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Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

Posted January 26, 2008 8:03 AM

2008 is set to be cooler globally than recent years, but is still forecast to be one of the top-ten warmest years. Each January the UK's Met Office, in conjunction with the University of East Anglia, issues a forecast of the global surface temperature. They consider contributing factors, such as El Niño and La Niña, greenhouse gas concentrations, industrial aerosol particles, solar effects, and natural variations of the oceans. Engineers quibble over whether or not global warming is natural or man-made. They also argue over what will resolve it. What do you think?

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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/27/2008 1:58 AM

In the 70's global cooling was the thing, now in the new mellinium global warming is the thing. I can't get over all of the blow hard, chicken little, wanna be's jumping on the band wagon for whatever reason. There are plenty of respected meteorologists and climatologists that say it (global warming) is a hoax. The Nobel prize winner Al Gore made the movie "the Inconvient Truth" that will not be shown to kids in the UK (according to news reports) without a disclaimer being given to say that the ideas presented aren't factual (at least not all of them). I think these people are just yanking our chains and trying to get us to spend more and more money for whatever "green" things that they come up with. Not to say that green is bad... It is not. But I think global warming is (if it really is happening) not caused by "us" so much as it is being caused by a change in the solar system, and possibly the earth itself. One thing that I have heard is that measurements (temperature) have been taken of the planets in our solar system and the temps of these neighbors of ours have increased as well. Truth? Don't know, but it is a good possibility as well...

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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

02/06/2008 12:08 PM

I believe that global warming is more than just a trend, it will be our down fall for the "good" we are supposed to do for ourselves and the world around us. After the sept.11 incident jet engines around the world were grounded leaving thousands of people stranded, but that was actually a good thing considering the effect that it had on the world around us.I watched something on PBSTV called NOVA and one of the scientists called to my attention while watching this show that the temp. actually decreased by 1 degree f. So what does that tell you? That tells me that if we can go cold over 2-3 days that we could possibly get down to business for ever and do things in the correct manner. Yeah, you guy's may think I'm some tree hugger but I'm not I just want to make things right.


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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/27/2008 1:07 PM

It's a scary thing - not global warming/cooling, but the carbon footprint idea that is going to impose a new tax on everyone. That's what it is really about, in my opinion. Just another tax that every person, every company, etc. will have to pay. It's a great excuse for it. Scare as many people as you can, vilify business and manufacturers, make everyone GUILTY of doing those horrible things like driving your car, breathing the air, and drinking the water, and then get a bill "voted" on to impose the new tax. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, provided you pay Gore and his thugs. Just more tax bums.

Oh yah, global warming is the subject. Aren't we still coming out of an ice age?

Anonymous Poster

Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/27/2008 3:26 PM

The warming trend is FACT.

The increase in CO2 concentration is FACT.

The only arguments against the two being connected come from

people whos funding raises questions as to their motivations.

Even should there be other causes contributing to the warming trend,

decreasing the CO2 concentration seems to be the only thing that we

can could do to ease the problem.


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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/27/2008 6:40 PM

One assumes that the UN Scientists who propose "Man-Made" Global Warming are totally with out motive here. They are not! When the carbon tax is imposed it will hit the United States the hardest. The money generated will go to benefit social programs in the very countries represented by these "unbiased" Scientist. THAT IS THEIR PROFIT MOTIVE.

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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/28/2008 11:19 AM

"The warming trend is FACT." This is not a fact, and you might ask warming from what. We were coming out of a mini-Ice Age through the first half of the last century. A lot of the temperature stations in the US were found to be inaccurate and unnaturally warm due to such things as being in air-conditioner exhausts or being in the middle of tarmac parking lot. Satellites have seen no rise or a slight decrease.

"The increase in CO2 concentration is FACT." The levels were higher during the age of dinosaurs and other times that seem to follow the Ice Age cycles.

"The only arguments against the two being connected come from people whos funding raises questions as to their motivations." How about Gore being up to his eyeballs in Carbon Trading companies? How about Democrats just wanting more tax money? How about the UN just wanting to reallocate wealth to the poorly run countries like the Communists that they represent? How about forcing production to countries that don't have pollution controls and can't compete otherwise due to their systems inefficiencies like their governments?

