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Does a dog silencer work?

04/05/2008 11:20 PM

How does a dog silencer work? I received a dog silencer as a present and I tried it with my neighbor's dog but the dog doesn't stop barking. Is it scam or is the device broken?

According to the supplier, the device is transmitting ultrasound back to the dog each time it is barking. A dog doesn't like the ultrasound and will therefore stop barking. The ultrasound cannot be heard by human beings but a dog will hear it unless it is deaf. What is so different between the hearing organ of a human being and a dog?

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/06/2008 2:26 AM

Hi slong

I haven't seen one yet but it may be a enhanced dog pacifier.

I had a pacifier but my #15 boot were there as a backup.

I think however distance might be your problem - Maybe not enough sound to activate it or not enough power to be heard by the normal dog.

I would suggest you plug it in somewhere in close proximity to the offending dog.

In SA the barking of my neighbours dog is my early warning system but you need to learn their language. Fowl words are stopped by a telephone call.

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/06/2008 3:22 AM

Fowl words are stopped by a telephone call.
The dogs and chickens in SA have mobile phones


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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/06/2008 3:36 AM

In Africa we do all things differently.

One can even keep on ruling after loosing an erection.

Did your daughter get the job in CT?

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/06/2008 3:59 AM

OK that must be shorthand for rigged election.

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/06/2008 4:24 AM

Hi, no it wasn't a job for her, the CT thing was just a few days jolly with one of her friends who had to go there on business. She had a good time and bought back a pic of her stroking a Cheetah... which she really loved. She said it was a bit 'touristy' where she was but she loved seeing the wildlife (it wasn't a proper safari, but she certainly saw stuff she wasn't going to see in UK... (we don't get many Giraffes loping along in Harlow)

How are you and the missus now?



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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 3:21 PM

No giraffes in Harlow, but not too far from there, you've a plethora of squirrels, I hear. And in the Midlands, it's...

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/06/2008 3:54 AM

Those ultrasonic one's don't work. Get one that gives them 5000v to the throat, (harmless, all voltage, no current, like getting hit with a spark plug wire). I have the Invisible Fence brand containment system for my dogs, and it works great. After a couple of hits, they know where they can't go, don't even have to put the collar on anymore. I wonder if it works on cats....

p.s. I tried it on myself, no way I'd be leaving the yard, and I'm sure it would curb my appetite for barking too.

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/06/2008 11:07 PM

I generally don't like hitting a dog as I find that it tends to make them rowdier than they were before I hit them.

If you've got a dog that is giving you enough trouble to get you to buy a shock system then, by all means, go with Bricktop's advise.

Master Bricktop, mucho kudos to you, sir. You felt that this was a viable solution, and for you it was. What impressed me, however, is that you tried it on yourself before you put in on your dogs.

That was humanity at it's best, and I applaude you for your sense of responseability. If you've got kids, they're lucky to have you.


aka Diogenes

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 8:27 PM

Actually, I have 3 wonderful adult children. They are educated, productive members of society. They never gave me any trouble at all. They are my pride and joy. I raised them all by myself. They really never had a mother. Oh, ya, I have a 3 yr old grandson, who I get to see all the time. I'm the lucky one here. I get to spend time with my kids. I get to do what I want to do now. I like spending time in the woods with the dogs. I get to travel the world. ( I dump the dogs on my daughter for the month of July each year). I like my job. I love my life. I'm a happy guy, I payed my dues.

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 8:07 AM

Yeah, invisible fence. One day my sister's dog ran thru their invisible fence chasing our dogs. Wouldn't come back in the yard (obviously). So my bro-in-law takes the collar off the dog and, holding the collar by the eletrodes, walks back into the yard.

Jeepers it was funny!

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 1:05 AM

Dear all Engineers cum dog experts,

Why do you want to try all the unpleasant hit & threaten techniques. Why not try the other method. Be kind and gentle. Dogs understand the tone of speech well. When you want them to stop something try (a) commanding language (b) a treat when he stops barking (note not a treat to stop barking otherwise the guy may misunderstand you!)

