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I Only Drink Water!

Posted June 03, 2017 12:00 AM by M-ReeD
Pathfinder Tags: Bones brain immune system Water weight

If recent research is to be believed, I have been doing it all wrong and maybe you have as well. Have you upped your water intake in the hopes of improving your health or maybe dropping some weight only to be met with little in the way of results?

Now, a group of, let’s call them extremists, are telling us that these benefits are achievable if we only drink water.

So what can we expect to happen if our beverage diet is made up entirely of water? I mean, aside from being completely bored and, likely, ill-tempered? According to a study published in Frontiers of Human Neuroscience, drinking water exclusively may improve mental performance and heart health, promote weight loss, build healthier bones, and create a stronger immune system.


According to the research, in just 30 days, improved mental activity can be achieved by drinking only water. To perform, the brain needs oxygen, which comes, in part, from water consumption. Replenishing water supplies means more efficient functioning.


Water can help also promote weight loss by acting as both an appetite suppressant and aiding in healthier digestion. Additionally, water helps to remove toxins that inhibit fat burning. In fact, one single glass of water first thing in the morning is thought to boost metabolism by 24%.


Want to look ten years younger? According to research, water will help make that dream a reality. Just as you moisturize your exterior, it is necessary to moisturize from within. Consumed in healthy amounts, water can rejuvenate skin, improve muscular condition, and slow down the aging process.


Water helps achieve better heart health by diluting the blood, thereby making it easier to carry throughout the body and decreasing blood pressure.

A stronger immune system can be achieved by upping your daily water intake as well. Water helps to detoxify your blood and helps to create heathier kidneys and liver. It can also help in fighting chronic pain conditions.


Because water helps to rebuild cartilage and other tissue, it consequently makes us more flexible, enabling us to move our joints with less required effort.

Are you willing to give up coffee, tea, juice, soda, or booze to become a heathier, thinner, younger, more flexible, clearer headed, and, possibly, angrier version of yourself?


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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/03/2017 2:53 AM

I only drink water....

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/03/2017 7:44 AM

I don't doubt that. There times where I'd would drink water above anything else, but I never swore off anything else for just water. Even when I did, I felt the improvement...

Coffee maybe the hardest for me to give up. Even at just 2-3 cups a day.... maybe I have to join CA.... and declare I have a problem

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/03/2017 8:10 AM

To perform, the brain needs oxygen, which comes, in part, from water consumption.

I doubt that the body gets oxygen from breaking down water. It works the other way, combining with hydrogen in hydrocarbons and exhaling water vapor.

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/03/2017 10:04 AM

I have heard drinking water improve brain synopsis??,... and was recommended to drink a glass of water first thing in the morning half hour before you eat. This was for a number of reasons, help with brain function as well as improving the digestive process.

The side effects I noticed, not not only a sharper, quicker thinking, or I should say remembering, but also I started losing weight.

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/04/2017 3:48 PM

Quite so. The brain gets its oxygen from the oxygen transported by haemoglobin in the red cells. The amount of oxygen carried in solution is negligible (unless you are in a hyperbaric chamber) and there is no body mechanism for breaking down water into hydrogen and oxygen.

For completeness:

Water can help also promote weight loss by acting as both an appetite suppressant and aiding in healthier digestion. Additionally, water helps to remove toxins that inhibit fat burning. In fact, one single glass of water first thing in the morning is thought to boost metabolism by 24%. No, it doesn't do any of those things

Consumed in healthy amounts, water can rejuvenate skin, improve muscular condition, and slow down the aging process. No, it can't.

Water helps achieve better heart health by diluting the blood, thereby making it easier to carry throughout the body and decreasing blood pressure. The viscosity of blood is scarcely changed by mild dehydration. If you stop drinking altogether you will die of lack of blood volume before you die of heart failure.

A stronger immune system can be achieved by upping your daily water intake as well. No it can't.

Because water helps to rebuild cartilage and other tissue, it consequently makes us more flexible... More water neither speeds up the rebuilding process nor make you more flexible.

