It struck me the other day, that I haven't seen anything lately on CR4 about hygiene and tips on how to avoid picking up "Bugs" without being TOO obvious and "Nerdy"...
I hope that others here with useful practical ideas will also post and share their thoughts and ideas....
I am probably borderline "over-clean", I admit it, been like it for years - good or bad!!
I abhor public toilets, but naturally I have to use them (being an old man with a bladder and a prostate!!) from time to time....
I prefer ones with paper towels (overall cost is basically similar to the linen roll towels that get washed and replaced a German study has shown) as I can use the paper to open the door that other people who don't wash their hands ever have put their bacteria!!
This was noted in the German study of linen roll towels against paper towels as a positive difference.
I also, "wash" the taps while washing my hands if its a type that needs shutting off manually, using the supplied soap. I cannot say it truly is a positive thing other than in my own mind!!!
After shaking hands with ANYONE who appears to my fevered mind to be one who may not wash his hands, sneezes into them, handles anything probably dirty or is obviously ill, I register in my head that I need to wash my hands ASAP. ...and do it!!
In fact I completely avoid touching or shaking hands with anyone with obvious illness-cold-flu-diarrhoea......and tell them why!!
Toilet doors that do not need a handle to be grasped, even with paper, are avoided as much as possible......
It is not a perfect way to avoid nasty bugs, but over the years we as a family appear to have managed to avoid a large number of "Bugs" that have "swept" around the world here...
What we do NOT do, is to use disinfectants around the house, except when one of us has a bug that might be caught/passed on... We believe that a small number of bacteria left lying around when cleaning with normal soaps and the like are needed by the human body to keep the "anti-bug" mechanisms of the human body fit and ready to fight, so to say....
Total hygiene is to my mind a big failure and could result in many having serious problems later in life, my personal take on many modern illnesses.
I can also say that both my children (29 and 31 years old) have proved to be hardy in the long run when many are dropping like flies from transferable have my wife and I.
By the way, I have noticed over the years (we here define blue collar as
normal handworkers and white collar as management and the like) that Blue
collar tend to wash their hands properly after visiting the toilet, but
White collar workers are often too "fine" to bother.....
The better the suite (Armani for example), the less likely they are to wash their hands/properly wash their hands.
A female co-worker told me in confidence that its no different in the ladies toilets either....UGH!!! (to both!!)
I hope that some of you have some fun and some serious comments and ideas to add here.....thanks in advance.
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