For children in the early days they tried all these techniques you all mentioned. See the results. Bunch of well educated guys/gals talking of use of force on innocent dogs. Now they have done away with physical punishment for children before long they will bring in legislation for protection of animals as well.

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 1:35 AM

I can't speak for anyone else, but I've raised Boxers.

Boxers are a very interesting breed. I believe they are the smartest of any dog in it's class. Problem is, every now and then Poochie gets it into his doggie head that he is alpha male. I can't allow that kind of dominance behavior, even for a moment.

With certain breeds, dominance behavior can be deadly. This is especially true of the Pit Bulls. Regardless of how gently you raise them, the moment a Pit Bull thinks it is alpha, some human will be in physical trouble.

Just for the record, I've never had to hit Poochie more than once for him to get the message. Given that he wieghs in at 85lbs, a slap on the rump is more of an embarisment to Poochie, and he hates being embarresed. From what I've seen interacting with him, Poochie has the doggie equivilant of a 160 I.Q. and that isn't just kennel blindness. I get constant comments, in the positive, about his intelligence and behavior.

The whole thing is about establishing and maintaining dominance.


"Out, out dam-ned spot": hey, Shakespeare had a dog!

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 2:56 AM

True. I agree with you. If and When everything gentle and kind fails we have to try more harsher methods (note I said IF). Perhaps with children too!

I had a gentle giant... a German Shepard super intelligent guy. The night before it died at the VET, I was with him and he told me somthing in his language which I could not undertand. Following day morning he was dead. I still feel sad when I remember.

Now I have a golden Retriver comparatively less intelligent but extremly playful.

I really hate if I have to hit the fellow.

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 3:33 AM

The worst one was when Poochie started gnawing on the electrical cables. Through trial and error, i.e. bouncing on the power strip, he made the light go out and went to town on the smaller wires, like my multi-track tape deck. I had to smack him with the wire to teach him to stay away from them. It wasn't harsh or excessive. I had no other way to teach him to avoid electrical cables.

I only had to scold him a few times as he tried eating his way through my library.

I didn't say I liked hitting him, but, as you can see, not hitting him would have led to worse consequences.

I guess it OK to hit them as long as you feel guilty about it.


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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 5:08 PM

Ya, been there. The English Springer chewed through an extension cord, took 110v to the mouth. Actually tripped the breaker. She was fine. Pretty much stays away from them now. On our first camping trip this season, the dogs where sniffing around whilst I set up the tent. Well, the Springer must have got into my pack and got a hold of a can of Halt,(pepper spray). She chewed right through it, rapidly depressurizing in her mouth. She sneezed about 1000 times, sat there for a while, and was fine in about 15 min. Has stayed away from cans altogether since. All and all, a rugged built dog in every sense. On that same trip, she ran full speed into a chain link fence, just shook it off, turned around, and went the other way. She's a real sweetheart, and actually quite smart, but a total bonehead. I figure if they actually live through the first couple years, they've learned important survival skills.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

06/26/2010 4:38 AM

Sure, that's very smart. Don't kid yourself, dogs are not smart. My neighbour's dog simply does not speak english, he speaks dog. But I tried to reson with him, asked him politely, gave him treats and sweet talk, I even barked back. All for nothing I say, he simply continues. Fact is, the thing is simply dumb. I will now try a dog silencer. When that does not work, I will use my paintball gun. When that does not work, I will load pepper gas balls in the paintball gun. When that does not work, I will hijack the freaking dog and give him the mafia treatment: concrete boots in the local pond.

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

06/26/2010 1:54 PM

Dogs are not smart. You sure hit it right there. I bought a sharpai dog for my wife 7 years ago. the lovable dog was just a pup then. The only people that can touch her are my wife and my oldest daughter. When we sit at the table for dinner, the dog will nudge me with her nose till I give her table scraps. This will continue till we are done or I look under the table at which time she will bark and run. If I come out of the bedroom, she will bark at me like I was Jack the Ripper. When I take the garbage out, she forgets who I am and carries on again like I am J the R. When I come home from work, same thing. The other dogs will get a treat from me as soon as I get home. The moron stops barking, and comes looking for the treat. She's just a moron.