Just drink until you no longer feel thirsty, with the additives of your choice, including tea, coffee or alcohol, in moderate amounts

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

07/14/2017 1:14 PM

Ooh, ooh, I found the 'grain of truth' in one of those lies:

"In fact, one single glass of water first thing in the morning is thought to boost metabolism by 24%."

A glass of COLD water first thing in the morning will 'force' your body into raising your base metabolism for a while, because the cold liquid entering the empty stomach will 'steal heat' from the organ as the temperatures equalize, and the human body is geared to maintain a close temperature range for that vital organ, so the blood vessels dilate and more warm blood rushes around the food sack, warming it up at the expense of blood warmth. Assuming you are not in an area where the ambient temperature is higher than your skin temperature, the heat lost to the cold glass of water needs to be made up for health and comfort, so the metabolism will kick up a little to add warmth, until things reach equilibrium again, where the metabolism will drop back to normal.

So a cold glass of water will kick things up similar to a hot cup of coffee, but neither are a 'miracle beverage.' (Yes, the coffee addict just admitted that coffee isn't the wonder drug he treats it as.)

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

07/14/2017 1:35 PM

Also, the 'appetite suppressant' effect is from a lot of water distending the stomach, making you feel 'full,' a purely mechanical effect, and one that wears off quickly as the water is absorbed into the bloodstream.

And the 'aid to digestion' is only minor; the body pulls water out of the bloodstream when needed to balance the solid/fluid mix in the stomach, the only advantage drinking more water has when eating is it reduces this temporary need. Again, the water will be returned to the bloodstream after digestion is through, so there's no long-term effect of 'not drinking enough water' at mealtime, unless you are already dangerously dehydrated at the start; balancing the solid/fluid ratio in the stomach for digestion is completely autonomous and automatic, the body WILL pull water out of the bloodstream to assist in breaking down food in the stomach, even if this will put the body at risk. As a countermeasure, our bodies will tend to shut off our appetites if we're dehydrated, so we will only desire water, not food, when eating would be dangerous.

One thing to remember: we are all descendants of an unbroken chain of survivors reaching back over four billion years, we didn't manage that track record by having instincts and habits that were going to kill us. Sadly, it appears that our greatest tool might be the one thing that can end our run: Our intelligence can allow us to rationalize almost anything, and in so doing convince ourselves that the worst decisions are actually the best ones.

Oh well, If we wipe ourselves off, then at least the cockroaches (who are also decedents of 4+ billions of years of survivalists) will get their turn to run whatever is left of the planet. I hope they don't treat us as poorly as we treated the Neanderthals, I'd hate to be the joke in a Geico commercial.

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

07/14/2017 2:02 PM

Try the mathematics. Glass of water 250 ml @ 10ºC and body 70 kg @ 37ºC. To raise glass of water to body temperature requires 27 x 250 = 6750 calories = 6.75kcal. If the body were to behave as metabolically inert, its temperature would drop by a magnificent 0.096ºC. Since the body metabolism involves a daily intake of 2000-2500kcal, I don't regard a glass of cold water as a stimulus to anything.

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

07/14/2017 3:05 PM

That is a good point. Maybe that glass of water in the morning is just a re-hydrating elixir that can be cured with 2-3 cups of coffee and a side of bacon.

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/03/2017 11:11 AM

How does a drink made with water, say, tea or coffee, negate the effect of that water had it been taken separately? And if it does negate it, what of water taken with food? Because the 'dilutant' - food - is considered nutritious, does water somehow 'know' this and retain its efficacy as water?

I suspect drinking more water helps, whether mixed with something else or not.

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/03/2017 12:38 PM

Just water can flush your system. The added sugars, minerals and such can have an added build up to kidney stones and the like.

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/03/2017 1:15 PM

Make several cups of tea, for example, however many one would normally drink in a day, let it evaporate and weigh the residue. You will need scale with a resolution of milligrams because the residue weighs very little. Now compare the weight of that residue to the weight of food consumed per day, also dehydrated. Hundreds of grams compared to around a hundred milligrams for, say, two cups of tea. A tenth of a gram versus hundreds.