"Even should there be other causes contributing to the warming trend, decreasing the CO2 concentration seems to be the only thing that we can could do to ease the problem." Wrong again. Why don't you plant more grass (more surface area) and younger trees (more active photosynthesis) which use up more CO2 than old growth forests. How about making India and China or the rest of the Third World do it first, since China and India have larger populations than all of Europe and the US combined in each of their countries and don't even have the levels of pollution controls that are already all over the US and Europe. How about more Nuclear Power in the US?

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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/28/2008 9:29 PM

My goodness, there are a lot of smart people here, and I had heard that our side already lost this argument.

One other thing is that CO2 increases may not be caused by Global Warming. There is a body of evidence that in our history CO2 has gone up as a result of Global Warming. If that proves to be true, then achieving massive reductions of CO2 at massive costs will accomplish NOTHING. If you warm water, it will release CO2, since CO2 is more soluble in cold water than warm water.

Other facts:

Water Vapor is the number one Green House gas....hardly ever mentioned.

There is that big hot thing in the center of our solar system that keeps spewing out heat and radiation. Perhaps that is partially to blame.

Dick Hourigan

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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/29/2008 6:00 PM

My company is beginning to sell umbrellas that are silvered on top to reflect the sunlight back into space. We are also lobbying congress to make the use of these umbrellas MANDITORY for all United States citizens whenever they go outside. For those who are too poor to buy their own umbrellas we are recommending that a government agency be set up to give umbrellas to the poor at tax payer expense.

Anonymous Poster

Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/27/2008 3:35 PM

All right everybody, picture this: I am standing on a mountain top and screaming at the top of voice for all to hear. What am I saying? You don't know do you? Hang onto your shorts, I am about to tell you!!!


Listen, the other day I pulled several ice cores, upon review, some had a higher co2 content than others. How could this be I thought to myself? After I put my ice cube tray back into the frig, "so could use them in my ice tea later", I went right to work to get my answer.

In my investigation I found that ice cube cores closer to the back of my freezer had the higher co2 content! WOW! I was shocked! A closer investigation of the freezer "and the fact that it quit working", I discovered the freezer core had been l leaking gas into the freezer compartment. After the review of the total facts, I submitted my finding to my doom and gloom activist friends.

In our next meeting of many, including my best friend Al Bore, we found we had cause to blow our horn for the tax dollar investigation. After receiving our big bucks from all the people we scared to total fear for there children's children, we took a plane to a secret place, (France was our choice this time) We set up a Hollywood prop and invented ideas of cause and effect. It was cold in our prop but afterwords we drank hot tea and warmed ourselves beside a coal fired stove from the 1800's. The food was good for all that night but everyone got gas. Our entertainment was lighting our farts that night but poor Al burned his a** and had to go to the hospital. (he is going to be okay but the doctor told him he could crap for a two weeks) The one thing we did agree to as fact, "was that with a simple theory we could get rich by tax dollars and live large with lots of attention and awards"!

After returning home we found a fat check each in the mail, from our oil stocks. Life is good when can scare people with a theory. It pulls all kinds of strings and Bush is getting the blame this time.

Having gone to my shop to work the next day, I fired up my coal fired Kiln. After a while I noticed that the surface temperature was hot on certain spots of exterior of the kiln. With more investigation I discovered that the liner was getting thin in certain areas of the interior of the kiln. It was time to reline the kiln. Having completed the kiln, I went to the house and took a shower. The vent fan in the bathroom had quit working a week ago. When I got out of the shower the atmosphere of the bathroom was really hot. The heat from the moisture of the water was trapper in the atmosphere of the bathroom. Sadly, the house a/c had quit working while I was in France (all the gas leaked out) and I wasn't able to turn on the a/c to remove the moisture from the shower. It was extra warm in the house that night because of the shower I took when I got home. A week later I found black mold along the base board in the bathroom. That night I slept in my glassed in patio because it was so much cooler than the rest of the house and the repairman still had not come to fix the a/c. When I woke up it was really hot and of all things, it was rainning inside my glassed in patio. Strangly my pet goldfish Goldy had grown and extra fin and was able to walk on the table.....!

I'm telling you guy's the truth here: some days you just can't win or loose...


We are "only" just beginning to understand our earth. Lets get some real facts before we jump off the cliff. Cause and "actual effect" should be our goal. The earth is a "living thing" and "ever changing". Truthful proof will go along way to understand. Theory, is not proof.