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 5:32 AM

Firstly I would like to state that I am a dog lover, but I want my dog to behave correctly also. If the dog (I prefer Bitches for training as they are simply better in this area I feel) is intelligent, you will have your work cut out at least for the first year.....that can be too long for many people.

I feel that your anti barking device is not working, how you check on that without special equipment, I haven't a clue......

The ones that give shocks are completely banned for average people, only for licensed specialist dog trainers I am least in Germany.

There is another version, that is generally available (ebay) and that uses a vibrator on the neck of the dog. Its completely harmless, and its easy to check if its working and is hated by all the dogs that I have tried it on (2 only though!)....on one, it took less than a day to cure it of nonstop barking for no reason.....not my dog by the way!!

When training:-

1) There is never any need to physically chastise or hit your dog in any violent manner, this is completely pointless and will make the training take longer. In the first few days of ownership only,I use a rolled up newspaper (most dogs hate that on principal, I do not know why), and using no strength whatsoever, I chastise the dog and use my "you are a bad dog" voice. They associate one with the other and you can throw the rolled up newspaper away after a few days.......and just use that "voice" but very sparingly!!!

2) Never shout at your dog when they have do not returned, this also works in a negative manner....completely opposite to what you actually want, this will make training harder for you!!

3) Train the dog with simple things at first for about 10-15 minutes per day only. Later when they have "learned" to learn, this can be extended.

4) Find a simple "treat" (could be something simple, I used special "Dog Chocs" that were small pieces of chocolate formulated with vitamins for dogs only, my Weimaraner bitch would try to learn anything just for one!!) that a) the dog loves to eat b) is dry and can be carried in the pocket or tin.

Use it EVERY TIME THE DOG DOES SOME LITTLE THING RIGHT!!! Especially in the first 2 years. Reinforce and reinforce!

Do not give this particular treat ever for any other reason!!!

5) If you have never had a dog before then both of you need to go to Dog training classes.....

I trained my dog with a silent whistle to return to me immediately when I sound it, but remember, if you are on opposite sides of a road, check for no traffic first! Many dogs have been killed obeying such commands because the owner had even less brain than the dog!!

If you are going to have a family, have ALL your children first before buying an animal, a bitch is doubly recommended in such cases!!

For Biological reasons, some male dogs will never obey a woman 100% of the time as they feel that they are "higher" in the pecking order, whereas Bitches have no problem with this....this can also be true of any child born AFTER the Dog was obtained!!! That can be fatal.....

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 8:52 AM

Hi There

I believe Slong is having the same old problem that I had with OTHER peoples cute little doggies. Unfortunately you can't attach a shock collar on someone else's dog.

I had one of those next door to my fathers house for 10 years. The cute little pile of noisy s*** managed to disturb not only me but 2 separate wives and there was nothing I could do about it.

I came very close to installing a repeater on the side of the house with a 1 or 2 second delay to rebroadcast the little cuties barks back at them but figured since one was a judge and the other was the assistant provost of a large law school it would cost me legal fees.

What Slong is asking for is definitely a product that would have quite a market in the USA though I'm sure some organization or another would protest/sue you.

