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Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/09/2013 2:23 PM

To generate super-heated steam mechanically, requires using hydraulics, as hydraulics are linear, example 3,000 psi times 10 = 30,000 psi

Next the pressure effect on water flow is also linear, in this case 3,400 meters a second.

From my experience you need to atomize the water and inject pulses to avoid destroying the system.

The atomized water clusters create tremendous Impact Heat. No external heat required to change to gaseous state.

As this only uses the energy needed to pump water, 10 H.P. will pump 450 lbs of water at 15,000 psi, creating super heated steam. ( 7.5 KW hr)

Why not replace old fashioned steam heaters, like nuclear power.

I'm not a nuclear power engineer, but can you produce 450 lbs of super-heated steam for less than 7.5 KW hr?

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Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/09/2013 2:45 PM

Yeah, then you could use that super heated steam to run a electric generator to supply the power for your 10 HP motor.

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Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/09/2013 4:32 PM

Only if you acknowledge that water molecules contain energy and further acknowledge that upon impact, the water clusters act like a solid.

Then you have to assume you can not boil water at 1800 degrees F.

You can find papers, from Japan, Shock Wave Research Center, " The measurement

of impact pressure and solid surface response in liquid-solid impact up to the hypersonic range"

With/out detail, you will find this most informative.

Use key words, water clusters shatter on Impact Heat. You can find many papers from Israel. Or use Prof. Even Uzi as keyword

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Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/11/2013 1:50 PM


I think that you might not have grasped the subject completely, or your presentation of the subject is lacking clarity and specific details.

the subject of "Water Cluster Shatter on impact heat" is not as simple as you explained or seem to want to explain, i.e. not just an acceleration/ pressure/ kinetic energy etc... to vaporise the water into steam without boiling...

This is a topic that requires a proper presentation for this forum to give an opinion.

Where are the relevant articles you have based your research on (you do not seem to be able to give step by step details of the purpose of this research, or the scope target ... objective to be achieved). We need to read more info that could be provided through your good services (I, for example, will not be prepared to pay / subscribe with a fee , to get access to full texts on the subject, just to follow your reasoning...

If you seem to impress that producing steam with such method as mentioned is going to be cheaper than conventional heating (by any method other than what you mentioned), then maybe. But for it to be a free energy process that will self perpetuate because it chain react, then this is a long shot where you do not seem able to grasp and explain at the moment. You think that you can, somehow, fuse or break molecules and release more energy than what you brought in ? If that is the case with the water, then what you get seem to be steam without the steam character which makes it condense into water again (you mentioned this!). You have transformed water into something completely different, breaking the molecular bond with no hope of reuniting ... then what is the use of such STEAM? (if at all possible)?

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In reply to #97

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/12/2013 10:45 AM

At 10.00 am this morning I answered, as many old famous schools have attempted to harness this energy. Using a kiloampere pulse

They all can produce it, but it evaporates.

I'm sorry, I have difficulty often in lacking clarity, due to I often believe something is common knowledge. And so don't give enough specific details

While water is the most studied substance on this planet, there is no place that comtains these papers. And no search engine that can find many, as to so many specific subjects . If you have a Prof. in the field, often his name will get you many papers, an Example Even Uzi..Is ref. in many papers. He is this field, and conducts many tests, I use his papers, for the fact at over 1500 meters a second Impact they get 100% of the molecules seperated.. His term has something to do with electric bonds are dis ( something)

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In reply to #106

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/12/2013 11:03 AM

Smokie, are you aware of the Brownie's Marine Group Molecular Impact Energy project?

This has many similarities with your own project being discussed here.

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Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/09/2013 3:19 PM

Nuclear power is old fashioned??? What are you using the steam for? Please do a comparison study....

All living things seek to control their own destiny....this is the purpose of life
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In reply to #2

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/09/2013 4:58 PM

As I am also in South Florida, I use the steam to run a V-2 double acting

steam engine. The V-2 uses 62 cubic inches of steam per revolution. The engine has power both directions total 113 cubic inches.

Using a Power Take off from a small tractor, my 15 KW generator,

only needs 540 RPM, to make over 20 H.P.

Next Step, to document everything. Our report will measure water flow into

the pump, out the cooler, through the Impact chamber, and much more.

We use 4 Piezo Ford injectors. I have no funds for a comparison study.

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Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/09/2013 3:29 PM

For one thing, the pressure effect on water flow is NOT linear.

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In reply to #3

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/09/2013 4:12 PM

At 100C it is close enough to linear.

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In reply to #3

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/09/2013 4:42 PM

SEG Houston 2009 International Exposition and Annual Meeting.

page 2096. Column 2 3. "Like the velocity of pure water, pressure' effect is

almost linear positively within the measured range at the given temperatures. At 100c.

This paper is likely still on the web site.

But as the flow changes at different temperatures, like oil, viscosity of

water changes

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Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/09/2013 4:54 PM

It looks like no matter how you cut it there is no free lunch in the super heated steam generation energy equations.

Boil it, beat it, deep fry, or hand toss. Its all the same energy value in the end unless you know something no one else does.

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In reply to #7

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/09/2013 5:21 PM

You refer to Albert and his quote, it is easier to split the atom, then introduce

a new technology.. Not exact but you already know.

I learned in 2011, to create heat during my tests. Once I learned how, I

designed many Impact chambers, learning also that velocity and direct impact

produced the best results. I need a pre-heated impact chamber and expansion chamber. Documented test.. feed water 150 degrees, impact chamber 375 degrees ,injector 15,000 psi with 7 orifices each 0.006 in dia.

With 5 injections a sec each 0.3 ml.. Expansion chamber 3 cubic inch.

In 2 seconds, we had 1340 psi and 575 degrees.. our impact temperature had to heat the chamber surface, so with equilibrium we had 575 degrees.

