As many of of you are aware I started a new job a few months ago working as a locomotive fuel technician. Its a fun and easy job with what I view as very good pay for what little actual labor I do in a average day as well.
As of late I have been dealing with the person who is at this point our acting manger and I have come to view him as completely full of bullsh!t. Basically what he claims to be true and company operating process is easily proved to be completely untrue and total made up far too often. Apparently he thinks he knows far more about certain subjects than me, many of which relate to my previous working jobs that are heavy in the industrial process equipment and related tech work.
I am not going to into details here but lets say what he says is true are so easily proved wrong and to be outright lies its sad such as things he claims to exist clearly don't and such.
I am curious to hear from others as to how they have dealt with situations such as this before. I am half tempted to call him out on many of these fantasy's but at the moment we still need him here due to the limited work force we have at this time. He does his job well enough but frankly the unjustified superior attitude and made up BS that backs it is getting to the rest of us. 
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