If anything is going to build up quickly, it will be whatever builds up from whatever minerals, sugars, sodium, additives from that food. To single-out a flavouring in water and say it's bad is only possible when you completely neglect everything else you're consuming. What difference does 0.1 grams make when I've eaten 300.0 grams of something that contains sugars, sodium, minerals, preservatives, food colourings and whatever else is in that food. 300.1 grams vs 300.0 will make that much difference? I highly doubt it.

Most people don't drink enough water during the day and this is the real problem. The problem isn't so much what is in the water (unless it's toxic of course), but how much water one is consuming daily overall. Most people don't drink enough. But to say that the water must be devoid of anything else in order to be effective is sheer nonsense because it is going to mix with whatever else is in one's stomach at the time. Once it's inside you, it's not pure water anymore.

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/04/2017 9:43 AM

And nothing happens over night... the build up is over time.

i always believe a well round diet is the best, but I'm concerned about the effects of high-fructose sugars in our diet, and it very hard to avoid..

I love iced tea, more so homemade. I've drank prepared sweet ice tea, but the amount of fructose sugar in them really turned me away.

I also used to drink flavored water. But since stopped, I've noticed that it was getting sweeter.

it be interesting, if one would boil it down like they do to Coca Cola what would be left.

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/04/2017 12:59 PM

Store-bought sweetened drinks (incl iced tea) have way too much sugar these days for my liking. I make my own 'flavoured water' by adding a little bit of fruit juice (~1:10) just to take edge off the flat taste. We used to have well-water here and it was really good, then they switched to city water which tastes like crap. I may get an R.O. unit at some point. Using act. charcoal filter (Brita) at the moment.

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/04/2017 4:10 PM

That's what I do also... it's interesting, on the farm, we had a shallow well (90 feet). Because of the bedrock being close to the surface, or even at the surface. We got surface water about 1 week a year in the spring were we couldn't drink it. And had to flush and sanitize the lines out afterwards. Poured bleach in the well and pumped out.

then about golf courses build with 4 miles of us add to the golf courses already there. We did regrettable drill a deeper well.

it was regrettable, because the water was naturally sweet. I don't know if it was from the limestone or what. But if we had contractors over... they actually brought containers of water home with them. It was quite refreshing. Being a dairy farm, the USDA regularly tested our water, it had minerals in, can't remember the count. But we didn't have a water softener, so we would get a build up of minerals.

i do care for RO water, I feel it does strip out too much of needed minerals we need.

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/04/2017 12:05 PM

I totally agree. At the gym i am poring water thru me and sweating it out. I think besides water consumption that sweating a great deal helps keep the system clean and helps the kidneys.

I am not going to quit my morning coffee or the iced tea that has become my daily norm.

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/08/2017 5:03 PM

Very nicely thought out! My new diet is supposed to limit me to 50 grams worth dry basis of carbohydrate per day. Try it! The secret is you can have all kinds of fats except trans fat, because sugar and insulin are what causes arterial inflammation, scarring that leads to plaques, not fats.

We have been dosed with high level of medical propaganda for many years, in the wrong direction. Yeah, groceries with sugar in them stay unmolded on the shelves longer. Yeah, sugar kills.

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/09/2017 8:24 AM

And let us not forget WHY jams and jellies were originally called 'preserves,' the high sugar content actually PREVENTED bacterial growth. I forget the exact terms, but the explanation was that the high sugar content meant there was an extreme imbalance in water content between the preserve and the bacteria that landed on it, so the bacteria either got sucked dry and died, or it got flooded and burst. Whatever happened, over time you ended up with this thin puddle of water on top of the preserves, and said puddle was loaded with dead bacteria fragments, or, to use another description, random proteins, lipids and amino acid chains, but at such a low concentration it would not even by noticed when eating the preserves.

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/13/2017 2:44 PM

With a bit of off-flavor from the catalyzed air oxidation of said sugars and fruit juice.