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/09/2008 10:27 PM

What a wonderful answer. My wife of 37 years and I have had a collection of dogs since we were first married. If she ever writes a book of the dog stories we'll have retirement paid for. Three were Neapolitan Mastiffs. One was a male with a stomach disorder. Hand cooked rice and chicken broth four times a day. When the weekend came he would get blote (?), and my wife would rush him to an emergency vet for a stomach pumping, and three hundred dollars. She saved that poor dog's life about eight times. Finally lost him to the blote. The other two mastiffs were females and much smarter. The first one we bought when she was older from a breeder in New Jersey. This was his family's protection dog also, so she had been attack trained. She lived with us in Florida and was the best dog I ever had. The training was a great asset with her. She would rub herself between my wife or me and whine if we had to raise our voices to our little girl (2-3 years old). Without a doubt the most loyal dog I ever met. The third Neo came from an animal rescue shelter. This dog had been abused. She was afraid of brooms, metal garbage cans and garden hoses. She had to live outside because she was prone to snapping when scared. Not acceptable in a house that now had three little girls. She gradually accepted garden hoses for the cooling water they provided. We gradually learned that we did not need to use a broom or garbage can near her. As we grew together she learned to play soccer with my oldest daughter. She lived till she was 12 years old, an advanced age for large breed like her. I would lay out a towel in the back room for her to sleep on on cold or rainy days. Dry her off and she would lay there till dawn. Open the door and she would yest go back in the yard again.

Please do not beat a dog. A 160 pound dog that is afraid of a hose will bring you to tears.

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 8:47 AM

You did not describe the nature of your "dog Silencer."

If it is in fact one of those ultrasonic whistles, it is not enough to blow it, you need to use it to condition (behavioral psychology) the dogs.

Here's What my dad did with a neighbor who had two inside dogs and wasn't picking up their solidwaste making their backyard a nuisance.

He would keep the ultrasonic whistle on a lanyard around his neck, and every time he saw the dogs outside urinate or mark, he'd blow the whistle once real hard. Every time he saw them in posture to leave solid waste, he blew a series of short pulses the entire time they were in position. He did thatall summer. He was retired.

Late in the summer,while the windows were still up, and screens were on, he'd get up about 4 Am ahead of the neighbors and give the dogs their instructions by whistle. The neighbors would get up for work, only to find that the dogs didn't need to go out. they were late for work a couple of times because of unexpected delays cleaning up the 'messes.'

He would do that sporadically,every couple of days.

The neighbors gave their dogs away to a mutual friend who 'surprisingly' never had any trouble with them...

My dad was as fine a problem solver as they come.


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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 11:04 AM

Perfect!!! I like it!!

I gave you a GA for this.

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 10:48 PM

Thanks Andy. I'll take a perfect from you.



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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/08/2008 10:58 AM

You earned it my friend.....

I complain about some people's comments, but to balance that out, I like to compliment good posts as well!!!

One should not "just complain only", its really bad for the "complainer's Health" in the long run!! You see them every day with the corners of their mouths turned permanently down......UGH!!!

Everything should be kept in balance......

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/10/2008 8:38 AM

Concur - everything in moderation - including moderation - is a good philosophy!

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 11:35 AM

I had a friend who lived next to a house with 3 dogs that were out all day in the garden and "yapping" the whole time while the couple were at work. Pleasant requests to the owners were simply ignored.

What he did was to buy many bars of a strong Laxative in chocolate form called ExLax. It is still available!! Click on link.....


Just before the neighbors came home, each dog would be given a piece or two slyly over the fence.....

After several weeks of a very "Crappy" house evenings/nights, all 3 dogs were also given away.....

According to what he heard MUCH later, the dogs were first given different food stuffs to help fix their "loose tummy" problem, expensive foods!

They were also treated (at high cost) for several ailments that they did not have, by the local Vet.......

Its sad that the dogs basically paid for the stupidity of their owners, but is that not always the case with either parents of children or owners of pets?.....the innocent get the problem....

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 11:46 AM

You know... I almost tried that......

If there's a next time, I definitly will.. Thanks!

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/10/2008 9:39 AM

I was given to understand that giving a dog chocolate, in any form, will kill them, or, at least make them very sick? Giving a dog Exlax is cruel.


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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/10/2008 5:54 PM

Firstly for training purposes I gave my Bitch "DogChocs", which are formulated for dogs, what is actually in them I haven't a clue, but my Bitch loved them.....she lived to be 13....which is average for a Weimaraner......