NEXT now that I have learned how to create steam internally. I turn off the pre-heat after seconds. The total energy comes via hydraulics ... 10 H.P.

You are right NOBODY believed me. Once I learned to create steam w/out external heat, it helped.

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Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/09/2013 6:46 PM

'....NEXT now that I have learned how to create steam internally.....'


You haven't created steam internally. At 575 degrees Fahrenheit (I assume) and 1340 psi water is well below the boiling point.


Your results aren't startling.


You have air in the chamber before injecting the high pressure water. The air is at 375 degrees F, since the chamber is a 375 F. The original air needs only to be compressed to 80% of its original volume to reach 575 F (if all else is remains the same).

All water might not actually increase up to 575 F, but even if it does, because there is no change of state, it doesn't require that much energy. Perhaps the original air needs to be compressed a little further down, to 75% of its original volume to provide the heat necessary to heat the water as well...

Pushing the water through the orifice is likely to heat it some as well (the orifice is connected to the expansion chamber, so if the chamber is at 375 F then the orifice and the water sitting in it is probably pretty close to 375 F even if a little further up stream it is only 150 F....

There are likely to be dissolved gasses in the high pressure water that come out of solution when injected into the chamber....looking at the volume of water injected probably only tells you the minimum amount the gasses initially in the chamber were compressed, since the amount of gas dissolved or entrained in the 15,000psi water is not accounted for.



The bigger question is, where are you planning to get the kinetic energy? You seem to suggest that you have a way to pressurize the water without the use of conventional or perhaps any fuel.... but what is your source for 15,000 psi 150 F feed water?


You see many people are hard at work converting heat into useful energy.... going the other way is too easy.

You are in Florida right? I realize it is the middle of 'winter' but summer wasn't so long ago....doesn't it seem a little backwards to be wasting useful energy to make things HOTTER?

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In reply to #17

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/09/2013 6:56 PM

At 30,000 psi our Impact Temperature exceeds 3,000 degrees F.

and our pressure exceeds critical.

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In reply to #17

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/09/2013 7:10 PM

I use the right side of a Ford 350 Diesel.

With 4 piezo injectors, I can pump water to 30,000 psi.

Very inexpensive. I suggest you look up the H.P. to pump

water hydraulicly .. 10 H.P. Flow International Pump will pump

120 lbs of water an hr at 30,000 psi this is 7.5 Kw an hr.

Next put in on web. Typical Projectile speeds.. this measures the magnitude

and muzzle velocity. Specific Kinetic energy ( J/kg) I assume this

is accurate as it originated in the U.S. Gov. You will find the kinetic

energy, at 1,700 MS.. our velocity at 15,000 psi Same as TANK penetrator.

You can do more research, and you will learn at 1700 MS or only 3,803 MPH

the specific Kinetic energy (J/kg) is 1,400,000

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Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/23/2013 9:11 AM

Please explain the units you are using - your abbreviations are neither Metric nor Imperial in some places...for example what is MS (a check on an abbreviation list gives Manuscript as the translation). If you mean metres per second, that is written m/s.

Does the "TANK" penetrator also use water? If not, the kinetic energy will differ from yours by the ratio of the masses. That will be quite significant if the Gov. projectile was made of lead.

A general tip: If you want the established scientific community to take your ideas seriously, you need to be able to present them in the standard accepted format. You need to set out all your workings and proofs. What I have read so far (in nested format), shows me that you do not display these traits and your method of communication implies a disorganised and illogical mind.

Good luck with your experiments. I hope that you truly have found a new source of energy, but from what I've read so far, I'm not convinced.

Chaos always wins because it's better organised.
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In reply to #17

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/09/2013 8:05 PM

I don't understand your first sentence.

Please explan I will quote you. At 575 degrees Fahrenheit ( I assume ) and 1340

psi water is well below the boiling point.

Thank you, I'm sure you are well qualified to boil water, but please be careful.

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In reply to #23

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/10/2013 3:53 AM

I'm not sure you are qualified to boil water. You do realize that the boiling point changes with pressure right?

I'm sticking in the first chart I see, since you don't seem interested in understanding, merely in telling everyone about your amazing success:

Notice that the chart only goes up to 1000psi....which corresponds with 545 F

We are still 340 psi below your stated pressure, and yet the temp in Fahrenheit is just a few degrees below your stated 575 F.

The system is closed, there is no boiling at that pressure. At best you could reach saturation. So your claim the steam is superheated is not correct.

You have merely compressed the 375 F air that was originally in the 'expansion chamber' down to roughly 75% of its original volume with a combination of water and entrained and dissolved gasses from your 30,000 psi injection.


Winter is short in Florida. Best get over this notion about burning electricity to create heat before summer comes.


Oh, one more pointer, We have more efficient ways to heat water than this... its called a heat pump.

Eternal vigilance is the price of knowledge. - George Santayana
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In reply to #33

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/10/2013 10:40 AM

Study Impact heating. U.S. Army tank penetrator

U. S. Navy Magnetic velocity.

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Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/10/2013 4:24 AM

Some more pointers on boiling water:


5 injections per second

of 0.3ml each

for 2 seconds

3ml of water injected.


Doing the conversion using saturated steam at 1250psi and 574 F ..


If ALL 3ml were steam, 3.89 cubic inches would be occupied.

but you specified your space to be 3 cubic inches (perhaps there was a calculation error attributable to insisting on mixed units).


Moreover, there was the original 375 F air occupying the 3 cubic inch expansion chamber. .

Hard to draw any conclusion other than.....

your claim of superheated steam is incorrect. The system is closed, the water is not boiling, it is saturated at best.


You wouldn't have superheated steam with if there was still liquid water, and you definitely have liquid water, because the temperature would need to be higher especially since for the pressure you quoted....roughly 100 psi above saturation at that temp.

