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Cheese Lovers Rejoice!

Posted December 16, 2017 12:00 AM by M-ReeD
Pathfinder Tags: cardiovascular health food

According to a recent study, eating 40 grams (or 1.41 ounces) of cheese each day may help reduce the likelihood of stroke or heart disease.

Reporting their findings in the European Journal of Nutrition, researchers examined the effect cheese consumption had on the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease and stroke.

Typically, because cheese is high in saturated fats, it is thought to increase cholesterol levels and, subsequently, the risk of heart disease and stroke. However, researchers have determined that cheese may actually have the opposite effect on cardiovascular health.

Researchers looked at the cheese consumption of more than 200,000 participants over the course of 10 years and found that the majority of participants didn’t show signs of cardiovascular disease. In fact, when compared with those participants who ate little cheese, participants who regularly consumed cheese were roughly 18 percent less likely to develop cardiovascular disease, 14 percent less likely to develop coronary heart disease and approximately 10 percent less likely to suffer a stroke.

According to the researchers: "This meta-analysis of prospective studies suggests a nonlinear inverse association between cheese consumption and risk of CVD."

Which begs the question: In what phenomenal shape would a person’s cardiovascular system be in, let’s say, after consuming possibly six times the daily recommended amount of cheese?

I’m asking for a friend.

Unfortunately, this is not, according to alleged health experts, cause to run to the grocery store just yet, warning that the study was conducted by groups with ties to the dairy industry…and…maybe…to me.


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Re: Cheese Lovers Rejoice!

12/16/2017 11:43 AM

All living things seek to control their own destiny....this is the purpose of life
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Re: Cheese Lovers Rejoice!

12/16/2017 9:12 PM

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese!

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Re: Cheese Lovers Rejoice!

12/18/2017 7:16 AM

What does the early worm get?


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Re: Cheese Lovers Rejoice!

12/18/2017 3:51 PM


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Re: Cheese Lovers Rejoice!

12/16/2017 1:05 PM

I still don’t believe these scientist really know what is good or healthy for you to eat with the exception of moderation.

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood

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Re: Cheese Lovers Rejoice!

12/18/2017 12:46 AM

So, eating cheese and drinking wine every day will help you live longer!


A good cigar can't hurt either.

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Re: Cheese Lovers Rejoice!

12/18/2017 7:24 PM

I just had an appointment with my doctor today and while I was waiting, there was the presentation on their "health" tablet stating cheese was actually good for you. There were 4 cheeses mentioned. Swiss was one of them along with cheddar and (I don't remember the other 2), but it seems they were natural cheeses, not processed. I have enjoyed cheeses over the years and don't listen to the warnings that the FDA, doctors and nutritionists tell the public. One day they will tell you it will kill you and the next day, say the opposite. The only one you can believe and trust is yourself and common sense. I drink at least 2 scotch's, 2 glasses of wine and one good cigar every day. I am overweight, my blood pressure is OK and I walk, drive and do everything a healthy person does. I am 83 and looking forward to a long life. I have been a cigar smoker (never cigarettes) and a drinker since around the time I was 18. I have gone to the funerals of many of my friends who were younger and were less excessive than I. What can I say! Maybe it's my genes. Of course everyone has their own path in life, one they have to live with. Once on that path, you cannot change direction; just see it to the end. Who knows, you might get hit by a truck crossing the road. When that happens, it throws everything you knew out the window. Live for the day and don't worry about the future. That is my advise to all.

Mr.Ron from South Ms.
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Re: Cheese Lovers Rejoice!

12/19/2017 8:20 AM

I had design and installed cheese processing equipment, And in the plant, there is nothing better than taking a curd right out of the matting table, (warm and squeaky with whey). Or string cheese (a form of mozzarella) right out from the 28 degree brine tank, where the out side of the string cheese is cold and the core is slightly warm.

It appears from the process plants, the food is so much ... tastier...

Breads, roasted potatoes, vegetables, roasted vegetables even pizza crusts. I would have a problem with over indulgence.

“ When people get what they want, they are often surprised when they get what they deserve " - James Wood
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