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Are You Really Hungry?

Posted April 26, 2017 12:00 AM by Chelsey H

As a baby, when you were full you would stop eating. And you would only eat again when you were hungry. Don’t you wish it was like that again? That you didn’t just crave a donut because that’s what popped up on Facebook or you didn’t eat the bread on the table just because it was there.

Understanding hunger is surprisingly hard in a world full of foodies, Instagram, and too large serving sizes.

Eating should happen when you’re truly hungry which means your stomach starts to growl. You’ll also feel hungrier over time and you’ll be willing to eat anything – ideally something nutritious– rather than a greasy or sweet snack.

When the urge to eat hits, wait about 10 minutes before you eat. If it’s a craving, it will probably pass after a glass of water and some time. But that’s easier said than done because many people have lost the intuitive ability to know when to eat and when to stop.

It is possible to get that intuition back. Here are four things to try the next time you get the urge to eat.

1. Take a quick assessment – Run through a mental checklist to make note of your food triggers. Becoming aware of your habits is a powerful step toward becoming a mindful eater.

2. Grab a glass of water – If you want to eat, but your stomach isn’t rumbling, go get a glass of water first. It’s hydrating and filling without added calories. Water also serves as a pause for you to decide if you’re truly hungry.

3. Log it out – Jot down your hunger level before you start to eat. If you want to get really into it, write down what you’re feeling and what you’re eating. This will help you to understand what triggers different reactions.

4. Change it up – Get outside for some fresh air, do housework, chat with a friend. Do something else besides stand in front of the refrigerator.

Hopefully, these four steps will start to help you think first and eat second. Now I’m going to put down the trail mix and take a walk….What’s your plan?


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Re: Are You Really Hungry?

04/26/2017 10:40 AM

Plan first principle:

(1) Everything the cereal producers, and grain mills want me to eat, I mentally mark that down as cereal = poison. I don't eat poison, at least recommended in tiny doses.

(2) The only "grain" I eat is oats, simply because this was the one grain food not pointed out as gut poison, all others, especially GMO corn and wheat with amylopectins result in leaky bowel syndrome, and I am not referring to end of the train.

(3) I eat breakfast before arriving at work, even if I have to stop and Dog forbid, grab a sandwich from a fast food place. Potatoes fried in "generic" vegetable oil, with its mangled, partially oxidized fats, and trans fats is also not a good idea. Oats with berries, whole milk, coconut oil and butter. Several strips of bacon. Another choice would be turkey, egg scramble, although I think that would immediately make one want to go back to sleep.

(4) Hero salad at Subway instead of Hero sandwich.

(5) Pot roast, cull the potatoes mostly, green beans 2X, instead of mac & cheese with green beans as sides.

(6) Cook brats vegetables (like stir-fry), but add peanut butter (crunchy), chipotle, cayenne, curry, and garlic along with chopped up fresh onion for a real treat that resembles gravy (especially with vegetable packs that contain some cauliflower). Coconut oil should be the primary cooking oil, or olive oil.

(7) Alternate the evening brats (various flavors) with Grilled chicken salads from some of the better fast food vendors, but watch for hidden sugar in the dressings.

(8) substitute SMASH IT! shakes for one or two meals per day, or the diabetic 5-6 mealettes per day. SMASH IT! (and various other powdered shake products) have protein, healthy fats, low carbohydrate, no sugar (uses Stevia), chocolate for flavor, and minerals and active probiotic cultures. Very healthy for me. I augment with whole milk, and whipping cream for an extra rich tasting shake.

Hints: (start with heated water and disperse coconut oil (1 tsp) (by vigorous shaking), add ice to make this as cold as possible, add the scoops of protein shake mix, and blend or shake in a ball shaker. Add whipping cream and whole milk to top off the container to the portion you desire. Agitate or blend once more and serve.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Just build a better one.
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Re: Are You Really Hungry?

04/26/2017 10:52 PM

There are many reasons people eat. Biological, personal, social, financial, true hunger, even the appeal of the package. They are all legitimate as there is no law. This doesn't hold for dependent babies, but we're not that any more. Please recognize and reject popular images based on selective science, or none at all. No edible food is "poison," except for true bodily disabilities like diabetes, but we use such images to support our fears and anxieties about science in general, giving ourselves the comfort of rules, rather than the obligation of knowledge and judgment. The biological issues are nutrient balance and quantity, which require judgment and knowledge of one's own personal biology, rather than demonized and angelized foods or food groups.

Safety - Hazmat - New Member United States - US - Statue of Liberty - New Member Engineering Fields - Chemical Engineering - Old Hand

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Re: Are You Really Hungry?

04/27/2017 11:36 AM

Just because a "poison" does not result in immediate bleeding through the skin, does not mean it will not ultimately result in serious irreversible harm, or death.

I consider "leaky bowel syndrome" to be akin to peritonitis. Case closed.

By the way, save your lecture for the flour mill circuit, you industry shill.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Just build a better one.
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