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In reply to #34

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/10/2013 10:44 AM

I don't think your math is correct.

Please look up 3 ml.. the volume is 3% of a liter..

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In reply to #39

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/10/2013 11:24 AM

3ml is 0.3% of a liter, not 3%.

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Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/10/2013 11:59 AM

If 3ml were 3% of a liter your 3 cubic inch expansion tank would be more than 1/2 filled with liquid water.


The temperature and pressure would be higher. But I doubt you wouldn't be ready to hear the truth then any more than you are now.


Why am I trying to get in your way with pesky logic and reality.


You deserve to live whatever dream you desire.


What ever you are going to be, be the best at it. If you are going be someone who parades their 'idea' (the miracle of using residential electric service to power a pressure washer to ....wait for it... make water HOT! yea!) around expecting to be hailed as a genius for such innovation, yet is utterly defensive and unwilling to consider the possibility that there might be something they don't completely understand, or didn't think of.....if you are going to be that kind of person, don't do it half way...

...if you are really committed to being a buffoon, take it all the way.

Don't waste your time here, surround yourself with your peers, the people 'running their cars on water', the 'chem-trail' conspiracy theorists, and breathatarians.

Get on youtube quickly. Disable comments and start professing your genius to the world. Your audience awaits. (just not here)

Eternal vigilance is the price of knowledge. - George Santayana
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In reply to #43

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/10/2013 12:41 PM

I'm happy you can heat a Steel impact chamber from 375 degrees to

575 degrees in 2 seconds injecting 150 degree water.

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In reply to #45

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/10/2013 4:58 PM

P1V1/nRT1 = P2V2/nRT2


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Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/23/2013 9:18 AM

Some UK Government advice for this situation:




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In reply to #7

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/09/2013 5:35 PM

In 1890, the Rankine cycle, was established or accepted.

I accepted it myself, my tests concentrated on transferring energy via conduction ( used copper impact ) to atomized water. I was aware of Impact Heat but didn't or couldn't measure it. My goal to eliminate convection and radiation.

I accepted the Rankine cycle, until I eliminated the step, that used external energy to heat water.

You can imagine, the excitement when our internal temperature reached

575 degrees F. and 1340 psi. inside the 375 degrees chamber in 2 sec

I determined the 9mm head bolts losing pressure. With 5/8 inch bolts we got 2,000 psi and 635 degrees in 3 seconds

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Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/16/2013 5:39 PM

Exactly. This plan does achieve realistic work for smaller amounts of money, but it's just one way. And it proves little or nothing that we didn't know about electron configuration, gas generation, or fluid dynamics that we didn't know.

I was impressed with the nanogold in water steam generator from MIT however. That beats this for efficiency because it generates it's steam passively.

And just a point about the question of why not use kinetics to generate steam? That is our typical route to generate steam, by whatever method or process.

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Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/09/2013 5:44 PM

Please be sure to keep us posted on future results.

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In reply to #11

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/09/2013 5:56 PM

Thank You, expect more next week.

I have a Flow International Water Jet pump now.

No more pump failures. This one is direct drive

to 40,000 psi. with a pressure control over flow

at 30,000 psi. So it is quite safe

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In reply to #13

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/09/2013 6:06 PM

"Pressure control over flow"??? Where does that weird terminology come from?

In vino veritas; in cervisia carmen; in aqua E. coli.
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In reply to #15

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/09/2013 6:24 PM

The Direct Drive motor, has a pressure control relief valve.

When set at 30,000 psi, volume is controlled two ways,

The flow volume increases as pressure drops.

The relief valve is the over flow if needed

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Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/09/2013 5:55 PM

..assuming survival is the outcome, of course.

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Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/09/2013 6:05 PM

I don't know if I can post my web site.

It has pictures of my system, the V-2 steam engine,

the electric generator 15 KW Temp

The Apparatus mounted between the cylinders

has everything. Watch the animation in operation.

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Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/09/2013 6:52 PM

I cant make heads or tails of your numbers or what the mean or relate to.

15 KW makes just over 20 HP? Well it should being that 1 HP equals 746 watts.

As far as what RPM it does it at is rather irrelevant to the whole process.

The rest of your numbers and whatnot just go off from there without much of any proper quantification or relevancy to each other as a whole.

So to clarify things what is your input power source and the energy level it's putting in to the system up front?

From that how much steam are you creating and in what volume and pressure and from what volume of water at what temperature?

Lastly what are you measuring all of these values with and how are you getting your final numbers in each step?

In the end I hope you are not claiming this to be a over unity device.

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In reply to #18

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/09/2013 7:45 PM

Sorry, I get ahead of myself.

Power source, is 10 h.p electric motor running the Flow International Water Jet Pump.

At 1750 RPM this motor pumps 120 lbs of water at 30,000 psi through my injectors.

We have infinate adjustments, but will stick with above.

Next my web site you can see my V-2 Engine, it is attached to a Power take off gear reduction at 540 RPM it turns the generator at 3600 rpm.

Steam engines have maximum torque at starting. We use 200 PSI steam this gives us over 200 lbs torque and at 540 RPM exceeds 20 H.P.

Every device is measured at certain RPM. We use 200 psi pressure relief valves

to keep steam pressure down. We measure everything, with pressure transducers

But the Most Important thing, we need to rent a Resistive / Load Bank to Document

the output of our Generator. A common size used to ck emergency generators is 100kw 240 volts .

Everything else is documented with our computers, our ICM ( injector control module)

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In reply to #21

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/09/2013 9:07 PM

So are you saying you are putting 10 HP (~7.5 KW) in and getting 20+ HP (15 KW) out?