I thought that (human) chocolate only made dogs and humans FAT!!! nothing more!!! But I could easily believe that it is really poisonous for both......I do not eat it.

It was NOT I who gave the dogs Ex-Lax, it was a very nice friend of mine who worked shifts and needed to sleep during the far as we both are aware, other than the fact that the dogs had violent diarrhoea every evening, nothing else negative happened (if you ignore the penetrating smell of course!!).

I really did feel that I had written these details fully and correctly in my previous posts, are you a "speed reader" who really does not read accurately?

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/13/2008 9:46 PM

Dear Andy,

I am truly sorry if I've offended you. That was not my intention. I was asking an honest question. 'They' used to like to hit me when I gave the dog candy and I truly believed that chocolate would seriously harm the dog. I can be wrong. To be honest, anyone can (be wrong) except, maybe Del the Cat. Now there is a mystery, wrapped in a riddle and tied with a conundrum. Very curious.

Seriously, I never meant to imply in any way that you would deliberately harm an animal.

To borrow from the vernacular of the peasantry:"You can't take the posts personally, my brother"

Most apologetically yours


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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/14/2008 3:16 AM

I am not offended. Try not to be so sensitive, nothing I wrote was trying to put you down in any way at all....this is just a great discussion forum, nothing more, nothing less.....

Sincerely, I can easily believe that "normal" chocolate could well be poisonous for dogs, it is bad enough for humans!!! I only gave my dog stuff that smelt chocolately and was formulated for dogs by a company called "Pedigree" in the UK....

As for ExLax, as far as I am aware, no dogs were physically damaged in any way by eating it.....but that wasn't me was a fiend of mine who worked only late shifts!!!

Please have a great day and stay well and healthy!!

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/14/2008 3:26 AM

Hey you guys...I've just consulted Mrs Cat and she say that just to be safe... all chocolate should be quarantined and sent to her immediately

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In reply to #50

Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/14/2008 3:43 AM

Did she order Milk or Bitter????

(Chocolate of course, I am sure she does not drink Bitter early in the morning, or does she?)

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/14/2008 9:20 AM

Wot?!? All of it? Oh, very well then, send it on... (grumble, gripe, dangit...)

Veni, vidi, video - I came, I saw, I got it on film.
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In reply to #21

Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/16/2009 10:07 AM

Wow I love that exlax story. Hey I went through the proper chanels only to be frustrated with the BIG JOKE animal control people. I couldnt believe these idots operated like this in 2009. I am looking to move back to the city where they dont put up with this backwards nonsence. But b4 I go I think exlax will be on the menu. Thanks Andy

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

09/29/2009 11:34 PM

Your friend should have been responsible for the vet bill

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

12/17/2009 10:06 AM

His friend shouldn't have had to do it!

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 3:29 PM

I too gave a GA vote. Your Dad was an applicator of the theories of Pavlov, and demonstrated the efficacy of that! Love it... Justice done all around!

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 10:50 PM

Thanks Enviroman.

Its funny he didn't seem so smart when I was living in his house as a surly teen. Not sure when he got so wise... HA!

Thanks for yourpositive feedback.


People say between two opposed opinions the truth lies in the middle. Not at all! Between them lies the problem, what is unseeable,eternally active life, contemplated in repose. Goethe
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In reply to #37

Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/27/2008 3:00 PM

Ha! that puts you in the category with Mark Twain. So, enjoy.

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In reply to #14

Re: Does a dog silencer work?

01/04/2010 2:37 AM

Super Huge Mega-Uber Kudos to your Dad! He sounds like my dad in his way of thinking and in having the persistence to make his idea work. Thanks for the story and idea! I have one of those dog whistles too and we will both be around a lot this summer. heh heh.

your dad sounds like one of the good ones. blessings on both of you!!

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

06/26/2010 11:58 AM

Thanks. I am humbled at what he knows and how he thinks. It has been a blessing to watch him lead our family to success and avoid trouble. He sets a high standard for us to follow. That is a good thing.


