted' was because apparently my boss could not fire me at the beginning of my shift without a formal review of what I has suposedly done wrong either.

It was a very educational week. I learned a lot. Don't take on work that is not related to your job, Document the crap out of your actions was another and never get caught passing your work off on someone else then lie about it and try to fire them to cover your actions was in there someplace too.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 3:51 PM

Cheer up, leave the beers alone for a week, and drink apple juice. That should either cheer you up, or make you want to choke the living sh** out of something/one, but please do resist the urge.

About those passionate believers that know nothing - ignorance is bliss? Or just a ticket to another sh** sandwich...I suspect the latter is true.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 4:27 PM

"...How do you love and believe in something without knowing the first real thing about it?

Oh yea, and every single one of them will give you the most absurdly irrelevant topically unrelated reasons you have ever heard to justify their way is better than everyone else's.



You really nailed it! It sometimes catches me completely off gaurd and is totally bewildering to me... part of my head thinks Allen Funt is about to step out from behind the scenes..Unfortunately it isn't contained to those devoid of useful competencies and rationality. This particular trait is very widespread affecting peope who at most other times can be mercilessly logical and may port a formidable bevy of proficiencies. Yet around a few pet subjects they proudly exhibit exactly what you describe above.

Vast swaths are so committed to 'loving and believing' in ideas remote from support and often quite unverifiable/falsifiable, set aside a day committed to the very thing, where people gather to compare clothes and sing sometimes torturously composed assemblages of notes and words.


...or maybe a little of it is okay, as long as no one gets to the point of suicide bombers.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 5:12 PM

That's the ones!

They want change. (But only if it suits them, not anyone else.)

They want it now. (But not if they actually have to do anything themselves.)

It's going to save the world.( But they have zero clue or capacity to even explain any of any of it let alone show undeniable proof that what believe is actually good, bad, or well within normal limits.)

They will scream you're the entitlist. (Because you refuse to throw your money time and effort into their wants they can't begin to explain or justify.)

There is no middle ground. (It's all bad and it's happening right now because one derived numerical value is different. They can't point to exactly what, why or when anything in the data set that is out of the normal range but that doesn't matter.)

Their math is never wrong. ( Yet they are first to point out they feel that the single data points that make up the whole of their argument are irrelevant. Only the end answer is what matters.)

You don't get it. (Sure you can pick their logic reasoning and assumptions apart down to the finest detail and find every flaw in their logic but that doesn't make you right. You're just a spoiled entitlist who uses big words to get your way and you need to be taken down hard, now.)

Their and indominal fortress of truth no one has yet to topple. (Actually they are castle made of of pee soaked cardboard boxes inhabited by blithering fools that no one wants to waste time and resources on assimilating into any functioning organized group. They keep their ground by forfeit of the other forces who are to embarrassed to waste their time on attacking someone and something so pathetic. )

They're not trolling you. (Well actually they might be right on that one. A real troll has far better tactics and methods behind their actions. )

That sound familiar to anyone else in online encounters or otherwise?

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 10:10 AM


If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Just build a better one.
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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 6:05 PM

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 10:18 AM

Is that an up arrow, an asterisk, or is it a cross on the roadside, F.O.R.D.

I am still LMFAO.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 6:25 PM

A couple of weeks ago I was at a friends new business when I noticed that the Large Brass cleanout in the bathroom floor was tilted about 10 degrees leaving part of it above and part of it below the freshly installed tile.

I told him this was unacceptable for new work. and offered ways o fix the problem.

He called the builder who came out and looked at it. He agreed it was not right.

He called the plumber who cam out and looked at it and said he would be back to fix it.

Curious as to the fix. I returned (bringing my tools) and found that he lifted the downside of the lid and replaced the SS screw with a longer zinc steel screw. He used two large nuts as shims and globed it all together with silicone caulk.

Now it was a wobbly silicone mess that was ALL above the level of the floor. \

Without hesitation I removed all the offending materials extracted the collar and ground off the bottom two rows of brass threading. I seated the loose collar in a thick bed of high strength mortar and told and it's now proper. Minis one stainless steel screw that the plumber must have taken.

On that same visit there were carpenters hanging the really nice, but reclaimed doors and they were whining about how much trouble it was. Were only used to brand new doors in the box!!

Now I don't profess to be the best at everything, but I'm a pretty darn good plumber, tile guy, framer, drywaller, painter, brick mason, stone mason, landscaper. horticulturist, carpenter, design engineer, electrician, roofer, low volt, HVAC, welder, shadetree mechanic, manager guy. I

and Yeah.. I get's my goat too!

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In reply to #55

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 7:59 PM

Reminds me of a electrical job I did for a buddy of mine about 10 years ago.