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In reply to #26

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/09/2013 9:55 PM

After spliting the atom, we were able to unleash the awesome power hidden inside this seemingly inconsequential particle. 70 years ago nuclear power promised to bring a better and cleaner life for billions on this planet.

Our Mist Energy System is a SOURCE of power, and like the sun virtually inexhaustible. Much like splitting the atom, we unleash the hidden power stored in the molecules of liquid water. It is well known that intermolecular energy holds each and every water molecule to others. Since the earth is 75% covered in water. It is safe to say we have a continuous supply of energy.

High School Science. It is well known that both hydraulic power and the pressure effect of fluid flow are both linear. If you increase the power by a factor of three, your output and your input increase by a factor of three. BUT kinetic energy is exponential. In this example the energy derived from the impact of the water molecules will increase by a factor of EIGHT. Before you release the hidden energy.

Simple physics, abundant supply, and proven in our tests.

We actually get more. Thank you

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In reply to #27

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/09/2013 10:18 PM

So have you been able to connect the output of the 15 KW generator to the input of the 10 HP motor and have the system keep running while being monitored by professional scientists and engineers with the proper test gear?

If not why?

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In reply to #28

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/09/2013 10:59 PM

The 10 H.P. motor is 480 Volts..

The generator is 240 volts. It is quite simple in Florida to rent a Resistive / Load Bank. To measure the output of the Generator.

The 10 H.P. motor is easy to measure the amp draw.

In Florida, emergency generators need to be checked, so to a 100 kw Resistive / Load Bank is always avaliable. You need only to plug the generator in.

I expect to document both next week.

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In reply to #30

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/10/2013 1:23 PM

A transformer would be an easy solution to the mismatched voltage issue. and to me seems like a pretty obvious solution to testing a over unity claim. Especially give the supposed amounts money and time invested so far.

To me the voltage mismatch excuse is like saying you have a vehicle that will go hundreds of miles on a gallon of gas but you never bothered to confirm it because the one tire is missing so you never actually drove it to prove it works.

BTW I work around electric motors of all sizes rather often and I have rarely ever seen a 480 volt only 10 HP three phase motor. Typically they are dual voltage and doing a 480 to 240 volt input input power source change over on the go would be just a mater of using a few contactors and a switch. Pretty simple wiring that most high school students that have been in a shop class could likely figure out.

Then there is the other argument of if it is truly a 480 volt only motor and you have spent thousands of dollars and hours why would the concept of making the input voltage and the output voltage of the system the same not make sense?

What I am saying is that just like so many that have come here before you the big concept seems to be drowning in small but obvious mathematical errors and system functionality details that just don't add up common sense or logic wise.

Then on top of that so far all of your responses are loaded with piles of irrelevant information or misrepresented information like what does renting a restiveness load bank in Florida have to do with answering any part of my question?

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In reply to #48

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/10/2013 1:54 PM

Agreed. Also, the strange language and weird capitalizations are dead giveaways of religious and pseudoscientific crackpots.

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In reply to #49

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/11/2013 9:34 AM

Thank you for such a short powerful description of the "SMOKIE" phenomenon!


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In reply to #84

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/11/2013 10:13 AM

Thank you.

It is strange the U.S. Dept. of Energy isn't interested, but companies

in Germany and Japan are.

All the U.S. Research on Impact energy is for Weapons

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In reply to #48

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/10/2013 3:09 PM

I purchased a used pump from Flow International.

I do have a transformer, given another chance,

I would buy a variable speed motor, for my

direct drive pump.

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In reply to #53

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/10/2013 5:15 PM

This is an excellent example of what TCMTech described in post #48. You make his point very well.

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In reply to #30

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/10/2013 5:19 PM

Please come back and tells us after it is documented with real scientists.

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In reply to #65

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/13/2013 12:46 PM

Now it's clear that some haven't heard of shared technologies & research from real scientist have already been documented and shared so as to help further the facts on many theorem's & suggesting further stud ie on how to merge them together.

Renewable energy Researcher/Inventor
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Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/23/2013 9:34 AM

Could we have that last paragraph in standard English with standard grammar and punctuation, please? I may then be able to parse it with some chance of extracting useful information from it.

Oh wait! I've got it!!

That paragraph is an allegory of an OUD...there is no hope of extracting useful information/energy from it.

As you were.

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In reply to #27

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/10/2013 9:09 AM

Much like splitting the atom, we unleash the hidden power stored in the molecules of liquid water. It is well known that intermolecular energy holds each and every water molecule to others.

Molecules in a liquid are at a lower energy state than in a gas. To separate them requires energy, either supplied as heat (of vaporization) or smacking them against something hard. If that were not so, you could boil water and start a chain reaction!

You make the analogy to nuclear power. Atoms that are heavier than iron have excess binding energy that can theoretically be released, as is done with Uranium atoms in a nuclear power plant. This excess energy was stored long ago when a supernova created these elements out of lighter elements with an input of energy.

The nuclear force which holds the nucleii of these atoms together creates a local minimum energy, sort of like the potential energy of water in a lake in a crater at the top of a mountain. This energy minimum provides a temporary stability which can be overcome by applying energy to get over the "energy barrier", just as energy in the lake could be extracted by allowing the water to flow down the mountain.

The Van der Waals force which holds water molecules together is entirely different. It is always attractive - there is no "energy minimum at the top of the hill".

Sorry, no free lunch today.

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In reply to #37

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/10/2013 11:20 AM

I don't need a free lunch. I run a steam engine, using Impact Heat.

You can hear the Injection ( explosive noise)

I'm upgrading from 1 injector ( 2003 Ford intensifier piston, 15,000 psi)

to 4 Piezo Injectors.. No matter your math.

Flow International, has 17 years experience building my pump, and it

pumps 120 pounds per hour. at 30,000 psi through my injectors.

