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Healthy Hops

Posted April 07, 2017 1:00 PM by MaggieMc

In honor of National Beer Day—which commemorates the day the Cullen-Harrison Act made beer legal again, after being signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on March 22, 1933—I have a study for you that gives new meaning to “self-medicating.”

Researchers at the University of Washington have recently discovered that humulones, a derivative of hops that give your beer its bitter, hoppy flavor, can sometimes benefit sufferers of diabetes, certain cancers, and other ailments.

Of course, these effects were only seen in moderation, so don’t consider it a free pass for unlimited alcohol consumption, but the results are still pretty interesting.

Prior to this study, others had recognized that beer and “its bittering acids” had beneficial effects on diabetes, cancer, inflammation, and even weight loss. Werner Kaminsky, a professor of chemistry at the University of Washington, sought to discover the exact structure of those bittering acids.

First, Kaminsky’s coauthors from KinDex Therapeutics “recovered acids from the brewing process and purified them.” The next step entailed converting the humulones to salt crystals.

Then, Kaminsky picked up the process, using x-ray crystallography to determine the exact configuration of the molecules.

According to Kaminsky, this will allow them to determine which molecule goes to which bitterness taste in beer, in addition to the configuration of the molecules. While the exact configuration might not seem overly important at first glance, humulone molecules “are rearranged during the brewing process to contain a ring with five carbon atoms instead of six.” This distinction can be the difference between producing beneficial or disastrous results in pharmaceuticals.

So, tonight, when you celebrate National Beer Day, remember hops are only helpful in moderation! …Or forget, I bet they’ll help with that too!

Image credit: Werner Kaminsky via EurekAlert!


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Re: Healthy Hops

04/07/2017 2:01 PM

It's National Beer Day and no one told me? Damn, I came to work on a holiday.

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Re: Healthy Hops

04/07/2017 7:06 PM

Finally a day I can get into!

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Re: Healthy Hops

04/10/2017 11:23 AM

What planet does one have to be from to be allowed a 30-pack, then, eh?

I am diabetic and have been told many times that beer upsets the medical control of my insulin resistance. Does that mean I should only drink beer when consuming mass quantities of greasy bacon and bratwurst?

I was ill on Friday (National Beer Day), so I am requesting a replay for my own sake. Please? On the other hand, beer has been known to cause my wife to induce a condition on my cranium known as hematoma bumps, lumps, and bruises.

Is there an available hops extract I could add to a non-alcoholic beverage? Does it still have efficacy in improving the listed medical conditions, or that the hops talking?

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