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/04/2017 4:11 AM

Those " added sugars, minerals and such" also come from other sources, such as the food you enjoy and need, and if there are excesses or waste from the body's repair processes, they too go through the kidneys and liver. Meanwhile, water alone, if not distilled, delivers stuff which someday must be removed (excess calcium, we can't go through life just collecting all we receive from food and drink). I seriously doubt that the bit of material added by brewing a cup of coffee renders water more burdensome. CONVERSELY, there are reports quite contrary to the idea only "pure" water is the best solution. Coffee, for example, seems to bring significant health benefits, benefits the "drinker" is refusing when insisting on simple water. There are good reasons (more than what I have written) for doubts; intelligently selected liquids can be better than pure water. At the same time, there are plenty of drinks which are bad or are probably bad in quantities many of us like to consume. Even fruit juice often carries more sugar than we should consume when taken in typical doses.

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/04/2017 9:50 AM

Eating fruits you also get water from that. The thing you have to be careful about fruits is that the sugar content is high. My girlfriends mom decided she was going to eat healthier and ate a lot of fruit. She had to back off because the sugars (fractose) was really raising cane to her metabolism.

I seriously doubt that the bit of material added by brewing a cup of coffee renders water more burdensome.

If done in moderation, no, I don't think it would either. As with everything, I think moderation is the key.

as well as ones genes.

i knew of a person, that smoke cigars everyday for all his life, and lived to be in his 90's. (Rare, but happens). I also knew of a people who life a very healthy lifestyle, exercised, ate healthy (as in what the scientist cleaned was healthy)' didn't drink or did drugs... died in their 40s. One from a brain aneurysm, one heart attach and the other from cancer.

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/06/2017 3:52 PM

"She had to back off because the sugars (fractose) was really raising cane to her metabolism."

The sugar is called Fructose, and the spelling of the phrase is 'raising Cain.'

Unless you were trying to sneak in two sugar-related puns. not too sure about the fracking pun, but raising (sugar) cane was actually really cleaver.

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/03/2017 11:28 AM

See what happens when we "...drink the Kool-Aid™..." ! ! !

I'll pick my own 'poisons' for myself, thank you. Not gonna give up my morning cup of Java.

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/03/2017 2:32 PM

Although it's rare, it is possible to drink too much water, more than the kidneys can get rid of. It basically dilutes the electrolytes in the body and may cause death.

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/03/2017 5:34 PM

There is a lot of nonsense spoken about water consumption and how much we need to drink each day.
The body has a sophisticated mechanism to control and regulate our intake...
Its called thirst.

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/06/2017 4:05 PM

That's only half the mechanism.

The other half uses the kidneys and bladder.

The problems arise when we take in too much in the way of diuretics (which cause us to deplete our water reserves faster than our body realizes) or when we drink when not thirsty (which if done to too much excess, overwhelms the kidneys' ability to remove the excess before the overly-thinned blood causes issues).

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/03/2017 7:50 PM

I mostly drink water but I like to have a 20 oz extra dark chocolate milk 1- 2 times a day if I can.

And by extra dark, I typically mix at least a heaping cup of dark chocolate powder in with a gallon of chocolate milk to make it.


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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/04/2017 7:47 AM



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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/04/2017 3:45 AM

The trouble with research is that they usually try to find all results of a single change, when reality is far more complex.

With water, the dissolved chemicals cause a range of results, the suspended solids are what get caught in the filter (kidneys). By drinking some water each day, that helps to clean out the filter. I used lemon oil in water at 2litres a day to help disperse kidney stones without needing medical intervention.

Generally, any increase in excercise will assist after a while, drinking more water will only start to see weight loss if the amount of food eaten or sweetened drinks consumed is also reduced.

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/04/2017 1:18 PM

This is probably false. The suspended solids go the way of other solids in the digestive tract, and not over the bloodstream and urinary tract. If they were allowed into the bloodstream there would be real risk of clogging capillaries, except for maybe very small particles (smaller than blood cells, and even then I doubt they would be harmless; indeed, there is now considerable worry about dangers from nanoparticles).

Drinking straight water is a good idea but carefully selected alternatives can be a further improvement over simple water, with moderate amounts of tea or coffee being for many of us a helpful alternative. The water in the coffee does the same job of flushing as simple water.

