As a baby, when you were full you would stop eating. And you would only eat again when you were hungry. Don’t you wish it was like that again? That you didn’t just crave a donut because that’s what popped up on Facebook or you didn’t eat the bread on the table just because it was there.
Understanding hunger is surprisingly hard in a world full of foodies, Instagram, and too large serving sizes.
Eating should happen when you’re truly hungry which means your stomach starts to growl. You’ll also feel hungrier over time and you’ll be willing to eat anything – ideally something nutritious– rather than a greasy or sweet snack.
When the urge to eat hits, wait about 10 minutes before you eat. If it’s a craving, it will probably pass after a glass of water and some time. But that’s easier said than done because many people have lost the intuitive ability to know when to eat and when to stop.
It is possible to get that intuition back. Here are four things to try the next time you get the urge to eat.
1. Take a quick assessment – Run through a mental checklist to make note of your food triggers. Becoming aware of your habits is a powerful step toward becoming a mindful eater.
2. Grab a glass of water – If you want to eat, but your stomach isn’t rumbling, go get a glass of water first. It’s hydrating and filling without added calories. Water also serves as a pause for you to decide if you’re truly hungry.
3. Log it out – Jot down your hunger level before you start to eat. If you want to get really into it, write down what you’re feeling and what you’re eating. This will help you to understand what triggers different reactions.
4. Change it up – Get outside for some fresh air, do housework, chat with a friend. Do something else besides stand in front of the refrigerator.
Hopefully, these four steps will start to help you think first and eat second. Now I’m going to put down the trail mix and take a walk….What’s your plan?
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