People say between two opposed opinions the truth lies in the middle. Not at all! Between them lies the problem, what is unseeable,eternally active life, contemplated in repose. Goethe
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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 9:00 AM

My doggie had Mr. Policeman called on her for too much barking... when we we're not home, hard to correct the behavior then.

So now she is proud owner of a spray bark control collar, worked great.

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In reply to #16

Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 9:15 AM

Unfortunately the couple in question didn't seem to care. In fact the guy actually said he didn't understand why his dog barked at the lake since he didn't do it at home. When I mentioned that he probably corrected the dog at home (which he never did there) he just looked at me and walked away. Since our town doesn't have a local police force but uses the State Police, nothing would have been done.

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 10:40 AM

My girls:

The Brittany is 9 yrs old, and the Springer is not yet 1. Actually, this photo was taken before the snow flew, and the Springer is a bit larger than the Brittany now.

Dog ownership should taken seriously, if you don't have A LOT of time to spend with them, don't get one. When I first got the Brittany, I took dog training classes. The classes are not to train the dog, they are to train you to train the dog.

There is never any reason to hit a dog,( perhaps a quick slap on the rump to embarrass them). There are few reasons to yell at your dog. The important this is to be the Alpha Male, the pack leader at all times. Early training is done on the leash, to establish you dominance. Later,voice commands, and rewards, are all that's needed.

Dogs need to be socialize early, around people and other dogs. We often go to Northampton MA, and sit on a bench on Main St. Many people walk by, and many want to pat the girls. Most people ask first, but some just come right up and touch them. They must be used to this. Sometimes a small child will grab the dog and actually hurt it. The girls just take this in stride, and have never nipped or been cross, because they are used to it. Oh, ya, and their real good babe magnets too.

We walk about 2 miles almost everyday, on leash, one on each side of me. Training on leash is very important, they can never pull on the leash. I've taught auto sit, that is when I stop, they automatically sit down. When I start, they start. This is without voice command.

Just about everyday, I take them for a run in the woods. These dogs never let me out of their sight. I think that may be hard wired in the breeds, as I believe they where bred to stay close to the hunter because of the limited space available in France and England. But I'm not sure on that.

The Brittany even at 9 yrs. old, is still full of life and energy. Let to run, she is as fast and as graceful as a deer. The Springer actually has trouble keeping up with her.

The Springer is a real handful right now, as is any puppy. She'll come around, but it's going to take time and patience.

Anyway, this is a bit off topic, but let me tie it all together. I have about 2 acres here, contained within the Invisible Fence. The dogs have never been on a rope. They have the entire property to roam around. I don't have to worry about them taking off, bothering the neighbors, or getting hit by a car. So, for me, the end justifies the means.

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In reply to #18

Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 11:16 AM

If my neighbors were as wonderfully considerate as you I wouldn't have had a problem...


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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 5:02 PM

Beautiful girls there!

We have a Brittany/Springer cross that is 12 years old, and hip displasia has slowed her down immensely in the last three years. Given the high enery level of the breeds how did you get your girls to sit still long enough for a photo? Our dog was great at behaving in the house and indoors, but once outside the hunting instinct took over and if not on leash it was off to the races.

My regret with our dog is that I do not hunt, since she loved chasing rabbits so much. Her only problem with mixed breeding was the uncertainty of when to point and when to flush. Lack of proper training! Our dog only had 6 monthes with my wife as main trainer. The funny part is now she doesn't care if my wife is around as long as she can be next to Alpha male.

Eventually, one needs to realize that it is far less important to be the smartest person in the room than it is to sit next to that person and make friends.
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In reply to #31

Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 6:08 PM

I don't hunt either. But we do like to play the game. I have huge fields near my house, some many miles across. With the Brittany, it all about the birds. See will systematically sniff them out, then with complete focus, moving real slow, only an inch at a time, come within several feet of the pray, and then pounce, flushing up the bird no more than 20 ft. from me. (She actually catches one every once in a while). Once the bird is on wing, she returns to me for great praise and a treat. She'll do this until the sun goes down. I didn't teach her how to do this, she taught me. I can tell her to sit and stay even when she is 100 yards away and she will, until I give her another command. I can't take all the credit for this, I believe this breed has been hard wired for this over the centuries.