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/04/2017 2:55 PM

I only have one kidney (it's a surprisingly common condition), my Son is the same, I think I inherited it off him .
When I first found out (during a scan for something else) my doctor asked how much I drank each day.
I started off saying, for breakfast about half a pint of milk on my cereal and a mug of tea... he interrupted me and said... " no, just water"
At this point I thought "this bloke is a f***ing idiot".
Later when I saw a kidney specialist he confirmed my suspicions and said just drink when you are thirsty, but don't take any Ibuprofen (which had been my pain killer of choice for painful elbows etc)
He said his pet hate was these people who carry a bottle of water and keep perpetually sipping at it because some idiot has told them they need to drink so many litres per day.

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/04/2017 3:07 PM

Pee on this chart for results.....

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/04/2017 4:15 PM

It's run onto the keyboard and shorted it outttttttttttttttttttttt

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/07/2017 12:36 PM

Ha!... another one bites the dust....

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/04/2017 4:16 PM

Caveat: not a reliable guide if you're taking anything containing riboflavin (vit B2). A number of meds can also do this.


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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/06/2017 12:09 AM

If you have a match for '8', double check to make sure you really do understand the basics; you know the distinction between 'urine' and other bodily effluent.

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/07/2017 1:49 PM

You forgot one:

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In reply to #20

Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/04/2017 4:14 PM

He said his pet hate was these people who carry a bottle of water and keep perpetually sipping at it because some idiot has told them they need to drink so many litres per day.

That is so annoying, and they suck on the bottle like a newborn calf. There is One thing that pisses me off more is someone have the NEED to answer their god dam cell phone when they are about to check out at the store.

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/04/2017 5:53 PM

As done on numerous other threads, I'll refer-to my post at a similar discussion:

my post (#5) at THIS thread ... <a snippet, here>:

"I always liked that ol' proverb: 'Coffee stimulates the body, but tea stimulates the mind.'

One of each, please!"


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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/04/2017 7:41 PM

Hmm, Beer is mostly water, filtered through fermenting hops. (Note U.S. beer is like shagging in a canoe there's so much water) I don't drink as much as I used to but I enjoy it more get drunk less. Being a T2 diabetic I don't get to indulge without consequences.

Reticulated water can be more hazardous to your health than anything out of a can, Just had my aquarium environment crash after doing a water change, lucky I had some rainwater to replace that..

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In reply to #28

Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/04/2017 8:32 PM

Two Aussies are adrift in a lifeboat when one of them spots a corked bottle drifting by. He reaches down, plucks it out of the water, pops the cork, and a genie suddenly appears. "For freeing me from my prison I grant you one wish!"

"Turn the whole bloody ocean into Fourex!"

The genie claps his hands, disappears, and immediately the ocean becomes beer.

The other bloke isn't pleased. "Oh nice going mate! Now we're gunna have to piss in the boat."

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/05/2017 9:14 AM

Give up all those other drinks to become an ANGRIER version of yourself.

I say...I say...I say...BOY!...You're doing it all wrong.

Why is there never enough time to do it right the first time but always enough time to do it over?

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/05/2017 12:15 PM

I only drink NATUROPATHIC water. Has all the benefits of water without all the adverse side effects of water.

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In reply to #31

Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/06/2017 12:55 AM

Obligatory DHMO mention.

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In reply to #33

Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/06/2017 11:03 AM

Sorry, there are some blatant errors in the MSDS, particularly related to decomposition products. When exposed to very high temperatures (~2000 deg F) DHMO dissociates into hydrogen and oxygen, which then constitutes an explosion hazard or a fire accelerant. At such temperatures in the presence of reactive metals, an excess of hydrogen is produced which also contributes to fire and explosion hazard (how do you spell Fukushima?)

I consider the risk to be acceptable under most circumstances and I would not recommend throwing out the DHMO with the bathwater.


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In reply to #34

Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/06/2017 11:15 AM

Refraining from throwing out the DHMO with the bathwater will prove very difficult.

Perhaps a berter goal is refraining from throwing out the DHMO when we throw out the baby.