Thank you, for your effort, I assume you think people involved have no education, and nobody has tried to stop me?

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In reply to #41

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/10/2013 11:54 PM

That explosive noise you hear are you sure it's not the flow from the injectors breaking the sound barrier, pretty common on Flow Waterjets.

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In reply to #80

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/11/2013 10:18 AM

I have no answer, but at 600 rpm using one Ford hydraulic injector,

you can hear the explosive noise. The average human can hear

sounds 10 times a second.

Thank you so much, it is very nice to get valuable information.

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In reply to #90

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/23/2013 9:41 AM

Heavens! Proof that I am super human!!! I can hear things at upto 20,000 times a second.... (I used to be able to hear the lower bat tones)

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In reply to #41

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/23/2013 9:37 AM

How much wear are you seeing on the impact face? What is the projected lifespan of this part?

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In reply to #181

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/23/2013 2:43 PM

With Diesel Injectors ( designed to atomize fuel) I see no wear on S/S 304.

with 6 orifices each 0.005 ..

Pulse, a large injection is .285 ML.. divide by 6..

Everything needs timing, a long injection floods the impact chamber.

We have tried many size Impact Chamber. Most successfull injections

travel .200 to 90 degree Impact. Life span is not important today

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In reply to #37

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/10/2013 12:32 PM

From the Journal of Plasma Physics volume 63 / issue 02 Feb 2000 pp 115-128 2000 Cambridge University press

Arc-Liberated chemical energy exceeds electrical input energy.

Abstract with out detail.. Quote " the fog expels itself from the water at supersonic velocities." Last line in Abstract. " The loss of intermolecular bond energy in the conversion from liquid to fog must be the source of the explosion energy."

Neal Graneau, University of Oxford. His brother Peter Graneau Northeastern Boston I remember reading this years ago, and M.I.T. spent 10 years trying to harness this energy.

I assume, you would tell them, no free lunch. I believe M.I.T. only needed to raise

the ambient temperature in the tests to above 100 C. to prevent condensation. To

harness the intermolecular bond energy, as I do.

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In reply to #44

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/10/2013 8:58 PM

Someone said earlier that you might be putting yourself in danger. I agree because your choice of materials will never last long enough to get any reliable results. They can disintegrate at Murphy's will.

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In reply to #72

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/10/2013 9:07 PM

I'm sorry, my Impact Chamber is S/S 3 inch with 2 inch bore.

All my injector system is right hand of Ford 350 Diesel ( runs 29,000 psi)

from Ford,,

I assume using a FLOW INTERNATIONAL WATER JET, at 75% pressure is

very dangerous.

I think nobody on this site, has ever worked with high pressure.

I quit

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In reply to #26

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/09/2013 10:44 PM

One small note.

Latent Heat or Heat of Vaporation.

The amount of heat required to change a pound of boiling water to a pound of steam.

We don't boil water, at 1700 meters a second our water clusters shatter at temperature exceeding 1800 degrees. Latent heat in water at 706 degrees F. is double 0.0

I never say much about Latent heat, because we skip this step, we don't boil water.

We have super-heated DRY steam, so I don't know the amount of heat released when a pound of steam is condensed, as we never boiled the water

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In reply to #29

Re: Why not use kinetic energy to generate steam

03/11/2013 11:16 AM

"I never say much about Latent heat, because we skip this step, we don't boil water." You have to pay the energy price to convert liquid water to a gas somehow, either with heat or mechanical energy. It takes energy to pull water molecules apart.

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Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/09/2013 7:58 PM

Voodoo magic can make anything happen. That is how the snake oil salesmen did so many years ago. Good luck with what ever your trying to do. But, do make sure that you use good engineering principles and reporting practices. This will help convince others of the reality of process and its uses.

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Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/09/2013 8:26 PM

The units you have been using are all jumbled up and don't make sense. Nowhere have we been given a comprehensible statement of energy in and energy out of this system.

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In reply to #24

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/09/2013 9:06 PM

They are real, we don't boil water.

We make super heated steam by Impact Heating. All our energy in, is used to run our hydraulic pump.

You can measure the electric energy into the motor, running the pump. This model pump cuts metals, and for years, pumps 120 lbs of water per hour at 30,000 psi

I assume you understand this 10 H.P. motor uses no more than 7.5 kw hr..

NOTE WE HAVE NO EXTERNAL HEAT.. All Boilers use heaters to boil water

You will never understand, you waste your time, besides kinetic energy you release stored energy. I'm sorry.

We use diesel injectors, diesel fuel self ignites at 425 degrees releasing stored energy.

Our water clusters shatter at velocities over 15,000 meters a second, releasing the stored energy inside water molecules. This shatters the intermolecular bonds, that hold each water molecule to other water molecules. You need to measure both the kinetic energy ( heat) that shatters the bonds and the Impact Heat.

Thank you for trying.

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Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 6:14 AM

"We use diesel injectors, diesel fuel self ignites at 425 degrees releasing stored energy."

Diesel fuel ignites and combines with oxygen from the air, releasing energy from the heat of combustion. It is not energy that was somehow stored in the molecules of Diesel fuel, or from binding energy between molecules in sufficiently close contact to form a liquid. Yet you seem to be claiming to obtain energy from such an intermolecular energy mechanism in liquid water (or water "clusters" as you call them), by breaking those bonds. In a different post, you suggest that actual molecular dissociation may take place at the temperatures theoretically being reached... Which is it?

From your web site: "This mechanical advantage comes from the fact that the energy needed to increase the velocity is linear and to double the velocity you double the energy. However, the specific kinetic energy derived from the Impact of the water clusters is increased exponentially." One common form of energy storage is kinetic energy. If you increase the velocity, the stored energy increases as the square of the velocity according to 1/2mv2. At 100% efficiency, if the input energy doubled, so would the stored energy - but the velocity would have increased by just 41% in order to account for the squaring factor. This matches your claim in the second sentence, but violates the first. In fact, to double the velocity, you need to increase the energy by a factor of four.