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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/27/2008 4:45 PM

So, were you organizing the brute squad to go around and collect the carbon footprint fines? I think that is going to be one of the most important jobs in the Bore administration. You are going to be rich!!!!


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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/28/2008 9:30 PM

There you go..the growth job of the future.

Dick Hourigan


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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/28/2008 8:52 PM

Bravo, bravo, you freaking kill me! Good job and say 'hello' to mr. bore (tell his wife I send her my condolences for not making it as the 1st female pres... oh! Wait a minute NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Did you at least get a chance to use those cubes before they melted away? Talk about freezer burn!!

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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/28/2008 9:13 PM

Wow that was intense. All of science is a theory. The one with the most "facts" to support his theory usually wins. This time the ones with the most emotion are claiming victory and telling the rest of us that the discussion is over. It shows me that they are very short on "facts".

I have been in sales for 35 years and remember well the training that I had earlier on on the technique of "Scare 'em and Save 'em". This particular sales technique is based up upon that fact that most purchases are an emotional decision. Thus scaring someone creates the emotional need, which you then satisfy by providing the solution.

The global warming hysteria are using the "Scare 'em and Save 'em" technique. It is effective and there is a ton of money to be made by selling products with higher profit margins to those who have been scared.

Dick Hourigan

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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/28/2008 8:27 AM

The sky is falling, the sky is fall and if you vote for me I will do my best to see it don't fall on you.

Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving in a pretty, pristine body but rather to come sliding in sideways, all used up and exclaiming, "Wow, what a ride!"

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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/28/2008 9:16 PM

And by the way throw out your old light bulbs and buy these really expensive new ones. Our stockholders will love you for it.

Dick Hourigan

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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/28/2008 9:33 AM

I think to really understand global warming you need only look at the politics and economics of it. It is a social engineering tool, a method of international taxation and wealth redistribution, and a means of amassing political power and financial control. The powers and people behind it have little concern for factuality or the environment. The Fabians have discussed this idea since the mid 60's independent of climatology.

I would suggest reading the following to gain a greater insight:

Leonard C. Lewin, Report from Iron Mountain On the Possibility and Desirability of Peace, Free Press, 1996. (whether the report is real or a hoax; it is like the null hypothesis: you can neglect it but not ignore it)

The Creature from Jekyll Island. by G. Edward Griffin



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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/28/2008 9:18 PM

Yup..."Follow the money".

Dick Hourigan


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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/29/2008 3:43 AM

On one side, people say that the global warming is purely due to large scale release of green house gases. On the other side some argue that such warming is a part of the natural cycle and the Earth had undergone several such short and long term variations in the past.Everyday new facts and arguements are coming in on both sides.

But one thing is true.We are over consuming and wastefully destroying our natural resources.The minerals and metals available as concentrates on certain locations are mined ,distributed and used up.Only a small portion of this could be recovered and recycled. Rest is lost for ever .Similarly the atmosphere is constantly getting polluted.

We are encroaching upon the space and areas meant for other animals and living species, upsetting the ecological balance.

What primarily need to be done is to control the human population to a sustainable level. We should innovate ways and means to cut down our consumption and yet maintain a decent living.

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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/29/2008 10:00 AM

Control the human population? You mean starting with yourself, right?

Who would you put in charge of controling this human population? I don't know, I've driven accross a couple of countries now and the amount of empty space is pretty astounding. Earth could support hundreds of times it's current population if it weren't for greed, stupidity, and people who want to "control the human population".

The more the merrier.

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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/29/2008 10:20 AM

K V must be a CFR member

this is where all this "stuff" ( a polite adjective substitutied for many i am thinking) originates

true bipartisanship for the greater good

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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/29/2008 11:18 AM

What you are suggesting and is popular amongst environmental religionists is eugenics. Hitler was a proponent of it.

What I have noticed is the people that don't want people building cabins in "pristine" forests are those that already have theirs. You might want to note that the Blessed Al Gore has multiple homes, and just one uses more than five times the national average power. Whereas, Bush, the evil Republican, actually has an environmentally- conscious ranch, recycling rainwater and using geo-thermal, composting, etc.

