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How to Start Effective Threads (Part 1)

Posted May 23, 2010 5:01 PM by Jaxy
Pathfinder Tags: ask a question CR4 Tutorial start a discussion
User-tagged by 1 user

So you look on the homepage and browse through the list of threads. You see some that are good and stand out as questions or discussions you want to be a part of. Then you see some threads that look like someone was typing the thread blindfolded using their feet instead of their hands. This blog is going to help you to get your thread noticed and answered.


This is where the meat of your question or discussion goes. You want to clearly state your question while giving enough of a background for someone to give you an educated answer. Explain as clearly and concisely as possible. Try not to use too many abbreviations or acronyms and if you do, be sure to state what they stand for. Make sure to give all pertinent information relative to your problem, even if you think it may not help. It is better to give too much information than not enough when trying to diagnose problems.

Proofread your content. Correct any spelling or grammar mistakes that you see. If English is not your first language, it may be helpful to state that. I know that not everyone is training to be editors, but a clean description goes a lot further than a messy one. Also, if you are going to say "please" and "thank-you," take the time to write it out and not abbreviate it to "plz" or "ty." It sounds much more sincere when you take the extra half-second and type it out.

You also have the option of choosing between "Question" and "Discussion" as the type of thread you are starting. If you are trying to start a discussion, then click the discussion bubble. If you are asking a question or need that sort of help, click the question bubble.

Make sure to thoroughly examine the CR4 website to see if it has already been covered. This can be done using the Community search bar at the top of each page. Any thread content violating the rules of the forum will be eliminated. Do not post phone number, email addresses, or other personal information.

The Title

Using titles like "Help" and "Please Answer My Question Now" are not going to differentiate you from the crowd in a good way. An effective title summarizes what you are inquiring about. For example, if you have a question about problems with your car, a title of "Automobile Problems" is not the best. Try for the more specific approach of "2000 Nissan Maxima Oil Light Blinks." It gives other CR4 members a hint of what will be in the content. Do not post titles that have nothing to do with the content of the thread.

Sometimes using a question for a title will prompt more interest or discussion.

Part 2 of this blog series will explain how to choose a forum for your thread.


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Re: How to Start Effective Threads (Part 1)

05/24/2010 11:25 PM

Hey Jaxy,

I think this is a good topic. I've hosted some productive threads that I found quite fascinating, and also some that never really got off the ground... so I know that it wasn't me (assuming I bring a similar style to each thread) but the content was not as interesting to others as it was to me.

We are all bothered by Guest types who start a thread and never return. Everyone has their own interests and I think that this place is a large garden of variety for everyone.

While I'm reasonably spelling conscious, I don't get hung up if someone, even an OP, misspells something. It might even be somewhat engaging. I've read some posts that I could barely comprehend, and yet others jump right in with very insightful answers, based on little or no information, and turn out to hit the mark.. which amazes me.

Still, I do make an effort to communicate my ideas methodically, and with good spelling, especially when I am the host.

I do have to say that some topics which are political or economically oriented are highly interesting, so long as they are seeking solutions to the problems. More and more North American society seems to be losing its way in the storm of information/technology/TV/sex/drugs/alcohol which will lead to.... well. you get my drift.

I feel CR4 is a repository for debated wisdom, and provides some clarity and leadership in troubled times. I think that respect and professionalism is very important, and encourages lively debate, without getting lost in emotion, even in the face of strident disagreement.

A thread that shows people how to create effective threads leads directly to examples of effective threads. Some examples of favourites are:


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Re: How to Start Effective Threads (Part 1)

05/24/2010 11:29 PM

Good, you opened very pertinent subject.

I would like to add few more points, if you permit:

Try to get the answer from other sources like internet search. From your question, one should not feel that you hve not done any home work, and you are mking others to work for you.

You are free to ask any stupid school level like question, but confirm that you are not getting any answer for your question so easily from other sources like internet.

When you find something new, please see that if the same thing is already known to others and very well known fact. Do not think that you have discovered something. Some body / many others may be knowing the subject already.

Do not use capital letters... those are treated as shoutng on CR4.

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Re: How to Start Effective Threads (Part 1)

05/24/2010 11:35 PM

Why not post something a bit more interesting

possibly even actually related to science or engineering

& if you're a guest why not register, before you ask how many minutes your junk 2000 nissan is going to last

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Re: How to Start Effective Threads (Part 1)

05/25/2010 3:16 PM

Maybe you were going to cover my pet peeve in another part of this blog but i couldn't wait.

Stay involved with your thread. I hate to see a question and several answers or requests for more detail and then the OP never returns. Thats just rude.

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Re: How to Start Effective Threads (Part 1)

05/26/2010 5:08 AM

Mostly its guests I find who I believe can't find the way back! So to say......

Which is why I feel guests should not be able to start a blog.....

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Re: How to Start Effective Threads (Part 1)

05/25/2010 6:58 PM

I appreciate the "brevquot" nudges from Del. It's a fact that most topics benefit from an effort to be concise, in this medium.

Second to this, it is very helpful to break up longer comments into short paragraphs, making it easier to read.

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Re: How to Start Effective Threads (Part 1)

05/26/2010 5:08 AM


"What others say about you reveals more about them, than it does you." Anon.
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