By the way - in another post (#27), you squared 3, and came up with 8, but 32 = 9. Elsewhere, you have units of ms in some places, and MS another; from context, it appears that you might mean m/s (meters per second). Or did you mean milliseconds and manuscript? In still another place, you list torque in pounds: NO! Pound-feet, OK - and we might even forgive the common mistake of giving it in foot-pounds (a measure of potential energy), but it CANNOT be pounds, ever. EVER. You'll get far less flak if you take time to use correct terminology, list appropriate units [and ideally, try to stick to one system of measurement, rather than mixing pounds, degrees Fahrenheit, meters/second, ml (milliliters) and cubic inches, etc.], and to eliminate the irrelevant (rpm in describing horsepower and kW comparisons, e.g.).

" Ignorance and arrogance have more in common than their last four letters. "
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In reply to #35

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 7:31 AM

Thank you for putting that so succinctly.... hopefully the message is well received.

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In reply to #35

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 11:05 AM

Thank you, I have a chart on my web site, for Hydraulic pressure..

It is linear. I also have papers from 2009, right next to it,

this shows at 100 C pure water is positively linear.

In both cases, you can multiply pressure 1 H.P. pumps 1,500 PSI 1 GPM so 10 H.P. pumps 1 GPM at 15,000 PSi

At 103.44 MPa ( 15,000 Psi) pure water flow 1,71 km/s

You are very good at math, 1,700 m/s Specific kinetic energy (J/kg) 1.400.000

We will assume, that 1 H.P. and 1,500 psi measure has 10% of flow also or 170 m/s I'm sure you can understand the Specific Kinetic Energy ISN"T 10 % of 1,400,000 (J/kg) but is aprox 13,000 (J/kg)

This is simple math. It matters little to me, if you can't accept it.

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In reply to #40

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 1:20 PM

"... chart on my web site, for Hydraulic pressure.. It is linear." (post #40)

"... the energy needed to increase the velocity is linear..." (website)

How do you get from pressure to velocity without anything in between? Are you taking this from whatever source you used for post #6? (you didn't provide a link)

"We measure everything, with pressure transducers" How do you measure the velocities that you describe?

"...with 7 orifices each 0.006 in dia." (post #9)

"... and with orifice's [sic] that are .0007 in dia..." (website)

I realize that you may be describing different injectors used at different times in these two citations - and you clearly stated that you had modified injectors in post #32, where you said "... my orifice was bored out, I had 7 each 0.01 .." - but does this mean that your testing has run across a range of over 1400:1 in orifice diameter (and therefore, areas of over 2,000,000:1)? Even disregarding the bored-out ones that didn't work, you're claiming tests over a range of >8.5:1 for diameter, and >73:1 for area? Do commercial injectors with 0.0007" orifices exist?

Even when using pure filtered water, without abrasives, how much erosion of the orifices occurs with such high velocities? You mentioned how waterjets can cut metal [and they'll cut pretty much anything else, too!], but they seem to use steel nozzles only for short-term needs, and tungsten carbide or sapphire for longer life. Does the pulsating flow increase cavitation erosion?

" Ignorance and arrogance have more in common than their last four letters. "
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In reply to #47

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 3:04 PM

Everything has a short life, Ford has Diesel Injectors,

7 orifice each 0.006 and 6 orifice with 0.005

After market, they customize these, sometimes adding 2 orifices.

Sometimes they increases factory, by 30 % then 70% or double.

I learned why it is called R & D. Started making every mistake possiable,

My first Impact chamber was designed for maximum area for conduction.

I learned pure water, de-ionized water, starved steel, and filtered tap water was best, in cutting steel they add water softener.

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In reply to #52

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 5:04 PM

'...Started making every mistake possiable....'


...and with so much practice, you now truly excel that area.


What ever you are going to be, be the best at it! Kudos to you, Sir!

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In reply to #25

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/12/2013 11:34 AM

<...120 lbs of water per hour at 30,000 psi...7.5 kw...> Then it's inefficient. A quick back-of-the-envelope calculation would suggest something a bit north of 3.2kW.

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In reply to #110

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/12/2013 12:50 PM

That's pretty close to what I came up with on my reference material as well when I mention ~4.3 Kw back in post 82. I added an extra KW or so to make up for realistic pump losses with a bit of a fudge factor as well for water becoming a somewhat compressible fluid at 30,000 PSI. Either way it's still way below 7.5 KW.

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In reply to #25

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/14/2013 3:46 PM

smokie! I have a question, I understand that when any fluid is comperssed like pumped pressure it is heat & pressure so why not use the kinetic power to run the generator from a stored pressure accoumlators set of 4 large cap. Not just to run the generators but as the kinetic energy is sometime slower to pump up , it is never below operating range.

Renewable energy Researcher/Inventor
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In reply to #157

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/15/2013 11:00 PM

To compress water, is very difficult you only get 4.4% at 15,000 pounds. And it rebounds instantly. People have tried, still do, pump cylinders full of air, about 4,000 pounds, one guy in france gets about 80 miles, before refill. The big problem is cost, compresing air creates so much heat, all the air compressors have coolers. However one company in Germany, uses this heat for heating the building. If you look back to 1921 you will find out how to recover energy from compressed air. I cant remember the paper.

But Kinetic energy, Impact heat, at 15,000 to 30,000 psi, at impact peaks in about .5 of a micro second. However you need to pre heat the impact chamber above 212 degrees .. The injections are so small , 1800 degrees F returns in less than 1 second but continuous injections as little as 5 of second, will build the heat

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Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 12:20 AM

Well, there are a few problems here.

