Friends and fellow CR4 participants,
I've got another crazy idea.. and just wish to have a discussion with you all about it. This may not be your thing, but... here goes.
I'm a big fan of modular vehicle design. I think that it represents a way to create vehicles that people want, that work, and are safe. I'm a big fan of having a specifying body of interested participants that establish the safety and standardization characteristics of vehicles and designs. I propose that we begin to write down the core concepts and foundations of this method of vehicle construction. I propose that we do this in a structured thread that we haven't seen on here before.
This kind of system allows anyone who wants to, to manufacture modular components, and sell them to the public without having to have permission from the vehicle designer, but also, without the stigma of them being 'aftermarket' products. It opens up the vehicle business to a whole new economy. I also think it could fundamentally change the Used vehicle market.. but overall, there are a lot of questions that would have to be answered. I'm hoping that together we can sketch out a new auto economy.
If you have a standardized frame, body, suspension, wheels, steering, brakes etc, and you wish to use that to implement your new electric drive... why do you need a new car? you don't... just switch out the engine and a few other components, and poof.. done! I think that this standardized size and safety approach can be a new foundation underlying the business economics, and puts manufacturers on a larger and more level playing field.
I think that we can make great quality vehicles, based on standardization. Quality systems are driven by one overriding concept; "Continuous Improvement". The traditional auto industry doesn't foster this as a core concept. The modular paradigm does, as you would be able to test, upgrade, or repair components much easier. The standardization of the vehicle would mean that once you learn to repair or replace a particular component, your knowledge will be valid for a long time, and wouldn't be depending on the type or manufacturer.
So what is required? How do we start such a group business model? what are the pro's and con's? In my opinion, it would start with the frame (Aluminum?), designed to human safety regulations, and for a particular load class. (and what should those be?) I hope you can see where my thoughts are leading... Please don't feel that you have to be an expert in vehicle design to participate, because I am not. We all use vehicles and pay for them, so I think we all have something to contribute.
Lastly, I think it somewhat important to make an effort to categorize our discussion, and so I will make the first few posts, identifying each with a Heading, and then the discussion can have the ability to focus on particular technical aspects. Here are some of the categories that I have thought of.. I'm sure there are more... I'm so interested in hearing what you have to say.
If you wish to create a new category in the discussion, just follow the same style I've used.

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