Anonymous Poster
In reply to #16

Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/29/2008 8:52 PM

I do not agree with your thoughts about natural resources being gone forever. Current and active Volcanic regions produces new minerals everyday. New oil fields show up from no where. As the earth turns itself inside out, new resources come to the top if you want to think of it that way. It is a small known fact for some reason, that people do not know how our mineral are formed. Including crude oil.

As for over using our resources, again I do not agree. We have only started to use what this earth will produce and currently has waiting to be used. It is the money that makes our resources disappear.

Mountain have formed in 24 hours from a simple fisher in the ground. Likewise, diamonds, copper, gold have been found less than a year later at the same Volcano, that started as a fisher.

As for population control. Forget it. It's not needed.

The gold in your mouth will be used again. The minerals in your body will be used again. Everything! As this earth turns inside out in the perfect and ultimate recycling program, everything gets used again.

Now if you think we should take care our home, then I agree. Waist is waist.

Think about the next you flush your toilet. You had a chance to not waist your waist. You could have used if in your garden. Lets not forget the toilet "paper", that's gone for good to. If you live with city sewer, then you waist a whole lot more energy than I. It takes power, to clean your crap from the water for your neighbor to drink next week.

Take a world map and a ink pen. Review oil field locations, diamond fields and other a shorted mineral fields above and below ground. Now that you have your map all mapped out, lay in active and all known none active volcanoes. Include land elevations above and below the surface of the earth. Quickly, you will begin to see straight lines of locations to minerals. Not only will you find a pattern, you will even know where to buy property and mineral rights.....and you can be rich too.

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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/29/2008 10:04 PM

So if we could get a volcano to erupt in the middle of a landfill we could recover most of the material as fresh minerals or I have that right? And if we could get a volcano to erupt in the middle of a cemetery then we could recover all the gold fillings as nuggets.

That sounds like the ultimate in recycling to me. Thanks for clarifying that point.

Dick Hourigan

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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/31/2008 10:47 PM

So, let me get this straight... You believe that even oil renews itself and is not a fossil fuel? It is a by product from something else, some other process that is going on inside our planet here? With this info we can do away with the whole opec dominion over the debacle that is, hmmmmmm... "We are soon going to be running out of these dead plants and dinosaur products?", and then we can merrily go on and continue to be slves to the oil moguls? I think that the US should look into making CLEANER burning diesel out of coal, allow the big mfg's here to release (develop/make) more diesel powered vehicles etc. This is something that was threatened to the opec nations in the 80's by OUR gov't which caused the prices of oil to drop a whole heel of a lot. Why not do it again? It burns cleaner than fossil fuel diesel. And while we are at it we can develop an ethanol based on something other than CORN. That is a huge joke. I have read reports that wild grasses (plains grass- think out in the middle of nowhere, grasses growing wild, un-attended) give a greater yield than corn by three to four times...

As for my toilet paper... My hands probably smell better than yours...

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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

02/01/2008 6:10 AM
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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

02/01/2008 12:52 PM

I saw an article awhile ago where some researchers used a particular bacteria, and injected somehow and created almost real-time oil. I'll see if I can find it.

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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

02/01/2008 1:04 PM

they have made oil from algae thru the bacteria path but to date it is not efficient - consumes more energy than it produces ...see - i am not just a political hack! haha

it disturbs me when emotion rules over common sense- we are engineers and scientist here

"The Age of Reason has become the Age of Structure

John Raulston Saul "Voltaire's Bastards"

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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

02/01/2008 1:09 PM

My point is that it is not a "fossil fuel", and it is in all actuality continuously being made. Engineers are also getting more oil from shale, etc. I do agree with using Coal for diesel and other uses.


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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

02/06/2008 6:44 PM

Well the sh-- hit the fan here boy's we ain't over usin' our resources patuhy. What do you call 3.00 - 5.00 dollars per gallon of fuel? Oh and by the way we ain't seen nothin' till we make it to 7,10, or even 13.00 dollars per gallon of fuel what ever you use. I also need to say that we should never depend on other nations for that anyway since hydrogen is right in our back yard and we should make it ourselves too be independent that's what my dad always said.


