OK all you sleuths, I have a good one for you....
My dear old mother in law lives in town, and has a nice little 3 bedroom with basically
everything normal, like any other house in our area..
By "normal" I mean, basic electricity, basic natural gas, (for forced air heating, and
water". She has cable TV, and no computer.
The other day after we took her to get groceries, she made the comment that she
wondered if she needed to call the power company, or someone, as she had this
strange noise coming from her hot water closet in the garage.
Being the inquisitive person that I am, I opened the door to the water heater, and
stood there long enough to hear this strange noise..
At first, it sounded to me a lot like the noise my fairly new maytag side by side
refridgerator was making after the fridge quit working while the freezer continued
working.. The warranty technician said my defrost motor was bad.
So, this same humming noise was present, then a thud, and nothing... Humming
noise, then a thud, and then nothing...
For the life of me, I could NOT at first figure this out, because this a gas hot water
heater, with no motors near, that I knew of...
All I will say at this point is that the only two things on the outside wall, somewhat
near this hot water heater closest, was an outside electrical receptacle, and an
outside water faucet..
OK Guys, now tell me what was causing this Hmmmmmmmmm, thud, and then silence, hmmmmmmmmmmm, thud, then silence... ?????
I will wait until several of you famous mystery solvers make your comments...
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