Although likely meant to drive home the point that sugary cereal is not exactly healthy, many people are only hearing the second part of a message from a well-intentioned nutritionist making the claim last week that pizza is a healthier breakfast option than cereal.
And I am one of those people.
Swayed by the many headlines: “Pizza: the healthier breakfast,” or “Ditch the cereal and grab a pizza,” I all but wrote a love letter to NYC-based nutritionist Chelsey Amer who had this to say about my favorite food:
“You may be surprised to find out that an average slice of pizza and a bowl of cereal with whole milk contain nearly the same amount of calories,” Amer said. “However, pizza packs a much larger protein punch, which will keep you full and boost satiety throughout the morning.”
Amer continued: “Plus, a slice of pizza contains more fat and much less sugar than most cold cereals, so you will not experience a quick sugar crash.”
Yet, Amer (my new best friend and likely my college nutritionist) cautions:
"I’m not saying that we should go out and eat pizza every day for breakfast. We should follow our cravings. If that’s what you are craving, it can prevent you from eating an entire pie later on."
Were it that simple, Chelsey!
Still, other dieticians (but not my beloved Chelsey) warn against eating food like pizza every day and, consequently, loading up on carbohydrates, fat and sodium, thereby jeopardizing any healthy eating decisions made throughout the day.
Are you prepared to jump on the pizza-for-breakfast bandwagon? Or were you — like me — already on it?
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