I did the whole system in from the main utility transformer connection to last light bulb.

When I was done they had to have a final inspection done by the local inspection agency guy in order to turn on the power and be able insure the building for full value.

I wasn't there for the inspection but the guys recount of it was damn funny.

He said the inspector went over his place with a fine tooth comb and never said a word until he was done.

When he was done and filling out his paperwork my buddy asked if anything was done wrong. The inspector said, "I see you didn't have a licenced contractor do this. Did you?"

My buddy replied, "No. A friend of mine helped me out and did all the design and layout. How bad is it?" Figuring he was in for a ass chewing for getting an unlicensed person to do the job.

The inspector replied. "It's as close to perfect as it can get. I can't find one thing that's not done up to or exceeding code! Most of it way exceeds code. That's how I know you didn't have a licensed contractor do this."

He then asked my buddy, "Who's this guy? Is he an engineer and who does he work for? "

My buddy told him something on the lines of I'm a friend of the family his uncle met while working in the local scrap yard.

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In reply to #56

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 10:21 AM

You can come wire up my shop.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Just build a better one.
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In reply to #55

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 7:05 AM

,... hope I didn't say that out loud... the part about hanging the doors, using reclaimed doors was probably already agreed to in the original contract. @$s wipes.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 8:55 PM

Here is another for your collection. The area around PR is filled with shoals, mariners be ware. Here be rocks as well as dragons. A 70 Ft sport fisher was enroute from FL to Trinidad. A crew and two Captains, allegedly one new the local waters. Just north of Roosevelt Roads Navy Base is a small island, many folks weekend there on its sunny beaches. There are rocks throughout this passage. This brand new never before fished boat found several. Amazing what coral will do to a 7 million dollar boat traveling at 20 knots. Remeber MikeK of St Thomas. A passenger ferry with 8 passengers and some cargo departed Charlotte Amalie for Road Town BVI. He had just left and was 300 yds outside the channel when he discovered the reason for the buoys. He went aground so hard they had to cut the boat. This was his 3rd time.

Look at the cause of most airplane crashes---pilot error. US Hospitals routinely kill off over 200k per yr, due to mis/faulty diagnosis or treatment.

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In reply to #59

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 9:28 PM

I cannot reply but in Latin: "Errare humanum est"

the more I move, the deeper I get stuck !
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Anonymous Poster #1

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 9:42 PM

CR4 Admin - This post was moved because it was inappropriate. Please do not attack other users.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/19/2016 9:53 PM

CR4 Admin - This post was moved because it was inappropriate. Please do not attack other users.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 4:26 AM

CR4 Admin - This post was moved because it was inappropriate. Please do not attack other users.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 7:08 AM

CR4 Admin - This post was moved because it was inappropriate. Please do not attack other users.

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 8:02 AM

CR4 Admin - This post was moved because it was inappropriate. Please do not attack other users.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 8:12 AM

CR4 Admin - This post was moved because it was inappropriate. Please do not attack other users.

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 9:06 AM

CR4 Admin - This post was moved because it was inappropriate. Please do not attack other users.

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In reply to #73

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 10:27 AM

WOW. What was that all about, I would love to be a fly on the wall during that gunfight!

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Just build a better one.
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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 6:12 PM

somebod/y/ies was bad at something!

A true flame broiled wopper.

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 8:44 PM

Apparently admin didn't like it being inferred that they use the AP function to troll so power a driven deletion wrath insued?

Other than what he AP troll said I thought the rest was well within forum bounds.

Although considering it now, I rather hope the goon keeps using the AP function to troll and not just me everyone on every thread all day and night. Make it very clear what purpose that function really ended up serving here.

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In reply to #95

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/20/2016 11:29 PM

What the heck was that...

its not too much longer before CR4 needs to create a Nancy zone. Also known as a safe zone.

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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In reply to #97

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/21/2016 9:33 AM

Listen Linda, Linda....Listen, Listen Linda. but Listen Linda.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Just build a better one.
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In reply to #80

Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/22/2016 10:05 AM

Just a quick question.

The message said, "This message was moved because it was inappropriate ".

And there was different, Off Topic, points assigned.

Does cr4 have a guide that lists how many points are assigned as to the degree of Off Topicness ?

Does " Moved ", mean, " Deleted " ?

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/22/2016 9:56 AM

Where was the post moved to ?

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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/22/2016 10:07 AM

Detroit via Chicago.

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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Re: Working With People Who Are Bad At ... Everything

09/22/2016 10:08 AM

The admin typoed. they didn't move the post they REmoved it.

( The opinions espressed in this post may not reflect the true opinions of the poster, and may not reflect commonly accepted versions of reality. ) (If you are wondering: yes, I DO hope to live to be as old as my jokes.)
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