Many years ago, maybe 55-60 years, I used to attend high fidelity audio shows which were held at the New Yorker hotel in Manhattan. There were vendors from all over the world displaying and demonstrating all of their equipment. Many of the demonstrations were LOUD, but exciting all the same. I had attended for only 3 years, as I had to leave the NYC area for job concerns. While I attended, vendors were displaying cutting edge audio equipment that at the time was revolutionary, at least to me. There was a turntable that could play in any position, even upside down and under water to boot. It wasn't actually water, but a liquid that was inert and didn't conduct current. I saw a tape deck that had magnetic drag cups for the take-up reels and much more I cannot remember. I looked forward to those shows every year.
My question now is; what happened to all the equipment that was shown at the shows over the years? The manufacturers are now long gone, but I wonder what was the disposition of their equipment. I have searched Hi Fi sites trying to locate some of this equipment, but there doesn't seem to be any trace. There must be some of it sitting in someone's listening room or maybe in a box in the attic. Is there a museum where some of this equipment might have ended up?
I understand the original audio shows have been replaced by the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) being held in Las Vegas for 2018. It is nothing like the original, as it's focus is now on home theatre, artificial intelligence, driverless cars and less on audio.
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