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What Do Astronauts Do For Fun?

08/03/2009 3:46 PM

As we know, "All Work and No Play, Makes Jack a Dull Boy."

Time spent in OuterSpace is pretty expensive, and I expect there is pressure to get actions on the To Do list done.

Imagine the Astronaut crew that returns from a Mission, and says, "Well, we didn't get around to stopping by the International Space Station with the new Toilet." Still, humans are not robots and in their cycles need a little play in the day to stay sane.

Anybody know what Astronauts do for fun these days?

I imagine practical jokes like surprise hatch openings are discouraged.

I myself would want to do some skeet shooting outside every now and then.

Though the Asteroid Deflecting Potato Cannon fails due to a number of reasons, possibly diced potatoes would work if fired at Pancakes for Outer Space Skeet.

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Re: What Do Astronauts Do For Fun?

08/03/2009 4:06 PM

I've wondered that myself, I'd have to put some shoe polish on the eyepiece of something or some saran wrap over the toilet bowl.

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Re: What Do Astronauts Do For Fun?

08/03/2009 7:57 PM

Shoe polish is OK, "saran wrap over the toilet bowl." is not. Maybe some gas passing as you glide through the cabin?

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Re: What Do Astronauts Do For Fun?

08/04/2009 1:21 PM

There must be space opera, fancy restaurants or ball courts up there, since they include shoe polish in their luggage, so then they don't need any other entertainment.


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Re: What Do Astronauts Do For Fun?

08/03/2009 8:11 PM

I imagine they have tremendous TV and radio reception, but the longest they'd could stay tuned into one program would be about half an orbit. Otherwise, their recreational activities would be restricted to video games, puzzles, sudoku, reading, etc.

In near zero gravity, most kinetic activities would be difficult to engage in. Maybe they have lines drawn somewhere to substitute for nets and they play ping pong or volleyball. I'm sure wrestling and hackysack are out of the question.

I wonder..... Would Schrödinger's cat play with a ball of string theory?
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Re: What Do Astronauts Do For Fun?

08/03/2009 11:29 PM

well not at first, but eventually....

fill a large tough transparent container with water. (or at least have it with windows)

and go scuba diving. (swimming)... good exercise, good fun, awesome view...


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Re: What Do Astronauts Do For Fun?

08/04/2009 7:29 AM

That would be interesting, if it wasn't for the weight of the water and expense of hauling it into orbit. With no gravity, what would the bubbles do? Stay right where you exhaled them? Now NASA has a new experiment to try...

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Re: What Do Astronauts Do For Fun?

08/04/2009 8:22 AM

well #1, if you are going to live in space, you are going to have to have the water anyway, and you are going to have to purify it, so it is no problem to swim in it.

#2. you might have to use self contained self contained underwater breathing apparatus.

#3 all this was laid out by Marshall T. Savage in his great book "The Millenial Project, Colonizing The Universe In Eight Easy Steps."


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Re: What Do Astronauts Do For Fun?

08/04/2009 11:14 AM

They go for a walk...

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Re: What Do Astronauts Do For Fun?

08/04/2009 1:01 PM

If an astronaut wanted to swim in zero gravity, the first cool thing I can think of is not feeling the effect of water pressure of your body, no matter how big (or deep in whichever direction?) the "pool" is since the water will have a constant pressure. The only breathing apparatus our swimmer would need is an air hose connected to cabin air, with a check valve to allow only to breathe in. Now, the said pool would need to be in a flexible container with room for expansion,something like those flexible plastic water jugs, to allow for the added volume of each exhaled bubble, especially since water is incompressible.

I think the bubbles would quickly stop and hang in the water after being exhaled. Wouldn't they eventually tend to gather together in one big bubble, because of the water surface tension? It would be awesome to put your head in the big bubble, to see an inverted sphere of water around your head.


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Re: What Do Astronauts Do For Fun?

08/04/2009 1:12 PM

Hi GeorgesP,

Why not just have a Siamesed hose and flapper valve in the mouth piece. So, you aren't exhaling into the water bubble.

And if you had to pass gas, it would collect itself in a perfect sphere where it could be collected by a crew mate as a potential energy source! I smell a new wave of progress here!

Hope you've checked out the FAQ.


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Re: What Do Astronauts Do For Fun?

08/04/2009 1:27 PM

Siamesed or single, he would look like a dork biting a hose while farting in water anyway.



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Re: What Do Astronauts Do For Fun?

08/04/2009 1:51 PM

Oh, come on! Work with us here.


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Re: What Do Astronauts Do For Fun?

08/04/2009 3:31 PM

Thanks, I've been checking out the forum daily for a while. It is very inspiring and interesting.

The siamese hose is a good idea, though I wouldn't do the head-in-the-bubble trick with your kind of bubbles.

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Re: What Do Astronauts Do For Fun?

08/04/2009 3:52 PM

So far I'm broken hearted that no Astronaut has shown up to tell us what they do for fun.

I know some CR4 members are Rocket Scientists, how come no Astronauts visit?

Is how they have fun a State Secret?

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Re: What Do Astronauts Do For Fun?

08/04/2009 5:48 PM

relay races from one end of the ship to the other, using only the thrust from thier farts.

first team to get back and fourth twice wins.

imagine how cool it would look when the first place team shoots a huge bottle of champainge (bubbly, cuz i cant spell) all over the losing teams.

if that fails they could always bring the olympics into space, im sure the high jump, or for that matter the pole vault would be interesting...

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Re: What Do Astronauts Do For Fun?

08/04/2009 6:19 PM

The ISS is equipped with ham radio equipment and a large percentage of the astronauts, if not the majority have ham radio licenses. Many of them work towards towards awards awards such as worked all states (WAS) and they have scheduled contacts with schools around the world giving a few students the chance to ask the astronauts questions during the relatively short time that the ISS is in position to make the contacts.

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Re: What Do Astronauts Do For Fun?

08/04/2009 8:55 PM

Me, I would just stare out the window for hours, maybe run up the memory on the digital camera, while listening to Quadrophenia, talk the other kids on board into a game of I SPY and think up wonderful ways to get back at the owner of the white '67 Mustang convertible that I can clearly see that keeps visiting my wife while I'm STUCK HERE IN OUTER SPACE !

But hey, thats just me.

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