I've hiked, and camped, the entire Vermont Long Trail with this dog, all 270 miles of it The Long trail goes from the Massachusetts border to the Canadian border.

The Springer is very young and a work in progress. I chose this breed carefully, as I think she will make an exceptional woods dog.

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In reply to #33

Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 6:12 PM

Both breeds are relatively tireless, and even when tired seem to find some way to keep up or lead the pack. You're right, when healthy Brittanies and Springers can be a great deal of fun in the proper setting.

Eventually, one needs to realize that it is far less important to be the smartest person in the room than it is to sit next to that person and make friends.
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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 11:57 AM

Dog Behavior specalist ,from LA California, Caeser Malon (sp?) 'THe dog wisperer' uses dog behavior psychology techniques that all dogs know instinctively to communicate his wishes to them. Quite simple to understand and apply. It has worked with amazing results for me even with my lack of experience. He has a TV show on National Geographic Channel Cable in Tennessee on Friday evening 8pm. and also has a book available. I have seen on several shows him curing a barking problem and explaining why the dog might be doing it and how the dog interprets what he is doing that makes it work.

Hope this helps in your situation.

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 12:11 PM

I watch and like this show. What Caesar does reinforces what I learned some 9 years ago. Not that I could do what he does with problem dogs, my goal is to not let them get that way in the first place. Caesar is amazing.

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 1:15 PM

you know, in Korea all we would be discussing is lunch....

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 3:35 PM

Right - how to wok your dog...

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 1:25 PM

I don't know how well the ultrasound may work, but I can assure you the type that shocks the animal is highly effective. I had a doberman with the most annoying and persistant late-night barking habit. She experienced the shock two times....the second one being her own self-test just to make sure that the first one was what she thought it was. I was able to fit her with a dummy collar after a few days. The timing mechanism allowed her to bark as normal for a couple of minutes. Apparently there is a small warning shock that she was able to figure out the first night. She knew exactly how long she could bark and how loud she could bark without triggering a shock. Within the first hour she went from her typical screetchy bark to tolerable low rumbles and woofs.

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/07/2008 3:45 PM

Dogs actually can hear in a range far above what we puny humans can. Some ultrasound devices actually will work, presuming the dog is not annoyed to the point of barking more, not less. Problem - since we can't hear it, how do we know it is working? If the dog reacts when it was not previously, it is. But if the unit only works as a feedback mechanism, that won't help. So, it could be a scam, it could be broken, or it could be having the opposite effect as desired. All that can be said for certain is, it ain't doing what you want it to. Suggest you stop and try some of the other good suggestions already provided.

Veni, vidi, video - I came, I saw, I got it on film.
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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/08/2008 7:44 AM

Thanks to you all for your comments. It looks like the dog silencer is not going to work at my place. Next to my invisible fence is a walkpad. My neighbor's dogs doesn't bark at me but at people, other dogs and ducks that walk on the walkpad. It will be impossible to train the dogs with a dog silencer when they are not allowed to bark.

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In reply to #38

Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/08/2008 8:22 AM

Maybe a low hedge to block Phideaux's view of dogs, ducks, et al would do the trick?

Veni, vidi, video - I came, I saw, I got it on film.
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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/09/2008 8:38 PM

Try barkbusters these guys might be able to give you some ideas.

Hard to train other people's dogs. When my Labrador was a pup i used to grab his muzzle and tell him "To be quiet". It worked. Simple.

Good Luck.

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/12/2008 3:17 AM

How does a dog silencer work?
... screw it on the muzzle ?

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/13/2008 9:02 PM

Its a double lead double start thread that engages the canines.