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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

02/06/2008 8:01 PM

The highest I have ever paid is $3.27/gallon. But don't worry under the McCain-Lieberman bill the feds are going to add another 50 cents per gallon in tax to help us to stop driving and save the planet from Global Warming. We have plenty of oil in the Gulf of Mexico, Alaska Natural Wildlife Reserve ANWR (where by the way there is no Wildlife), off the coast of California. But of course U.S. Laws prevent us from drilling there, but oddly don't prevent us from drilling for oil in the other nations whom we now "depend on".

Also if that is not enough, since we have not built a new refinery since the 1970's due to the environmentalists, we are also now importing gasoline, which we could make at home cheaper, since transportation costs would be lower.

Oh, well, your governments in action.

Dick Hourigan


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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

02/06/2008 10:27 PM

I am curious to know if you would be interested in the prospect of using hydrogen for the use in vehicular travel versus oil-gas.


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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

02/06/2008 10:42 PM

I am interested in using hydrogen rather than oil-gas, when it becomes cheaper that oil-gas. I like the free market. If we have to pay more for Hydrogen or if we have to pay tax subsidies to make hydrogen cheaper such as we do now with Ethanol...then no thanks.

Dick Hourigan


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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/30/2008 10:32 AM

I think we all suffer from a lack of knowledge and tend to support the best idea that supports our style of living. Here is some more information that I think you should all read to help you with your conclusion. It deals with facts directly contributing global warming to mans continual destruction of trees. 10 Billion Acres

If the pin heads want to blame Global Warming on the burning of fossil fuels to justify expenditure in new technology to reduce consumption thats fine with me. It will help slow down global warming and it will eliminate our dependence on foreign oil. But we do need to address and discuss what could be the real problem.

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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/30/2008 1:16 PM


to the point! - Brazil is cutting down trees to grow soybeans to replace our dependecy on oil and save the planet for the pin heads!

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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/30/2008 3:24 PM

Sort of like the Y2K scare. That sold a lot of new computers and OS for Microsoft. They pushed the agenda harder than anyone at the time. Look at their portfolio now.

I am not saying that we are not a contributor, but we as man may be the smallest part of the puzzle. There are numerous events all occuring naturally across the globe that produce far more greenhouse gasses that man does . An active volcano, a fire deep underground in a coal seam, a forest fire all are on a grand scale. Yes we as humans can do better than we are currently doing, but we are fooling ourselves if we think that we can stop or reverse the whole process. Given current information, it is unlikely for us to stop CO2 levels from increasing, even if we turned everything off and did not cut another tree down. The earth has a cycle like all other living things. We should do better to not pollute and waste recources. We can make life better if we can just get people to stop trying to profit from it by swindling someone else. Al Gore included. JMO

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Anonymous Poster
In reply to #25

Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/30/2008 8:55 PM

cottonmouth 1963, your blog, good call. Profit mongers do make life hard for everyone when it is the tax dollars they are after. The state of Michigan is a good example of what happens when tax hungry pigs get control and more money. People suffer and frankly I think I would chance global warming do to co2 than pay yet another tax and suffer at the hands of the dooms day people.

Death comes for all living things and it doesn't matter how much money you have to try and stop it. Of course that could be the very view of those who want the tax money from us?

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In reply to #26

Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/31/2008 11:30 AM

Thanks to their Demo-commie governor in Michigan, according to my brother that lives there, supermarkets are actually leaving the state due to lack of business.

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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

01/31/2008 11:44 AM

he is right - i too live in the socialist experimental state of MI ---- the bag boys and supermarket workers are organized too. Supermarkets profit is usually less than 5%

however - if we do our part and eat less - we will in turn produce less carbon dioxide, save the planet and most importantly feel better about ourselves!-)

Mr. Bill let the cat out of the bag today

we must all do our part for the greater good and our children's children's children ad nauseam

Duct tape is like 'The Force'. It has a light side and a dark side and holds the world together.
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Anonymous Poster

Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

02/06/2008 5:37 AM

I hear a lot about rising water levels with the melting of the ice caps. I have'nt conducted any experiments to prove this theory but doesnt water expand when frozen? Therefore I suspect if I allowed ice to melt in a glass of water the overall level would remain the same if not reduce.

Perhaps theres a hell of a lot of ice over land mass that would cause the floods? I'm sure someone will enlighten me and I also note the previous issue of cold water holding more Co2. By the way what happens to Co2 in frozen water and why doesnt H20 have any c's in its formulae if it contains carbon?