First, let's put this up front. These forums have seem MANY posters like you-making claims, posting all sorts of numbers, making many exotic claims.

Then, when they are challenged to respond, be an honest scientist and allow their findings to be rigorously reviewed to see if they withstand a fair challenge, they go away, never to be heard from again.

We have seen claims for 100+ mile per gallon fuel systems, "revolutionary" automobiles that will obsolete anything on the road today, someone claims to have made a successful over unity device, etc., etc., etc.

Also, you keep mentioning this website of yours. Where's the web address?

You've got all these numbers floating about all of these posts. There's so much stuff you've posted, the confusion reigns mightly.

You say you've done all this work, but then say you have no money for a study.

So understand that a lot of B.S. alarms are going off in many places.

Plus this; you've been a little snippy with some of the people responding to your claims, and even dropped a couple of insults on them.

Ah, that won't get you very far here.

So, if you really want to be taken seriously, present in a clear and scientific manner. Otherwise, the reception you're getting will continue, and probably get worse.

Speak softly and carry a big stick.
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In reply to #31

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 1:43 AM

Thank you, if you reviewed the mail, I asked if it was ok. my web site is ... I have spent hundreds of thousands of

dollars, just in machine work, and designing tests. I started trying to build a

steam engine, using 2003 Ford Diesel injectors with intensifier pistons.

I did everything wrong, to start, I tried to get max volume per injection, so

my orifice was bored out, I had 7 each 0.01 .. The result was I lost Impact Velocity.

Look at my pictures, look at the MIST Chart, showing Impact heating.

I have over 7,000 hrs, in research and tests. You can see, my ref. If you like to visit my shop in South Florida, your welcome.

Study my web site, I have documents for specific energy on impact from the U S Gov.

I have tests from Japan, on liquid water Impact to solid. with shots of water to

3,750 ms. Another report on test results resulted in paper " Impact Heating

and Conservation of Energy" I assume you understand the Kinetic energy and

the first law of thermodynamics.

In simple terms this translates into the energy input to a system in equilibrium equals the energy out.

I'll make it short. Based on the pressure velocity relationships this can reach speeds of 1700 to over 3000 meters/second. We are exciting th water injectors system to pressures 15000 - 25,600 psi. Pressures used in water jets for cutting metal.

Based on prior research concerning the physics of molecular impact conducted in both Japan and Israel, a variety of events occur when hypersonic water jets impact solid surfaces. In a very short time frame the impacting material experiences heats on the order of 1000s of degrees C.

I quit tonight, but my web site, explains it better.

One more line. The theoretical temperatures are so high that the possibility of chemical disassociation exists.

Good Night all, I suffer for 4 years, mostly didn't say anything, as I learned 99.5%

of people didn't believe, including people who should understand a Theorem.

But my web site, came up Monday. With some adjustments we will film everything.

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Anonymous Poster #1
In reply to #32

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 2:50 PM

Can we please just be done with this foolishness ?.... Just be gone !

Smokie, you claim to have a machine or process that voilates the Second Law of thermodynamics. You claim to have the potential for boundless power generation.

Oh..... and you are also hinting around about money......

You are talking to a group who WOULD STAKE THIER LIVES on the validity of certain scientific principles. ! !

I am as sure of the laws of thermodynamics as i am of the laws of gravity...

If you are so cock-sure of your discovery MAKE A MACHINE AND DEMONSTRATE IT TO THE WORLD.Prove us wrong ! just need a little more money to complete your work.

Otherwise, go to the back of the line with all of the other inventors of perpetual motion machines

Specifically, what is your reason to post your "discovery" on these fora ?.....Is it either to brag or start an argument ?

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In reply to #50

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 3:15 PM

Niether, I have my machine, and all my current tests, generate heat from Impact Heat.

I don't need money, I don't need time, we will film everything next week.

You assume, nothing changes in physics from 1890.

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In reply to #55

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 3:55 PM

Don't mind the anonymous posters. They are just trolls under the CR4 bridge looking to reach up and tie your shoelaces together if you are not paying attention.


So on a more serious inquiry what are your impact pistons or whatever you call the components that you are shooting 30,000 PSI micro jets or water at made of?

What material does not experiential rapid erosion and wearing from that much force being directed at it at your supposed temperatures you are working with?

I am still listening for the moment anyway.

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In reply to #56

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 5:14 PM

I'm anxious to know, as I'm sure the Army would be as well, since by his estimation (somewhere up there) the kinetic energy is equal to that of a kinetic energy penetrator anti-tank round....

Tanks armor has trouble with those, and the material used to bask his 'water clusters' against doesn't seem to be troubled.

Eternal vigilance is the price of knowledge. - George Santayana
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In reply to #56

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 6:20 PM

Good questions, I don't inject water into my cylinders. If you look on my web site, you will see a 20 inch long fully insulated combination Impact Chamber, and 52 cubic inch Expansion chamber. The 3 inch in ( S/S) dia. expansion chamber has a 2 inch bore.

NOTE my engine has a 200 psi relief valve to prevent blowing it up. The good thing about steam is it continually expands and cools.

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In reply to #67

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 8:13 PM

Okay let me try this again since you apparently didn't read the whole question or the part relating to what I asked about.
You are using something you call an impact chamber which would suggest that you are shooting the water against something.
What material are you impacting the water into that doesn't get eroded by the 30,000 PSI jets?
By the way by chance is this device giving off some sort of radiation that affects cognitive neurological function? The reason I am asking is in every response you have made to everyone it appears that you are slightly mentally incapacitated and clearly have difficulty understanding the question and formulating an answer that relates to what was actually asked.

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In reply to #69

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 9:00 PM

I'm Sorry, you don't know S/S is stainless steel?