Eternal vigilance is the price of knowledge. - George Santayana

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In reply to #38

Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/07/2017 1:48 AM

Nemo, May 2003. Cute, cuddly little clownfish. Movie star. Got his own Hollywood pool and more water than Davey Crockett.

Big mistake.


Nemo today. #waterisbadforyou


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In reply to #39

Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/07/2017 7:20 AM

'Movie star', come on. Don't you think that's a little over the top, even for 'alternative facts'? 'Reality TV star' sure. I mean, he probably has had some minor roles in movies like Home Alone 2, and Zoolander, but I don't think that qualifies him as a 'star'.


..or, wait. Am I confused? Perhaps that is Donatella Versace


It gets hard to distinguish among those who have had so much work....

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In reply to #40

Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/07/2017 7:21 AM

The aliens walk among us.

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/07/2017 1:10 PM

How about if we just drink beer? It's mostly water.

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In reply to #43

Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/07/2017 1:51 PM

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Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/07/2017 1:50 PM

Unless you're diagnosed with some outstanding condition, the only benefit you get from drinking only water is the ego boost and righteous self-affirmation resulting from telling all your friends, "I only drink water!"

As has already been pointed out, there is no need to carry around water and drink from it every 10 seconds. Your body will tell you when you're thirsty. Yeah maybe you shouldn't always wait till you 'feel' really thirsty but normally people take in water from all sorts of different sources that this doesn't happen anyway.

Many people are so misled into managing/janitoring functions their bodies already take care of for them. Going on 'cleanses' for example. Stop, please. "Oh I gotta drink lemon and cayan pepper water for a week to cleanse my body of toxins!" Your liver and kidneys are doing what, already? Or regularly taking vitamin C, or Emergen-C to help "boost" their immune system. Sorry buddy, your immune system is usually as strong as it's going to be at any time and you're either going to get catch that cold or you're not - simple as that.

I say the real age-reversing kicks in when we all stop worrying and giving in to all the fear mongering, gluten is out to get you, are you drinking enough? maybe too much? etc etc. Just relax, enjoy your life, listen to your body, drink some water when you're thirsty, live in moderation in general. It's really not that hard, and so much less stress/anxiety.

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In reply to #45

Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/07/2017 2:09 PM

I suspect that the placebo effect is in play here. If you believe it will help you (really truly believe) it actually might. Study

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In reply to #47

Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/07/2017 2:22 PM

Soon enough we'll end up with 'weaponized' placebo effects:

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In reply to #48

Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/07/2017 2:37 PM

Exactly. Placebo works when the person doesn't know/believe it's placebo, not some mind-body self-healing resulting from "really believing". Or studies showing placebo significantly working could be abusing the statistics. Placebo rarely "works" even when it's supposed to.

This is a really dangerous idea that's being spread around like crazy. Selling people placebos and telling them it will provide real benefits beyond what your own mind can dream up is ethically dubious at best.

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In reply to #49

Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/09/2017 8:32 AM

Yeah, it's a lot like those "common cold cures." If it works, your symptoms will fade in five days, if lot, they could last for up to a week.

(The common cold only has about a week long life-cycle in the human body, the symptoms past a week are your body 'cleaning up the mess,' or the result of feedback cycles. (Sore throat from coughing during the cold triggers mucus production to line the throat and 'soothe' it, extra-thick mucus (because you're not properly hydrating, or because your genetically predisposed for heavy mucus production) causes the throat to feel 'congested,' triggering coughing to clear the congestion, said coughing exacerbates the still-sore throat and triggers more mucus flow, etc.))

( The opinions espressed in this post may not reflect the true opinions of the poster, and may not reflect commonly accepted versions of reality. ) (If you are wondering: yes, I DO hope to live to be as old as my jokes.)
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In reply to #52

Re: I Only Drink Water!

06/13/2017 2:47 PM

That reminds me. Any time someone takes big doses of antibiotic for an extended period of time, they should immediately supplement their diet with probiotic pills/capsules and plenty of yogurt to restore natural flora. Otherwise all manner of nasty yeasts and fungi get a foothold.

You have noticed the only thing that grows on old jelly is mold, right?

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Just build a better one.
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