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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

02/06/2008 10:05 AM

Good questions.

Liquid water (free from air) reaches its maximum density of 1 Gram/Milliliter at 3.98 degrees C (39.16 degrees F). This means that water expands with temperature both below and above 3.98 degrees C. I don't know about ice, but presume I could find it. But let's think this through.

Ice floats in water therefore it is slightly less dense.....roughly 10% above the surface and 90% below. If it were more dense it would fall to the bottom of the glass. This means that you are probably right the ice has expanded slightly upon freezing causing it to float. I say "probably", because I do not know the effect of dissolved air.

Those who believe in the Global Warming Hysteria DO expect that all the ice and snow on land will melt. Melting ice already in the water would have no significant effect.

The ice and water that you and I are most familiar with does contain dissolved air which brings me to the second part of your question. Carbon is not part of the structure of water. It is only H2O. Many, many things can be dissolved in water. Most of us think of salts and minerals. BUT air also dissolves in water. Air is comprised primarily of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide. Many other gases in much smaller quantity are also dissolved in water.

As the water temperature rises the gases prefer to be in the atmosphere. As the water cools the equilibrium shifts back and gases are once again absorbed.

Carbon Dioxide is unique among the atmospheric gases in that it dissociates to form carbonates, and bicarbonates which are very stable in water, especially when associated with other minerals, such as calcium. Heating such water often results in the precipitation of calcium carbonate such as you might see in your coffee pot or tea kettle. It also causes other carbonates and bicarbonates to revert to CO2 and be liberated into the atmosphere. BTW, if you have ever cleaned that tea kettle or coffee pot with vinegar, the fizzing you see is carbon dioxide gas.

Thus when you warm water, CO2 in the atmosphere would be expected to rise AFTER the temperature rise and not be the cause of the temperature rise.

If you want I can look up the solubility of Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide in the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics....keeping in mind that it does not include the sequestering effect of dissolved minerals on carbon dioxide since the data published there applies to pure distilled water.

In my water treatment business I have to constantly deal with the effects of dissolved Oxygen, dissolved Carbon Dioxide, and dissolved carbonates/bicarbonates.

So if you want a subsequent post let me know. I hope this answers your question.

Dick Hourigan


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In reply to #35

Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

02/06/2008 11:04 AM

CO2 in water actually creates carbonic acid

With the dramic rise of CO2 in the atmosphere - we should not swim in the lakes and streams fearing chemical burns!-) if you buy a soft drink - please please -you should not open it and allow the CO2 to escape!

drink the fool aid instead

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In reply to #36

Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

02/06/2008 2:15 PM

"CO2 in water actually creates carbonic acid"

Quite right!! But as a practical matter the pH of surface water seldom drops below a pH of 6.7. The pH of soda is pushed down to 2.5, because it is under pressure. If the soda is allowed to warm to room temperature, the pH rises do to the liberation of the acidic Carbon Dioxide.

I think you may have stumbled upon a new way to sequester CO2 with Coke and Pepsi leading the charge. We encourage them to continue to make their beverages, and discourage others from drinking them at the same time. We will be healthier, but our taxes may have to be raised to subsidize the production of beverages that we no longer drink. Very clever.

Dick Hourigan

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In reply to #40

Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

02/06/2008 8:34 PM

EnduroEolv - i like the way you think - However, there is absolutely no reason for you to let that scientific mumbo jumbo about Henry's Law and mole fractions in the gas, partial pressure, and PV=nRT crap get in the way of the greater good. Al Gore is not a scientist, he just plays one at Nobel prize events. You sell your soft drink scheme way short!

Having people buy a drink, and just feel crappy about themselves while drinking only half (as we have self help for them so them can quit) , would allow us to impose a greater tax on improper behavior. -- kind a like cigarettes - do not eliminate the problem - but create a revenue stream for which we can redistribute to others (constituency) with which agree with us. They will have the guilt free opportunity to feel good about themselves making this heroic personal sacrifice for doing the altruistic act of drink only half for the greater good. The soft drink manufacturing people will contribute more to your campaign as they will certainly sell move with people drinking only half!

You and i should start a lobbying firm and a PAC!