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In reply to #73

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 9:31 PM

What type of stainless steel is this that is so impervious to these 30,000 psi jets?


By the way, for most common types of S/S what you are doing is not at all safe.


1. You mentioned above you are using tap water (chlorides).


2. You also stated the chambers are pressurized to above 1000psi (stress).

3. You report temperatures of 575F.


Those conditions are sufficient for Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking!


All bickering put aside, when you pressurize those chambers if they any of the most common types of SS, you are putting yourself and anyone around in grave danger.


CSCC can degrade integrity severely in a short time without giving obvious clues. Catastrophic failure will certainly send deadly shrapnel flying.


Even if you doubt what I am saying. Play it safe and don't pressurize anything stainless in the system exposed to those temps and tap water. At the very least look up CSCC for yourself.

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In reply to #67

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 8:36 PM

'.... a 20 inch long fully insulated combination Impact Chamber, and 52 cubic inch Expansion chamber. The 3 inch in ( S/S) dia. expansion chamber has a 2 inch bore....'



Why do the dimensions keep changing? What happened to the 3 cubic inch expansion chamber specified by you early in this discussion fiasco?

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In reply to #70

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 8:57 PM

I have more then 1 engine....

this one is a V-2 double action ( piston valve ) I assume you know

what a piston valve????

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In reply to #71

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 9:27 PM

The point is, in the beginning you specified a 3 cubic inch expansion chamber.


Now when asked for details of this miracle armor material you list dimensions, but completely omit any mention of any 3 cubic inch chamber....


If you are going to continue to generate measurements at your whim that purportedly define some physical system in this reality, please take the time to get all your feces in one sock. It isn't right now... It is everywhere. You and your feces are all over the place.


It is insulting. Have some pride in what you do, if you are going to make stuff up, at least present a plausible illusions ....even just for entertainment sake.



So, do you or don't you have a 3 cubic inch expansion chamber that you used for the experiment you have been providing details about?

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In reply to #75

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 9:44 PM

So you can build a working over unity engine but answering questions relevant to its design, operation, and materials used with relevant answers is too hard?

In case you didn't notice I am leaning heavy on suggesting you keeping your answers relevant to the questions asked.

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In reply to #77

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 10:14 PM

Maybe the OP should take some classes from DaS Energy....

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In reply to #78

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/11/2013 3:12 PM

Oh yea I forgot about him and his 10,000 PSI CO2 what ever it was that was built out of a garden hose and a plastic trash can.

I still would like to know how he got those items to hold together at 10,000 PSI.


So Smokie, what are you shooting your 30,000 PSI jets of water against to shatter them that is not being destroyed by the forces involved?

Is it some form of ceramic or metal carbide material?

This question has been asked numerous time now and we would like a answer that actually relates to this question.

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Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 12:50 PM

Over unity alert, from the MIST website (emphasis added, typos as copied):

"... The energy we must apply in order for our 10 HP pump to produce the required pressure to process 120 lbs. of water per hour is 7.46 Kw which is 124.3 watts per minute to pump 2 lbs. 0f water at 30,000 psi and a velocity of 3,000 m/s. This gives us and output of 1139 watts using only 124.3 watts of energy. The rest of the energy comes from the energy contained within the bonding of the molecules of water..."

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In reply to #46

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 2:51 PM

Impact heat is 569.5 watts per minute. Includes Kinetic energy and heat from exposion of water clusters.

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In reply to #51

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 3:09 PM

There is no such unit as watts per minute. That is just one of the confusions you keep repeating.

Another one is your claim of beiing patented. That's not true until you get the actual patent, which is unlikely to happen. But it's a typical scammer's claim.

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Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 4:04 PM

So far, this statement has some validity, "To generate super-heated steam mechanically, requires using hydraulics, as hydraulics are linear, example 3,000 psi times 10 = 30,000 psi". 3,000 x 10 is, indeed 30,000, regardless of units.

I'm lost on the rest of it.

You've not convinced many here, and your web site is no winner, either.

Show us energy in vs energy out without any fluff.

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In reply to #57

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 4:29 PM

"Show us energy in vs energy out without any fluff."

How clear does it have to be?

Energy going in in kilowatts from a 480 VAC 3 phase source changes to horsepower that changes to foot pounds and some RPM and what not that changes to pressures and volumes that change from milliliters to cubic inches and degrees F that change to velocities in feet/meter/second per hour that change to heat in degrees F change that change to reciprocating motion that changes to foot pounds and RPMs again that change to to gear ratios that change to horsepower that changes 240 VAC (unknown phase) at some amps changes to kilowatt hours that change to BTU's of hot air in that have all been confirmed by government charts in Florida!

What part of this conversion process are you having trouble with?

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In reply to #58

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 4:43 PM

All of the above.

Nice capture of his complete mishmash.

In vino veritas; in cervisia carmen; in aqua E. coli.
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In reply to #58

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 5:18 PM

nicely done.

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In reply to #58

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 10:23 PM

I love it!

Think big. Drive small.
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Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 5:46 PM

"This gives us and output of 1139 watts using only 124.3 watts of energy. The rest of the energy comes from the energy contained within the bonding of the molecules of water..."

So I take it that the water is converted to hydrogen and oxygen. Are you collecting these? If not, you are wasting all that hydrogen that could be "green" energy.

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In reply to #66

Re: Why Not Use Kinetic Energy to Generate Steam

03/10/2013 8:08 PM

"So I take it that the water is converted to hydrogen and oxygen."

And yet, if he WERE doing so, where could the superheated steam be coming from, since steam requires that the molecules be intact? I'm remembering that "Mist" in German is somewhat different than in English. It means "dung", "manure", "trash", etc., and can be used as a mild expletive similar to "damn!" in English. I wonder what made me think of that just now . . .?

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