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Smart Phones, Rude People?

Posted December 11, 2010 7:00 AM

Electronic gadgets such as iPads, BlackBerrys and other "smart" phones certainly can prove useful as business tools, to provide access to e-mails and the Internet while away from the office. But their convenience also can backfire when distracted (and perhaps disrespectful) users fiddle with the devices in meetings.

Is there anything wrong with asking business associates to please put their gadgets away during meetings?

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Re: Smart Phones, Rude People?

12/11/2010 8:02 AM

Just wait for the next step when these things become essentially implantable.

Can you say cognitive dissidence?

Our 15 year old has an open phone in his hands all the time.


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Re: Smart Phones, Rude People?

12/11/2010 3:00 PM

If you have to ask, then there is something wrong, leastways as far as what I consider a "meeting" to be for and about.

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Re: Smart Phones, Rude People?

12/11/2010 5:32 PM

Meetings have a tendency to be pretty stupid anyway, so why not a little synergy?

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Re: Smart Phones, Rude People?

12/11/2010 7:06 PM

When I did meetings or scouts and meetings I did not enter the meeting thinking it was a waste of time.

If I call a meeting, or go to one, the time is dedicated to the question at hand.

There are people who now cannot make a decision without calling their girlfriend, boyfriend. They have no identity of their own.

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Re: Smart Phones, Rude People?

12/12/2010 8:10 AM

In my company, we often have to ask people to close laptops/notebooks in meetings. SMS's used to be seen as urgent, but now with BlackBerrys and similar devices, e-mail is also accessed. When you attend an 8hr meeting, it is a useful productivity enhancer!

But I do consider it rude, especially in well-structured, to-the-point meetings. Part of the problem is probably that we are smothered with SMS's, e-mails, IMs & the like, with some people in the instant-gratification loop mentioned in another blog.


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Re: Smart Phones, Rude People?

12/12/2010 12:02 PM

Old Business, New Business... go back to work? Who knows maybe the meeting would be shorter if people focused.

You don't get wise because you got old, you get old because you were wise.
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