People say between two opposed opinions the truth lies in the middle. Not at all! Between them lies the problem, what is unseeable,eternally active life, contemplated in repose. Goethe
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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/14/2008 9:07 AM

Better question of the moment - how does a cat silencer work? Answer - poorly, it seems...

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/14/2008 9:09 AM


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In reply to #53

Re: Does a dog silencer work?

04/14/2008 9:34 AM

You'd best not be poaching any of that chocolate sent for Mrs. Cat to quarantine, you feline fiend! You've filled yer mouf wi' summat...

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

07/16/2008 3:16 PM

I would think the dog would be more puzzled at the US and bark more not less. Dogs are hard headed that way.

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In reply to #57

Re: Does a dog silencer work?

07/16/2008 3:39 PM

One of our hounds fits that description to a T. The others bark when something is there to be barked at. Reginald seems to enjoy the sound of his own voice. Either that or he's detected the motion of the Earth as it moves in it's orbit and barks because something moved...

Veni, vidi, video - I came, I saw, I got it on film.
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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

12/17/2008 5:20 AM


You all have a great thread here, and I have had a few belly laughs at your posts and responses.

I am in So Cal, USA, and found this thread tonight searching for solutions since my neighbor's dog was driving me crazy. Started barking at 8:00 pm and at 1:30 am was still going strong. It appears they have been gone for 3 days (judging by the pile of mail) and just left their dog out in the yard. Its lonely it seems and has been barking for most of the past three days. I honestly don't know what possesses people to do such things.

Anyway, I AM an animal lover and am a dog hugger. But one thing I can't tolerate is bad behavior. So at 1:35, I climbed up my ladder and looking down into my neighbor's yard, squirted the poor dog. Scared the **** out of him, but after 2 follow up treatments I haven't heard a peep. The ladder stands ready should a reminder be necessary.

Thanks all,


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In reply to #59

Re: Does a dog silencer work?

12/17/2008 6:17 AM

That reminds me of another guy who enjoyed such situations. In fact that guy even did this to a poor guy under the guise of possession of an imaginary barking weapon.

be careful next time. The dog may throw 2 dog shoes (or poops) at your head....

(hey i am just not take it serious)- what you did is not that bad!

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

01/04/2010 2:03 AM

After putting up with the noise of two large dogs for two years I got a Dog Silencer Pro from GoodLife (I do not work for them!).

for one week, silence. Then dog started barking again.

(Be Sure To Read The Following If You Think These "Bark Stop" Devices Don't Work) Frantic, I called GoodLife and they said, as near as I can remember, "You have the Dog Silencer eight feet from the dog's fence, and set on High? NO! turn it down to Medium to Low and nearer to low so it will not sound off at every loud noise. The dog is barking because he is learning to ignore it."

Well it took almost two months but now the dogs bark very very little, and play happily and Silently in their yard. I did have to use the remote a lot at first, making the ultrasonic sound last a heartbeat longer every 5-6 barks until the dog shut up. And I would always win because he has to expend all the energy to bark while I sit pressing a button and drinking coffee. It was wonderful to retaliate upon the dog for two years of noise.

I was kinda looking forward to suing the neighbors out of their house (tongue in cheek, as I am too lazy to actually do this, however tempting), but this was a lot less trouble and expense. The Dog Silencer Pro not only shuts the neighbor dogs up, it works on other dogs three and four houses away. Thank You Goodlife.

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Re: Does a dog silencer work?

11/06/2016 2:03 PM

The dog will have an easier time when learning if there are a few distractions. You will never be able to eliminate all distractions, even at your home, but you can reduce them. You can schedule the appointments during quiet times of the day when there are fewer distractions that will compete for the attention of the dog. It is also a good idea to train dogs in an environment they are most familiar with. You can choose different places you would like your dog to be trained in.

The trainer fully focuses on you and your dog in an in-home training session. You have the undivided attention of the trainer and can go a long way in helping you hone your training skills. Answering any questions and addressing any challenges.

the dog training secret

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