I am convinced more than ever that beer is better becuase the head is more stable than that of soft drinks. Maybe global warming is actually cause by the exponential increased consumption of soft drinks. We should reduce our carbon foot print by quiting soft drinks!-) -- i will sell you a 0.05$ rubber wrist braclet for a $1.00 that shows you support the cause!

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In reply to #44

Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

02/06/2008 10:38 PM

PV=nRT......I haven't thought about that in 40 years. Good one. That brings me back to my college days. These days, I only do the chemistry that is necessary for my work.

I do have some products to sell to those who want to feel good about helping to solve Global Warming. Surprise...They have higher gross margins than anything else I sell. But you have to be able to give the the customer what he wants, and don't argue with him. He knows what he wants to buy. A sale after all is about making the customer feel good.

Lord knows that Al Gore does not believe his own crap. He talks the talk, but look at his life style...he certainly does NOT walk the walk.

Hypocrites just annoy the hell out of me. If you want to believe this crap...fine with me. Live your life that way...knock yourself out. But don't tell the rest of us that we have to believe you and live like Amish while you jet all around the world living the good life.

Enough of a rant. It is fun to know that others get it and see through his game. After the Global Warming scam is over, I am sure there will be the next dumb thing that some one will push. Have a great evening.

Dick Hourigan


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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

02/06/2008 1:00 PM

Global warming, don't think so.

It snowed in Iraq a short while ago. China is having the coldest winter in 100 years.

Global tax bums. That's more like it. Global effort to fetter producing countries, global effort to "level the playing field" by making it uneven. The biggest global scam I've ever seen. Almost as silly as the idea of an oil scarcity. It's global B.S.

But people, being decent, can be made to feel guilty and then they are easier to control, I suppose.

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In reply to #38

Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

02/06/2008 1:13 PM

Ron H, you are so right. That's is why the Libs are now calling it "Global Climate Change", which is still crap. If they lose an argument, they change the subject. Bait and switch as well.


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In reply to #39

Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

02/06/2008 2:21 PM

Amen to both of you guys. They are setting it up so that even when they are wrong they can be right. Climate change has been with the earth forever, and will be with the earth long after our species is dust.

Dick Hourigan


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In reply to #41

Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

02/10/2008 2:00 AM

Not just the liberals ALL of the politicians (well most) are following along this BS theory. WHY? It gives them scare tactics and with those tactics lots of $$$$$$... and Oscars and Nobel peace prizes and oh, oh I am sorry I am rambling on. If there was NO way to make money out of this, then there wouldn't be any big up roar. Look at the gases coming from cow farts and burps. It is a lot more disruptive to our atmosphere but where is the desire to take care of this? Have them burp or fart into a tube or something in order to use the gases for power or something like that? That way, the WHOLE animal will be used

Madness takes its toll, please have exact change...

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In reply to #41

Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

03/04/2008 1:59 PM

While we are saying amen and stuff like that maybe we should think about what will happen on Dec. 24, 2012. God will kill all of us and no more will we be

Anonymous Poster

Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

03/04/2008 10:46 AM

Global Warming, who is behind it? Consider the source of all of the stuff coming out.

Isn't this the same guy who stood in front of a group of engineers in Silicone Valley once, and told them he invented the internet?


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In reply to #49

Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

03/04/2008 11:15 AM

Just follow the money, guys. It is the very old "Scare 'em and Save 'em" sales technique that I learned over 30 years ago.

First you scare them with Global Warming and how they caused it, then you get them to buy your product or carbon credits or pay more in taxes to help the "Problem" go away.

It is a classic application of an old sales technique. You have to create the emotional need to get the sale. Global Warming is entirely about emotion. The science is flawed.

Dick Hourigan


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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

03/06/2008 8:09 AM

I don't know if any of you have ever heard of John Coleman. He used to be a TV Weatherman here in Chicago. I heard him on the radio yesterday talking about Global Warming and CO2. He basically said that Al Gore should be arrested and charged with fraud for selling Carbon Credits, when he clearly knows that Global Warming is a hoax. Here is a site that link's to John Coleman's original comments about the Global Warming Hoax.

Dick Hourigan


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Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

03/06/2008 10:00 AM

Yes, if global warming is a fact, it is caused by Al Gore's hot air.


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In reply to #53

Re: Global Warming: Hoax or a Happening?

03/06/2008 10:48 AM

Make sure you take into account the Mayan Calender Just remember Dec.24, 2012

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